Hey everyone!

My name is Dayna and I am 25 years old. I stand 5'10" tall and am now on a mission to lose weight and get in shape!

Here's a bit about me if you care to read: I passed through about 23 years of my life lucky that I could eat darn near anything without gaining much weight. When I went through a breakup, I was very depressed and ended up losing a fair amount of weight. I think my lowest was around 120lbs. As I got over the breakup and went back to my normal eating habits, I kind of ballooned up. I now am 200lbs. People often tell me it's because I'm tall that I weigh this much and that I don't look "that bad." Well that's kind of silly because I've been this tall and have maintained a steady weight of 150lbs. I would like to get back to that, ideally. I'll show my mother who has been making snide comments about my weight that I can do it!!!

I'm not very active at the moment. I'm starting to work out but am limited because I have a tendon that is loose in my foot and snaps over my ankle with each step. It's not fun and rather painful. I'm in between seeing a physio therapist and a podiatrist and will most likely be having surgery sooner or later.

Other random tidbits: The most important thing in my life is my dog. I am a lover of puns. My hobby is crocheting which I affectionately call "hooking" which usually results in me getting weird looks from people. I love to travel the world and want to explore more. Not a huge nerd, but I do love video games and some anime.

Lovely to meet you all. Thanks for reading my babbling :)


  • Screechy1
    Welcome Dayna! I just joined as well. One day 2 -on 1200 cal diet and joined gym today! I have 60 to loose....bursitis and back issues resulted in sedentary issues...lots of steroids....and thus wt gain. Have doctor clearance now to get in shape....personal trainer at gym and I have meeting this week to set up my fitness program at gym. We can cheer each other on! Jealous of crocheting....tried to learn several times. We CAN do this!!!!!
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Add me and I'll cheer you on!
  • trivard676
    trivard676 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey guys! Glad to hear that you're so motivated!
  • Memowe
    Memowe Posts: 137 Member
    Welcome! My name is Cori I'm also a lover of puns and a 19 year old crocheter! I also enjoy anime and video games! Together everyone can reach their goals!
  • connieelaine24
    connieelaine24 Posts: 59 Member
    Hello and welcome. I've heard the same things when I've talked about my weight and height. I too am 5'10 and I've heard people say the same things trying to be nice, "well your tall so you can carry more weight". Also those digs from good ole Mom. Although my advice regarding that would be you have to do it for yourself because you are the one that has to love yourself no matter what weight you are. So, I wish you all success on your journey, I think you'll like this program this is only day 10 for me but I have found it to be helpful. :) Hang in there...