What exercises can I do to work up to Sit-Ups/Curls?

First of all, I HAVE to do sit ups because my goal is to join the Navy after graduating college in December 2015; so all you well intention-ed folk who want to tell me sit-ups are dangerous for the spine, convince the military of that. I'm well on my way with push ups, running, and swimming, but I can't do a single sit-up :;( I'm planning on doing planks, bicycle-like crunches with a medicine ball, and (forgive my lack of technical terms) the move where your body is suspended and you bring your legs straight up using your lower abs. I HATE, HATE machines, I prefer free weights, body weight moves, and TRX type suspension stuff. What kind of exercises can I do to work up to sit-ups? What are ALL the muscles involved in doing a sit-up? Would rowing help?


  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Are you making sure your feet are secured when you're trying to do them? I always thought it was harder to do them when you have to keep your feet pressed on the floor, rather than having someone or something hold your feet down.
  • No I haven't been, Ill give that a try. Thanks!
  • Do crunches with your feet at a 90 degree angle by placing your legs on the bed, work up to doing it without the bed support
    Flutter kicks ( did alot of those in boot and is still one of my favorite 'torture' exercises)
    Leg levers, scissors, side crunches

    Don't forget the back
    Reversed flutter kicks
    Dirty dogs

    Oh don't forget push ups, you'll be doing alot of those in basic

    If you want I can hook you up with a good calisthenics workout to start with, just pm me if you're interested

    Also check out www.stewsmith.com for anything from weight loss, basic PT to advanced ( military) fitness

    Good luck