
:bigsmile: Welcome to a community of supportive and encouraging women. The title says Women Ages 50+ but all women are welcome. The journey to health, weight loss, energy, well-being, and longevity is best taken with others who share our goals and values.

:flowerforyou: I hope you will check in here daily and share what’s going on, respond to each other, and ask questions.

:flowerforyou: How did you do with your goals and resolutions for September?

:flowerforyou: What goals and resolutions have you set for October?

:wink: Please sign your posts with your name (or alias) and your location so we can get to know each other better.

:heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

My word for 2014 is “mindful”

September Resolutions (with end of the month comments)
*get the big hole in the back yard ready for planting bulbs ---finished
*seek opportunities to be kind ---this was a good focus for me
*participate in a 30 day plank challenge---every day finishing with six minutes

October Resolutions
*walk 18,000 steps a day
*act the way I want to feel
*strength training twice a week
* answer the letter to my friend that I've been putting off too long


  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Thanks, Barbie! :happy:
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends -

    Katla: Hope all went well with DH's surgery.

    I did not set goals for September and it shows on the scale (no surprise).:tongue: I've lost 2.5 of the 4.5 picked up while travelling almost the entire month. :bigsmile:

    Here's to a new month with fresh resolve. I've read that when you write your goals down, you are far more apt to reach them, so here goes. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    October goals:

    > Minimize consumption of alcohol to two servings per week
    > Register for and attend 50% of Master's swim course
    > Once a week, call someone just to say hello
    > Make plans for how I will use up my remaining paid vacation days
    Word for 2014 = Release

    Stay well. Stay strong. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    Just a really quick check in - having such a busy time at work and over the weekend.

    The good news is I was able to run 3 days in a row with no pain in my foot and I think I am sort of ready for my half marathon in less than 2 weeks now... gulp!

    I know several are going through really tough time and I am so sorry! I hope it gets better soon!
    Brenda - I loved Barbie's advice - it was perfect!

    My goals for October are to lose the 5 lbs that I can't seem to get rid of - that will get me back to where I was in May and then just 5 more to get back to my goal weight! Being able to run again will definitely help!

    Happy October to all - unfortunately it is hot here again - going to be 100 by the end of the week :huh:

    Note that someone mentioned to me that there are just 13 weeks (yes 13!) until the end of the year! How did that happen and where did they all go?

    Shana in Anaheim, Ca
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Thanks Barbie:flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful night!

    DeeDee in NC
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,165 Member
    Joining in again. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Lin in Central Iowa
  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    Thanks Barbie for this group!
    I am 61 and feeling a bit down after gaining 2 lbs back this past weekend going out with family to a country concert and drinking and eating a bit much.
    Cant seem to get into exercising this week.......so these will be my goals
    exercise daily at least 15 minutes doing anything I want ..kettlebells, walking??
    cut alcohol to 2 drinks weekly

    loose 4 lbs this month
    thanks again Barbie, glad to be apart of this.
  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    Thanks Barbie for this group!
    I am 61 and feeling a bit down after gaining 2 lbs back this past weekend going out with family to a country concert and drinking and eating a bit much.
    Cant seem to get into exercising this week.......so these will be my goals
    exercise daily at least 15 minutes doing anything I want ..kettlebells, walking??
    cut alcohol to 2 drinks weekly

    loose 4 lbs this month
    thanks again Barbie, glad to be apart of this.

    forgot to sign
    Jeannie from Cali near Yosemite
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Bumping and saying good night!

    Carol in NC
  • AnneCarolOne
    AnneCarolOne Posts: 33 Member
    Hy Barb, For October I want to lose another 10 ibs., complete my 8K marathon, have a family thanksgiving dinner, and spend Halloween in costume with my grandkids. I missed the last two last year, so I am going to enjoy it doubly this year! AnneCarolOne
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DH had his surgery today and is still in the hospital. He hoped to go home today but things didnt work out that way. His back seems to be dramatically better already but he is not ready to be released.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Did an hour of incline intervals on the treadmill today (3 min at 3%, 6%, 9, 12, 3%etc. 4mph)

    Tomorrow's plan is to go to yoga and then the deep water class. Afterwards, I'm going to try this new place to get my hair colored.

    After exercising went to the dentist, came home and just grabbed something to have in my stomach (I only had some grapes before I left for exercise) and then had a Newcomer board meeting. Came home and strung some more popcorn. Evidentally, one of the other cats (we think it was Loki) nipped at Bonnie and where the wound was was getting worse so we took her to the vet. He expressed the pus out of the wound. Now we'll just keep an eye on it. Came home and strung some more popcorn (down about 1/2 a bag so only have 1-1/2 left), got dinner ready to just put in the microwave.

    Patty - when I was working at the Y I found out that, sadly, almost everything came down to the bottom line (dollars) and there was so much push for "children's fund". I understand that, but even down here, everything seems to be "children's fund, children's fund, children's fund". I was on their board for a while but I realized that they aren't so much into health and fitness as they are into getting members and getting money for the children's fund. I hope your Y isn't like that

    Jan - haven't been to Bush Gardens in a long, long time

    Heather - safe travels

    Carol - crossing everything that they make an offer and you can get it fixed reasonably

    Sylvia - hope you're better fast

    Beth - there's a part of me that wants you to send that virus to NC, but then again, there's another part of me that doesn't want to be sick. Hope you're better real soon

    Tina - hoping for a wonderful trip for you. Can't come soon enough, eh?

    Pat - hope you do get off some of your meds. That always helps

    Deb - glad you had such a great day

    Shana - yea for no pain! You'll do that half marathon, I just know it

    Lin - welcome back

    katla - here's hoping your dad comes home soon

    Michele in NC
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi everyone! It's been over a month since I've popped in here, I've been sooooooo busy with work, and the garden, and processing the harvest. We've had a terrific season, the freezer and pantry are full to the brim. it was a good summer in Oregon! Still having beautiful weather, we're taking a trip to the coast this weekend to celebrate my 60th coming up on Monday. Can't wait to put my toes in the sand! I'm back to logging foods after taking most of the summer off, and yes, putting on a few pounds. Hope you're all doing great!

    :smile: jb in Portland, who was given a few boxes of fruit yesterday, thus the profile pic :laugh: More canning this week!
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    Hi all. I'm Deb in Melbourne, Australia, age 58. My body is stubbornly clinging to the last 3 kilos, which is annoying the crap out of me. I know it's just a number, but I am determined!

    My goal this month is to average 500 calories a day lost through activity over and above normal daily living. This will be combinations of walking fast and far (I have a German Shepherd), Pilates classes and gym work, both cardio and weights. I plan to eat back half of my exercise calories.

    I also plan to really focus on hydrating. Sometimes I have to force myself to drink water.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Katia, I'm glad DH came through the surgery well and hope he's ready to come home tomorrow. What a relief - particularly about his back already feeling better. That's pretty amazing.

    My nephew in Reno is finally feeling a little better. He's been in the hospital with pneumonia and complications for 2 weeks now and has lost 35 pounds that he could ill afford. They were finally able to get a feeding tube far enough in to bypass the stomach. TMI, I know, but I'm so happy to hear that he's doing well. My niece says he looks better and slept well for the first time in a long time.

    Kim, I've been thinking about you and hope family issues are looking up.

    I'm heading up to Tahoe and then Reno on Thursday. I'll be back Monday but may be scarce in the meantime. (I'll be around tomorrow though. :smile: )

    Early to bed tonight for me. :yawn:

  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks Barbie

    bumping for now take care everyone

    juanita in sudbury
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Here's to October.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Hi all, Wednesday afternoon here,
    I saw the dietition this afternoon. She wants me to eat between 1600 and 1900 calories a day. My protein and fibre levels are too low so need to increase them. She suggested 1600 cals on low training days and 1900 cals on days with weigh sessions.She suggested going back to 3 main meals, protein shake after weights session in morning and some protein for afternoon snack again. Happy I have substituted most coffees, except black coffee with breakfast, for herb teas. She said Mondays effort of 1200 cals were far too low and i need to eat again which is difficult with the Duramine I am on. I see her again on 05 November and to take a week's worth of meal and exercise daily plans so she could see difference. She wants me to start training again, but slower and add stuff as I feel the need. to keep Sunday as rest and re-feed day and just walk the dog.
    I see the doctor tomorrow afternoon for her to check weight, BP and heart rate.No headache again today. My BP thing at home is playing up
    I did 30 minutes of Jeannette's cardio kick-boxing this morning and it felt good.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    Thank you Barbie for keeping this going! I don't post often, but check in daily for motivation and tip as well as to see how everyone is doing. You are all in my thoughts and prayers daily.

    Katla- Glad your DH is having less pain already. Hope he gets to go home today. Recovery is so much easier in your own home.Hope you are able to get the rest you need also. It can be very difficult when a loved one is going through surgery.

    Heather- My son lives and works in Manhattan. We get there about once a year and love it. Hope your visit is wonderful!

    DH is off today so we will complete some chores and then take a ride south to find some fresh apples and leaf-peep.

    Hoping to do some yard work, clean out both vehicles, daily housework, and tackle my closet. First will do my walk and weights.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Deb A in CNY
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Heather! Welcome to our side of the pond! I cannot wait to hear all about it! Love the picture of you in Times Square!

    Just woke up and so far no dizziness. More later everyone. Happy October!
