Tips for someone with no self control!



  • donna1432
    donna1432 Posts: 87 Member
    well in a kinder way I did I said ya know this is really important to me and my health and our future and this food is trigger for me so while IM "detoxing" would you mind if I elliminate it till I am strong enough to just say NO.. and by then he/she will not want it either of course wiht anyone if you tell them they "cant" have something thats a battle in itself but if they know they are supporting you doing this it makes the battle that much more easy :)
  • marywells1420
    nope not the only one, I've got 2 young kids and a husband. I've only outlawed my trigger foods. If my husband wants to eat them, he can, but out of the house. My kids don't care either way. I do still buy them snacks but I buy them in smaller individual packages (which are more expensive, but I'm less likely to touch).

    For me, getting rid of my trigger foods is about support. My husband is supporting me in losing weight by giving up the foods that I have no self control with, at least in the house.
  • 185dengbiqi
    185dengbiqi Posts: 36 Member
    I have struggled with binge eating all my life, it is an addiction, the things i have done for food is awful, sometimes i can binge until i am sick!! I am working on it and so far so good but every day is hard, here are some of my tips

    1. i calculate my calorie goal for a week not a day therefore if i splurge and have 500 extra calories i can usually work it out over a week that way I dont go hungry because i ate chocolate for breakfast.

    2. Plan and recognise what your doing and why you are eating, i have a little laminated credit card size card that i keep with me at all times that has my goals on and some motivational quotes i read before i eat anything.

    3. I often write or draw symbols on my hands that remind me of a goal.

    4. Plan meals as much as possible, i sometimes prep my meals therefore i do not need to look through cupboards and think about food and possibly make bad choices, i just take out a box put in the microwave add salad and then i'm done. less time in the kitchen!!

    5. Every night after dinner i have a hot chocolate as a treat then i brush my teeth once i have brushed my teeth i dont want to eat again so its stops my tv snacking.

    6.The item your tempted by translate it into calories you need to burn in order to eat it. Last week i had a chaotic week and wanted a chunky kitkat more than life itself at 200 calories i would have to walk it off, or i have actually walked 3 hours to the furthest petrol station in order to have a treat even though I have a store 2 mins from my house that way i feel justified to eat it.

    7. do affirmations
    8. ask yourself whats more important ...
    9. The most important thing is if you do mess up, forgive yourself, dont let one cookie allow you to eat crap all day long because you have convinced yourself you have failed today.
    Every decision we make can take us a step toward or a step away from our goals!

    I hope these are of some help
  • slynn1023
    Shlynn although those are healthier alternatives they really arent its the same crap just smaller size.. look at the ingredients and a great app to use is fooducate its free and you can scan your foods.. those 100 cal pack are soo deceiving

    I'm not saying they're a "healthier alternative" or to eat 10 of them a day. I was saying if you ABSOLUTELY need to satisfy the craving that only (let say) chocolate can cure, it's a better choice than the 500cal blizzard from your local DQ. :)
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    what triggers the self control is it emotional eating? are you an eater due to boredom? the truth is YOUR are in control of your self control I NEVER bring bad stuff in my home.. if I want a treat like say a bag of chips I will stop get a small bag of lays and that will be my treat ..not cheat but treat give yourself a day for a treat.. say thu nights you have that ONE thing your mising but say its ice cream dont bring a bucket in the house but go to the ice cream parlor have a small frozen yogurt :D then you dont feel like your punishing yourself and you have something to look forward to

    Very Good! You may be paying more for the small quantities but you benefit more.

    I also don't bring junk food into the house. That's my first line of defense.
  • swoodhouse91
    swoodhouse91 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you so so much everyone!! Reading all of these has definitely made me feel more determined and motivated :)
    I'm a really good food shopper- my boyfriend is a fitness fanatic so nothing bad comes into the house. I study for 8 hours a day 5 days a week so boredom/stress eating is a big problem for me, plus I work 3-4 evenings in hospitality (unwanted food everywhere).

    I'm going to give all of this a red hot go! Thanks for the support :) xx
  • Solar_Cat
    Solar_Cat Posts: 188 Member
    ...i can pay attention to the experience of my emotions, and the addictive behaviors all surge through me and then eventually ebb..and go away and after doing that a few times, i started to see that i didn't NEED it. I could have the feeling and then let it slowly..pass.
    Well observed and well stated! This is exactly how to develop self control.

    Many people make what's in my opinion a big mistake: They try to fight against their impulses. That's a good way to suffer, because it makes the mind into a battlefield. But it's not a good way to control impulsive behavior.

    A good way is to look those impulses straight in the eye, not be afraid to experience them as deep feelings in the body and as compulsive thinking. And looking at them, we find out they're not so scary or powerful after all.
  • countscalories
    countscalories Posts: 418 Member
    I work art Haagen Dazs, an ice cream store. The temptation is great but what I started doing was making bets against my coworkers. Any single sample resulted in $20 lost. When money is on the line, it's no joke

    Hah! What a great idea-- I admire your ingenuity!
  • ronitperman
    It comes often when you lose self control. I always try to make distance from that kind of food that force me to gain more fat like sweets, junk foods and more.

    I would like to say that regular exercise is the best way to maintain your weight. Give it first preference in your life. Walk regular, do cardio, aerobics. Yoga is also very beneficial for weight loss as well as it gives other health benefits also. You can try some natural health and weight loss supplement it help to crab appetite and help you to lose weight. Before taking any supplement first consult with your doctors for more benefits.
  • MADTennisLifestyle
    I recommend every on of you who want to change in any or better in every area of life this book:

    NO, i dont get money for it.

    It's a free book and that book is amazing.
    If you want to change.
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    give it a try and read it! you will not regret it! :)

  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    First, if it happens, you have to accept it and move on. Just because you have one bad day, don't give yourself permission to give up. One day of not so good eating isn't going to kill you, just like one day of eating really healthy isn't going to save your life.

    When I'm having those stretch of a few days of fighting myself not to go crazy, I get on MFP and read the message boards or I google success stories or inspirational quotes. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in it I forget i was craving something. Also the success stories are definitely encouraging and motivate me to continue.

    I agree with this. Just accept that every one of us has times where we screw it up and over eat. The biggest tip is to stop calling yourself a failure, forgive yourself when you screw up and eat everything in the house, and keep going.