Contemplating Cheat

Contemplating allowing a Cheat Day once a month or once a fortnight
and wanted to get some your opinions or thoughts ...

Lost 11.9 Ibs (5.4 kilo) in several weeks and know its good to take a day every now and then to
appreciate foods etc that might otherwise be taboo for your new life style ...

I can remember crossing paths with a person i considered to look extremely fit and healthy
and after chatting a while learnt that they are very strict 6 days a week and 1 day a week eat what they feel like as a reward etc ...

Would love to hear the thoughts of others who are on a successful path with fitness.


  • lillyrose2020
    lillyrose2020 Posts: 178 Member
    Well done on your weight loss so far!
    I have days where I have more indulgent dinners and treats, I eat out and don't restrict myself of everything that I enjoy, I just eat less of it. I do continue to count calories and try to stay within them where possible. For example, when I have a busy social life and eat out a lot, I just ensure the other meals that day are very light. even if I have 1,000 calories at dinner and much smaller breakfast and lunch, it is still within my calories.
    For me personally, if I were to do a total cheat day and not count/log calories it could end up as a bit of a binge session and it would ruin my progress, but everyone is different.
  • Shazdei
    Shazdei Posts: 9 Member
    Hey girl, good job for the pounds lost already!

    DO IT! Do the cheat days. They're what keep me sane.... As long as you don't fall off the bandwagon it's all good. I've lost a fair amount of weight already with cheat days so it's really no problem ;)
  • MsWendyjc
    MsWendyjc Posts: 63 Member
    Thank you both!

    I'm over the moon with the amount dropped recently and don't want to fall of the wagon,
    Human i am and i think i will require the occasional treat but not every day :)
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    Good for you for your progress so far.
    One of the best pieces of advice I got was to log everything.....the good, the bad and the ugly. I never used the term cheat (I know semantics) but did have planned over days for special events. I think logging those days were some of my best learning experiences and I made sure I enjoyed every mouthful of those special meals. Mediocre food soon lost any appeal.
    No food was ever taboo for me. It was just that some foods took up to much of my calorie allowance but I always knew I could have them if I wanted.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,064 Member
    Contemplating allowing a Cheat Day once a month or once a fortnight
    and wanted to get some your opinions or thoughts ...

    Lost 11.9 Ibs (5.4 kilo) in several weeks and know its good to take a day every now and then to
    appreciate foods etc that might otherwise be taboo for your new life style ...

    Alternatively you could not have any taboo foods and just allow those foods into your new lifestyle in small and/or infrequent amounts - as long as your weekly calorie level is around your goal, you will still lose weight.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I had a cheat day around once a month during my weight loss. It never slowed me down a bit. However, I know some people who have a hard time because they have trouble getting right back on the routine the next day.
  • MrsJane05
    MrsJane05 Posts: 44 Member
    I think 'cheat day' is the wrong word, how does 'free meal', or 'reward' sound. I allow myself 1 chocolate bar on weigh day (Wednesdays), only if I have lost weight for that week. I find this keeps the sweet cravings at bay, as I know that I should be able to have chocolate on these days.
    I also have one treat meal on the weekend, much like the person above mentioned, eating a 'smaller' amount during the day to allow for the high calorie dinner. I really plan this meal, for example, I might get a 'craving' during the week for Thai food, so I will find the menu of my favourite Thai restaurant and order my absolute FAVOURITE dish on the Saturday night, savouring the flavours, eating slowly one bite at a time and enjoy 'guilt free'.
    This works really well for me, it means I can sustain clean eating every other meal of the week, and still feel human with no deprivation or over indulging.
  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    I think before anyone has a cheat day, it best to think what got us into our current situation in first place.

    Can we have something then put it to one side or do we have to munch till it gone?

    Will we crave what we cheating on day after?

    For those that can have something then not bother about it afterwards then yeah cheat days fantastic, but for those who get cravings it probably not such a good idea, as that cheat day could make the following days seem a 100 times worse.
  • desidieter
    I have cheat meals sporadically (err...well, lately, I've been kind of bad and have them more often than I should, lol), and it's worked for me. I've lost 14 lbs while still working in a few full on cheat days where I eat literally whatever I want and don't log. I think the key to successful cheat days is to not have too many of them. I personally feel like once a week is too often, but I guess it depends how badly you're cheating. I budget in some indulgences into my normal weekly calories, and I log those. But then every few weeks, depending on how I've done on my non-cheat days, I give myself a full on cheat day. It's been working for me so far. If it ever becomes an issue, then I'll stop and reevaluate my methods at that point.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i follow IIFYM, so i dont need to 'cheat', i can eat yummy things every day.
  • BumbyDog
    BumbyDog Posts: 70 Member
    i follow IIFYM, so i dont need to 'cheat', i can eat yummy things every day.

    What's IIFYM?
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I try to give myself a cheat day once a month just because I can't fit some things into my calorie because I can't find the calorie content listed for the foods. I also enjoy a Blizzard from DQ every 6 to 12 months and it's impossible to fit anything good from there into your calorie count.
  • frisco111
    frisco111 Posts: 44 Member
    I eat chocolate cake (30g) everyday. I log it and its within my caloric intake. I can not imagine denying myself my favourite foods. So I don't do cheat days as I don't need to however I fully understand where you coming from. Too much restriction can lead to binge attack or even worst - complete reverse of your progress so far. I would suggest as others logging it to have a full picture.

    Keep it up - you are doing great :)
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I don't have any taboo foods so no need for a cheat day. Understanding that no food by itself is good or bad it's just food, and can be a part of an overall healthy well balanced diet has been a key in my success.

    When you start labeling food as taboo or off limits, will make me want it even more. I eat dessert almost nightly and have since I started, I had 3 of the cookies that are in my picture currently last night. I just made them fit into my day.

    Also when I think of cheating it has a negative aspect to it, as I'm doing something wrong. If I go over for a day, I don't feel guilt, I don't think it's negative, I enjoy it, log it, and move on.
  • MsWendyjc
    MsWendyjc Posts: 63 Member
    I won't alter my calorie intake anytime soon,
    I battled for months on end last year and nothing would shift my weight,
    now i seem to have found the right calories to suit.

    I'm loving the input from you all, it gives good perspective on things,
    I realise its alright to be human and its a better idea for me to eat what i like and make it fit ..

    I haven't touched a drink in several weeks and will have one at some stage but for now i'll
    keep at this until i reach a bit lower and will iron out the bits and bumps ( work out whats alright and whats not)
    to enjoy the journey!
  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    It works for me!

    I mean, there are limits. If you're strict 6 days a week and then have a 7000 calorie binge, then thats no good.

    But being pretty good during the week, maybe with a couple of treats and then eating at maintenance on a Saturday so you can have a couple extra roast potatoes or a nice double helping of pasta...hell to the yes.

    Edited to add - I don't see it so much as "cheating" as "treating". I'll maybe eat things, or more of certain things, because it's a bit of a treat. It's not bastardizing certain foods or calling them "bad, it's just putting a limit on their general consumption and then thinking "hey, I'll have a bit more that today because it's been a long week AND GODDAMN IT I WANT IT!" And not feeling guilty about it.
  • MsWendyjc
    MsWendyjc Posts: 63 Member
    I guess its not right calling it a cheat day because i aim on winning and your all right its about balance
    and not going overboard with any one item ...
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    i am all about the "celebration meal" - not so much on the "cheat day". I also follow a few rules from the program I was on for those celebration meals -primarily no seconds. I have been on maintenance since June of 2012 and that one rule for celebrations meals has worked well.

    Best wishes on finding the best way for you to enjoy a celebration meal or day and keep on your fitness path goals!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I have cheat meals (which unfortunately do tend to turn into cheat days) when I just NEED a day off... and I don't waste it on just about anything, but make sure I eat something I've been craving for a while and is hard to fit in my calories.
  • Jennifer10723
    Jennifer10723 Posts: 374 Member
    I watch Extreme Weight Loss and they call it a "reset meal" because it confuses your metabolism and resets it after it gets used to the same amount of calories every day. They say it is necessary to keep your body guessing.