Please, I need some help...

absie107 Posts: 290
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I keep binge eating... I'll eat well for a day or two, then start out eating well in the morning/afternoon.. but then night rolls around and all bets are off. I never had this kind of cycle before... but I've been doing this for a while now and it's terrible.

If anybody could recommend anything.. please help me out. To clarify: I eat plenty of food on the days when I eat the way I wish I ate all the time - never EVER below 1200, or even 1300, and I 1500-1600 or even more on days when I have strenuous workouts. I don't deprive myself... I just can't stop this cycle. I'm seeing a therapist for anxiety and stress and have discussed the fact that I binge when I get stressed, but I found myself bingeing today for no reason at all - not even just overeating a little bit from boredom, but full out destroying a bunch of food.

I used to eat well - this summer and last year were what helped me lose over 20 pounds. I don't want to gain that back, and I wanted to lose more, but now I don't feel that I even know how to eat normally anymore..


  • bmij
    bmij Posts: 2 Member
    I understand the frustration. You have to be strong for yourself and for your health. Drink more water that helps keep me full. Eat healthy snacks throughout the day to satisfy those cravings. You can do it!
  • could you stop yourself - like literally say out loud - stop! and think about why you're doing it. would writing a journal entry help - to explore or address the feelings that are making you sabotage your efforts?

    what are you binging on? can you just not keep those foods in the house? get rid of them.

    good luck!
  • JacquieHove
    JacquieHove Posts: 7 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? That is a huge hunger fakeout.
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    I think that you have taken very important first steps- you recognize the problem and you want to address it. You are also seeking help for anxiety, and that is also a huge part of you being able to see your weight loss through, and find a comfortable healthy lifestyle that works for you.

    I noticed on your profile that you are largely a vegetarian, sometimes pescetarian. (sp?). So I have to ask- from a dietary perspective, are you eating enough fat? Calories aside, healthy fats lead to a feeling of fullness and satisfaction- one which even affects brain chemistry. In addition to seeing a therapist for emotional reasons- maybe a nutritionist can help you tweak your diet and help you incorporate healthy fats and good for you foods like omegas and antioxidants....

    Hang in there- be patient with yourself, and keep trying. You're gonna make it.
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    You are going to have to do what I did. Get everything out of the house that you are not suppose to eat. Then when I feel that I must eat something, I go and do exercise. If I don't exercise 1st, I can't eat anything else. Make it a rule. Don't eat more than you can exercise off.
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    I'm trying... I swam a mile today, actually! And in terms of eating fat, I actually went way overboard on peanuts (i've been trying to include more fat and protein lately and less carbs...) I just couldn't stop myself for some reason, then I went and ate a bunch of other crap and made myself feel sick. Guh.

    Some days I just do so well, and others turn out like this... I want to make this a once a month kind of thing, not twice a week..
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