How can it be hard to eat all your calories?



  • mkspriggs
    mkspriggs Posts: 26 Member
    I know in my case being in the army i burn roughly 800 to 1500 calories a day so trying to eat that much more is hard for me. my diet is 1900 already so adding that to it is putting me at 3000+. And I choose not to eat it all because if i do it will be junk with my kids,lol. but honestly it isnt easy for me to eat 3000+ calories in one day
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    This is directed to all vegetarians -
    Have you tried quinoa? One of my best friends is vegetarian and eats quinoa (and quinoa pastas) to add calories/grain/protein to his diet. I've actually found that I really like it, too! Ancient Harvest makes a quinoa linguine (one 2 oz. serving is about 200 cal) that tastes like the real thing. And I love to use quinoa in a stir fry rather than just boring rice.

    Yep. I've been eating it for years...long before it became popular because it is the only vegan source of all 8 essential amino acids.
  • People say they can't reach 1200 cals because in their mind if they reach that they are fat.
    That is how I felt not too long ago and still feel like that.

    There is no way in hell anyone can not reach 1200. It's easy to reach 1200 even on fresh foods...etc!

    A lot of people on here eat less than 1000 and they say they are just not's all a lot of talk, they are hungry, they just won't eat. And they want the satisfaction of someone telling them it's okay.

    I've been through it, and still struggling to reach 1200 most days because in my mind I'm scared Im eating too much when I know Im not.
    Agreed on all fronts!
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    I find it hard...

    my explaination is...Im a mother of two young boys who have a busier social life than mine... I work full time... I exercise 4-5 times per week, an hour two nights 20-30 mins the other nights...

    I eat breakfast, mostly on the go... mid morn snak, a banana or something, sometimes I dont have time to grab mid morning snak.. Lunch, which I usually rush because I only get half an hour break, and most time I eat through it... I drink coffee like water...all day at work... then I get home and make something quick for all to eat... my kids have their tea at after-school club so they only wnat something lite later... then when Im finished tea time.. homework time... bath time... tudy everything up time... i try an squeeze in a 20 min workout... by then, im too shattered to eat a full dinner so end up having something light again... I find it hard because Im too darn busy... sometimes Im able to stick something in the slow cooker in the morning before I go work... sometimes my partner cooks... but other to that, I aint got time to eat...

    weekends.... well they are different... even though I spend weekends preparing for the following week, I eat like a horse! all the right things... and Ill go over my 1200 cal limit VERY easy.... during the week? it doesnt happen... and the worse thing is, each time you exercise, you add to the allowance!! aarrgghh!!

    I will definatley have to re-assess my eating patterns, get my partner cooking up at least once during the week to ease the pressure...

    I dont follow a strict diet or anything, but I am aware that a chicken salad sandwich is much better for you than a mcdonalds...if you catch my drift....

    hope this helps!
  • P90XLE
    P90XLE Posts: 7 Member
    While doing INSANITY, I was up to 3000 calories a day and found it very difficult to eat that many calories. So I started to double up on my portions. For example I would have 2 cups of Kashi cereal in the morning, 6 oz of chicken for lunch instead of 3 oz etc. I found that I was able to easily reach my calorie needs of 3000 calories.

    Hope this helps.
  • TeresaJTuck
    TeresaJTuck Posts: 64 Member
    I'm confused. How many calories are you eating a day? You mentioned something about 3,000 calories. Are you eating that many calories a day?
    I weigh 188.6 and I eat 1,400-1,500 calories a day. I eat 6 small meals a day, not just Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Do you like fruit? Fruit is VERY good for you. Also, there's 100 calorie snacks, Graham Crackers, just all kinds of stuff you could eat for snacks.
    This is what I eat on a typical day.
    1 package instant oatmeal
    1/2 banana
    1 teaspoon peanut butter
    2 packages of sweetner

    2 slices 45 calorie bread
    1-1/2 oz. Deli Turkey
    1 oz. Deli Ham
    1 slice swiss cheese

    4 oz. chicken or meat(low-fat)
    1 medium potato
    1/2-1 cup veggie

    Snacks in between meals.
    For snack you do a search on the internet for 100 calorie snacks. It should give you a whole list of different things to eat.
    I LOVE the 100 calorie snacks.
    I eat fruit, graham crackers, low-fat cottage cheese, 80 calorie yogurt like: Fit&Active, etc.
    Just eat sensible(think small).

    I do hope this helps.
    You can write me back if you want to.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I am a clean eater, so with the exception of my morning latte which is still under 200 calories, I eat mostly fresh, whole food. Which usually means low-cal.

    And yet I have to watch myself like a hawk to make sure I don't go over. I am generally ravenous because I work out 5 - 6 days a week. I read all these posts of people struggling to fill up....I could easily fill up, and then some! I don't get this? On an average day I eat greek yogurt, fruit and granola for breakfast. Morning snack, fruit. Sandwich and veggies for lunch. Afternoon snack, protein bar. Well rounded dinner of a meat, a veggie, and a complex carb. I could very easily add a few crackers with peanutbutter, a smoothie, and another few pieces of fruit into my day if my calories allowed. I am nowhere near stuffed to the gills, just satisfied enough. I'm only programmed to lose 1 lb a week.

    Can someone shed light on how they manage to work out, eat right, and have trouble finishing their daily intake? Are people supposed to be eating 3,000 calories a day? Are they burning a thousand? So confused!

    I hd made some changes to my portions and eating to lose some weight when I was just working out at a moderate level. When my exercise became much more intense (like running 20 miles) my body had grown accustomed to the healthier changes I had made... I was feeling full when I added an extra apple or so to my day and really had a difficult time meeting my goals someday...but I was making very conscious healthy choices to the best of my ability...I could easily blow a day with one meal out however....but I don't eat that might be part of it...and I try to eat the fruits/veggies. proteins before the simple starches etc
  • hahahollylol
    hahahollylol Posts: 160 Member
    I'm reluctant to wade into this, but here I go:

    I am one of those people who has trouble eating any more than 1100 calories a day. I have a moderately active job and I burn at least 350 calories (often more) in cardio exercise daily. The reason I'm in this predicament, I think, is because I'm eating so many vegetables, and some fresh fruit. On a typical day, I eat 1.5 cups fresh vegetables, 2 cups of salad greens, another cup of steamed vegetables (at least), and often a snack of low-sodium V-8. I also try to get two medium pieces of fresh fruit. I fill in the rest of my daily food intake (lean protein, whole grains) around those basics. The vegetables really--I mean REALLY--fill me up with few calories. I often find myself at the end of the day having consumed under 1000 calories and having to eat something else just to get above 1000.

    So, there you have it, for what it's worth. I think we're all just different.

    Good luck.

    I have also been the same way lately. I have a hard time finding a way to eat up the rest of my calories.
  • fevre
    fevre Posts: 60 Member
    I think it can be broken up into a few different causes-

    1. Eating disorders. People with anorexia see themselves eating as few calories as possible, sometimes in severe cases even only a few hundred or less. I've seen a diet plan in the anorexic community called the "2, 4, 6, 8" diet where one switches between eating 20, 40, 60, or 80 calories a day. They are, obviously, in starvation mode, so they plateau and see gains when they eat only a quarter of what most people eat every day! If you imagine someone who has come from this background, you can understand why gains after a few hundred calories can lead them to doubt they'll lose weight eating 1200 every day. However, as someone said earlier in the thread, once one gets up to 1200/day, their metabolism will eventually return to them and they'll find themselves finally losing weight!
    Imagine this situation also in someone who doesn't necessarily have anorexia, but is just very keen on their diet - MFP could have given them a goal of 1300, but they're "overachievers" who want to lose the weight quickly, so they cut a few hundred off of that. Suddenly at 1000 calories a day, they're in starvation mode and their metabolism slows. So they stop eating their exercise calories or diet even harder, pushing them even farther into starvation mode, etc etc. It's the same reasoning used by the anorexics, though the person doesn't have the accompanying mental disorder and is simply not aware of the concept of the 1200 minimum.
    Not to mention, of course, the body grows used to whatever amount of food it's given, whether that's enough or not. Someone who severely undereats will stop feeling hunger as often as they should and may even feel like they're overeating if they increase their diet to a healthy amount, just as someone who severely overeats will feel like they're starving if they cut down to a healthy caloric intake. This is the reason that people who have become overweight through eating too much can't imagine how anyone could have trouble reaching their goals - they feel hungry enough as it is!

    2. Size! Like people in this thread have said, petite women can have trouble getting in all their calories. Do a mouse and an elephant get full on the same amount? Of course not! Smaller things come with smaller stomachs, that get filled up by less food. So the same meal could fill up a petite woman while someone larger may not be satisfied.

    3. WHAT you eat. This is my biggest problem in my diet - I hate the taste of a lot of healthy foods. I can't stand quinoa, beans, or vegetables, and my favorite foods in the world are beef and pasta. You can see how that can add up quickly, not to mention being in college in New York, a city famous for its restaurants and great places to eat! It's hard to pass up your favorite foods or activities, so if your favorite foods aren't healthy or you looove going out to eat, they can be a big source of calories for people! I envy the poster earlier in this thread who eats so many vegetables - I wish I could eat more like you!

    Wow this turned out way longer than I meant it to. Sorry everyone!
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    Just read through all the replies to this post, I should have done it before I wrote my reply but hey...

    Folks, honestly, every one is different... different walks of life, diets, sizes, heights, life choices, mentalities even... just because one person has to eat 20,000 calories or 10 calories, it doesnt mean everyone else does... Yeah, some of us eat like pigs, yeah some of us cut back toooo much but I thought MFP was all about tracking our own calories and be supportive towards others, not grinding them down because they are indiffernt to ourselves... why not be helpful and share tips instead... ? aint it easier? I know I could do with some.... Just my thoughts after reading through...
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I think it can be broken up into a few different causes-

    1. Eating disorders. People with anorexia see themselves eating as few calories as possible, sometimes in severe cases even only a few hundred or less. I've seen a diet plan in the anorexic community called the "2, 4, 6, 8" diet where one switches between eating 20, 40, 60, or 80 calories a day. They are, obviously, in starvation mode, so they plateau and see gains when they eat only a quarter of what most people eat every day! If you imagine someone who has come from this background, you can understand why gains after a few hundred calories can lead them to doubt they'll lose weight eating 1200 every day. However, as someone said earlier in the thread, once one gets up to 1200/day, their metabolism will eventually return to them and they'll find themselves finally losing weight!
    Imagine this situation also in someone who doesn't necessarily have anorexia, but is just very keen on their diet - MFP could have given them a goal of 1300, but they're "overachievers" who want to lose the weight quickly, so they cut a few hundred off of that. Suddenly at 1000 calories a day, they're in starvation mode and their metabolism slows. So they stop eating their exercise calories or diet even harder, pushing them even farther into starvation mode, etc etc. It's the same reasoning used by the anorexics, though the person doesn't have the accompanying mental disorder and is simply not aware of the concept of the 1200 minimum.
    Not to mention, of course, the body grows used to whatever amount of food it's given, whether that's enough or not. Someone who severely undereats will stop feeling hunger as often as they should and may even feel like they're overeating if they increase their diet to a healthy amount, just as someone who severely overeats will feel like they're starving if they cut down to a healthy caloric intake. This is the reason that people who have become overweight through eating too much can't imagine how anyone could have trouble reaching their goals - they feel hungry enough as it is!

    2. Size! Like people in this thread have said, petite women can have trouble getting in all their calories. Do a mouse and an elephant get full on the same amount? Of course not! Smaller things come with smaller stomachs, that get filled up by less food. So the same meal could fill up a petite woman while someone larger may not be satisfied.

    3. WHAT you eat. This is my biggest problem in my diet - I hate the taste of a lot of healthy foods. I can't stand quinoa, beans, or vegetables, and my favorite foods in the world are beef and pasta. You can see how that can add up quickly, not to mention being in college in New York, a city famous for its restaurants and great places to eat! It's hard to pass up your favorite foods or activities, so if your favorite foods aren't healthy or you looove going out to eat, they can be a big source of calories for people! I envy the poster earlier in this thread who eats so many vegetables - I wish I could eat more like you!

    Wow this turned out way longer than I meant it to. Sorry everyone!

    Excellent points, and well said.
  • Yup, can burn 1300 calories in 70 -75 minutes
  • Just read through all the replies to this post, I should have done it before I wrote my reply but hey...

    Folks, honestly, every one is different... different walks of life, diets, sizes, heights, life choices, mentalities even... just because one person has to eat 20,000 calories or 10 calories, it doesnt mean everyone else does... Yeah, some of us eat like pigs, yeah some of us cut back toooo much but I thought MFP was all about tracking our own calories and be supportive towards others, not grinding them down because they are indiffernt to ourselves... why not be helpful and share tips instead... ? aint it easier? I know I could do with some.... Just my thoughts after reading through...

    I read through the entire thread, amazed at the opinions and 'tones' that came across in the messages --- decided not to post on one side of the fence or the other. But I must say --- I completely agree with you --- well said!
  • bizybeemom
    bizybeemom Posts: 84 Member
    I understand how it would be harder to reach the higher calorie amounts, but I totally agree that it is hard to fathom struggling to get to 1200 calories. I never struggle to get there, even when I follow my plan to the letter. Glad there are others who feel the same, I was begining to think I was crazy! I guess if it's hard to eat 1200 calories, consider yourself lucky. Some of us must have stronger hunger feeling.
  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    I think the topic nobodys addressed is why this topic was brought up. Sure people are different sizes, or exercise more, or have more muscle, or don't get hungry.....
    That's fine. But what's annoying to see (sorry, but it is) is the "how can I make it to 1200 calorie" threads everyday. Eat something! We all know nuts and avocado and some fruits are calorie dense, not to mention all of the garbage out there. If you exercise too much or only eat vegetables all day, ramp up your healthy fats/nutrient dense foods listed above.

    Otherwise it just seems like a "pay attention to my undereating" plea to those of us with bigger appetites. Sorry if its a little cranky, but I'm just telling the truth.
  • llbonn
    llbonn Posts: 12 Member
  • llbonn
    llbonn Posts: 12 Member
    I have the very same problem and eat an identical diet! When adding 60 minutes of cardio and burning 600 calories I find it impossible to get to 1200 calories a day. When exercising I lose my appetite. I also drink at least 12 8 oz glasses a water a day and always have because I love water. I think all the fiber from veggies and whole grains mixed with all that water makes it nearly impossible to stuff anything else in there.
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    I think the topic nobodys addressed is why this topic was brought up. Sure people are different sizes, or exercise more, or have more muscle, or don't get hungry.....
    That's fine. But what's annoying to see (sorry, but it is) is the "how can I make it to 1200 calorie" threads everyday. Eat something! We all know nuts and avocado and some fruits are calorie dense, not to mention all of the garbage out there. If you exercise too much or only eat vegetables all day, ramp up your healthy fats/nutrient dense foods listed above.

    Otherwise it just seems like a "pay attention to my undereating" plea to those of us with bigger appetites. Sorry if its a little cranky, but I'm just telling the truth.

    I'm sorry if I offended anyone here by posting that I typically eat fewer than 1200 calories and am not hungry. I posted only in response to the original question that was posed, which was, "How can it be hard to eat all your calories?" My point was to simply state that, in my case, I think it's because I eat a high proportion of vegetables. I was not complaining. I was not whining. I was not *lying*, as so many here have posted people like me must be. And, I am not mentally ill, as another poster speculated about people who eat fewer calories and "claim" to not be hungry. Oh, yes, and it was not a plea for attention. It was my honest attempt to present another side to the discussion.
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    I am one of those people who are having a hard time eating those calories. I am trying really I am because I want to to this right. I want to lose weight but more important I want to be healthy. Honestly though I am not hungry. I am also not looking for anyone to tell me its ok either. I know its not from reading the information available to me here.

    My life never included breakfast, or lunch ever. I have to litterally force something in my mouth in the am and most of the time I have been doing the slim fast shake with a banana because everything else is to heavy. I dont think over eating is the reason I am as heavy as I am. I think total lack of excersise is. I mean 0. I also am struggling with the idea that I HAVE to eat those calories or I wont lose the weight :/ I will admit that, all this is a new concept. Yet I am still eating and I am proud of that! VERY! This is more "real" food that I have put in my body in a long long time. Sure I could easily grab a piece of cake or something and reach 1200 but I want to do it healthy. So I am learning :) I spent 2 1/2hrs in the grocery store today reading labels comparing and educating myself just the smallest bit on what I am putting in my body. I will also say drinking so much water is something I have never done. It makes me feel full, then I dont want to eat because I am not hungry and the cycle repeats :/ I am hoping my body finds a happy existance between food, water and excersise. Until then yes I struggle to get over 1,000 calories but I am working on it :)
  • MeghanAM
    MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
    I have trouble getting over 1200 calories some days. I have two separate problems:

    1. I've had some kind of disordered eating going on for a long time before this. I used to eat about one meal and 10 cups of coffee a day. Granted, it wasn't a healthy meal, or a correct portion size, but I'm just not used to eating this much food! My usual eating pattern was to get up in the morning, start drinking coffee whenever I felt hungry at all, and then eat whatever I felt like at dinner time. Over time, I pretty much stopped getting hungry, and also lost any knowledge of what makes a "serving".

    2. Now that I'm tracking everything and trying to eat correctly, I don't want to go over sodium or sugar or anything. Even being too low on calories, I'm almost always over on everything else, and I don't want to be! So while I could force down another snack even though I'm not hungry, I hate adding a yogurt and watching the sugar spike up, or an avocado and the sodium.

    I'm sure at some point, the 1200 will come naturally to me. But it is hard to do now, and that is in no way an attention-seeking statement or a lie. The original post was not judgmental, just curious, but I see the comments that people took badly and I understand why.
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