Washington Redskins



  • chriscolh
    chriscolh Posts: 127 Member
    I can't help but think that if the Native Americans aren't offended, we really shouldn't be. I live in Utah, and the University of Utah's mascot is the "Running Ute." (Just fyi, the Ute tribe was the native American tribe living here when this area was settled, and is the root of the name of our state.) The university does outreach programs to the Ute tribe and is in full communication with them regarding their mascot. The tribe is not only accepting of the university having the Ute as a mascot, but some have said that it is an honor because the mascot is brave, strong, and fast. I think that as long as the name/logo is treated with respect, there shouldn't be a problem. I realize there may be connotations with the name that are derogatory that maybe I don't understand, which is why those who are native American or of that heritage need to be the ones who make the call.
    That being said, I am really getting sick of people who truly have no connection to certain matters telling me to be offended by things where I don't believe any offense was ever intended. But that's just my two cents...
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    while we're on the subject of things indian related, I think honoring bastages such as the Oklahoma Sooners is offensive...

    I agree. Also, we should stop exploiting animals. Total ban on all teams named after a bird, mammal, animal or insect. In addition, extreme weather conditions cause heartache and pain to many people. To name something after an extreme weather condition would be offensive. Total ban on the use of cyclones, hurricane, tornado, wave(this includes Crimson Tide), etc.

    Go Dawgs! (I just offended a bulldog. I will have my lawyer issue a statement.)
  • jfbisbee
    jfbisbee Posts: 21 Member
    Darn it! Just change the name to Foreskins and eliminate this controversy.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    Team names like Warriors, Chiefs, Braves, et cetera, celebrate the nobility of the Native Americans. The name Redskins was derogatory from its inception, no different from calling a Mexican person a wetback, or a Jewish person a kike. Imagine if a team tried to call itself one of those names?

    I'm not sure what your sources are but here is some interesting reading for you.
  • SuperVixen2B
    SuperVixen2B Posts: 218 Member
    The word Redskin is a terrible legacy for the members of many tribes. For others, not. Frankly, I would be happy not to see ANY Indian mascots.

    Just sayin'...

    I second this. It wouldn't be appropriate for almost any other race that's been subjugated or discriminated against. Can you imagine the "African American's" football team, with their faces on the side of a helmet and fans putting on black face and singing "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" during halftime? Goodness gracious. That it is seen as "ok" for native people to be used as a mascot...well...I just think it says a lot about people's perception of Natives.

    And don't you ever tell me you're "honoring" me by wearing a headdress, carrying a tomahawk and doing your best "war cry" while you get drunk and scream profanities at a bunch of overpaid athletes. Screw you.

    Also heard a story of a young girl in high school. Her football team was playing their rival, "The Indians". At their pep rally, they made an effigy of the mascot, feathers, war paint, braids...and burned him while dancing around the bonfire whooping and mimicking the dancing from those old westerns depicting the savage. Tell me how that's good for a young girl to see? Tell me how that's honoring a people.

    Also, if your weekend recreational activity and the "history" of it is more important to you then the feelings of a race of people...again, screw you.

    But I mean that in the loveliest way, with light and beauty, etc. etc.

    Also, Nachise, beautiful regalia.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    The word Redskin is a terrible legacy for the members of many tribes. For others, not. Frankly, I would be happy not to see ANY Indian mascots.

    Just sayin'...

    I second this. It wouldn't be appropriate for almost any other race that's been subjugated or discriminated against. Can you imagine the "African American's" football team, with their faces on the side of a helmet and fans putting on black face and singing "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" during halftime? Goodness gracious. That it is seen as "ok" for native people to be used as a mascot...well...I just think it says a lot about people's perception of Natives.

    And don't you ever tell me you're "honoring" me by wearing a headdress, carrying a tomahawk and doing your best "war cry" while you get drunk and scream profanities at a bunch of overpaid athletes. Screw you.

    Also heard a story of a young girl in high school. Her football team was playing their rival, "The Indians". At their pep rally, they made an effigy of the mascot, feathers, war paint, braids...and burned him while dancing around the bonfire whooping and mimicking the dancing from those old westerns depicting the savage. Tell me how that's good for a young girl to see? Tell me how that's honoring a people.

    Also, if your weekend recreational activity and the "history" of it is more important to you then the feelings of a race of people...again, screw you.

    But I mean that in the loveliest way, with light and beauty, etc. etc.

    Also, Nachise, beautiful regalia.

    Food for thought.

  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member


    To be honest I'm not for or against it. I couldn't care less. I do however think a majority of the controversy is being sensationalized by the media.
  • rchoate55
    rchoate55 Posts: 2 Member
    The name is offensive. I wouldn't want my name be called after Washington, D.C. with all the idiot leaders we have there. I'm fine with them keeping the Redskins.

    Politicians are only getting into this controversy hoping their constituents forget the real issues affecting this country and the crappy job they are doing.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Meanwhile, at a Kansas City Chief game....

  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member

  • Another way for the government to control us and dictate what we can watch or listen. As a Redskins fan, I believe this country has way more important issues to be worrying about then the name of a NFL team. Meanings change over time just like how the "N" word is used nowadays. You can watch shows that say that word but god forbide the Redskins name makes me lose sleep, income, etc. The only people that have a right to complain about this matter is the Native Americans, if they dont see a problem with it which polls have shown they dont then leave it alone. Stop throwing bull**** down peoples throats, 15 years ago this was never a issue until liberal media wants to find ways to make their own mark. Worry about fixing this country, pulling us out of debt, ending the wars, fixing education

    just my 2 cents
    they been fighting about changing name for years-I mean come on I think there are more things in the world to worry about then name of a football team-are baseball teams I main come on -
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Another way for the government to control us and dictate what we can watch or listen. As a Redskins fan, I believe this country has way more important issues to be worrying about then the name of a NFL team. Meanings change over time just like how the "N" word is used nowadays. You can watch shows that say that word but god forbide the Redskins name makes me lose sleep, income, etc. The only people that have a right to complain about this matter is the Native Americans, if they dont see a problem with it which polls have shown they dont then leave it alone. Stop throwing bull**** down peoples throats, 15 years ago this was never a issue until liberal media wants to find ways to make their own mark. Worry about fixing this country, pulling us out of debt, ending the wars, fixing education

    just my 2 cents
    the owner can do whatever they want I am a big football fan-and I think there is more issues in the world then the mame of a team-I think it just to get ppl upset -I mean come on that has been name of tem for year-pretty son they will change the white sox mame its just to get something started there is a war hunger in the world and issues other then a name of a team

    Yes, like grammar, punctuation and spelling.
  • redwoodkestrel
    redwoodkestrel Posts: 339 Member
    Awesome. I think a Native American / First Nations tribe should get a football team together and call themselves the "Crackers."

    Since derogatory terms towards specific races aren't offensive and/or racist, right?
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    Awesome. I think a Native American / First Nations tribe should get a football team together and call themselves the "Crackers."

    Since derogatory terms towards specific races aren't offensive and/or racist, right?

    Washington and Jefferson were both slave owners. When do you want to go to Mount Rushmore and have their images removed?
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    while we're on the subject of things indian related, I think honoring bastages such as the Oklahoma Sooners is offensive...

    You shut your filthy mouth!!! ;)
  • Odwaroftorn
    Odwaroftorn Posts: 110 Member
    Look at who is against the name, Democrats. Dan Snyder gives millions of dollars to the Republican party. This controversy is not about the team name or mascot, it's all about hurting the other party. Look at how many Democrat Senators signed the letter claiming Snyder needed to change his "racist" team name. All Of Them.

    This is not about the name, it's about hurting a huge Republican donor financially so he can't give as much. And they've turned it into an emotional issue, the liberal media loves doing this, making a right and wrong issue into an emotional issue and then there is no right and wrong. This, however, is a financially and politically motivated attack.

    When the Party's fight, the people lose.
  • Hophead43
    Hophead43 Posts: 1,634 Member
    Just change the logo to a Potato and nobody will care!!

    As a person of North American Indian decent it doesn't bother me. I think our world has gotten way to PC for its own good.
  • Pennsylvania_Joe
    Pennsylvania_Joe Posts: 26 Member
    Anyone who's defending this name, do me a favor: Walk up to a Native American today and say, "What up, my Redskin." Let me know how that goes.