weak and desperate

i'm desperate to lose my last 7-10 kilos and i just can't seem to.
i've tried a lot of things, the latest being fasting. it's left me very weak and i didn't even lose a single pound - instead i gained!!! needless to say it's made me really upset.
i'm determined to work out now and really push through. no more excuses.
however. how do i build up strength. how do i get stronger and last a whole workout session. because 7 minutes into it i am so out of breath and so exhausted and dizzy and feel so worn out and feel like i'm about to faint and can't feel my arms and legs anymore.
i used to be more athletic so i know the difference between sore muscles and just plain weakness.
so how do i really get stronger and last a workout and at the same time get rid of my annoying and stupid stubborn fat. it's starting to make me really aggressive because i've been trying for YEARS. i've just gained weight! i used to be really overweight then lost a lot of weight exercising and let myself go for over a year and i couldn't feel more disgusted by myself.
please help.
i'm not considering fasting anymore - though i am a lover of it and know the benefits if done correctly.
i want to get really really lean and strong and skinny.
no judgement, no bla bla. please just helpful answers and thanks


  • consciousflaw
    by the way i do bodyweight exercises. i don't like running and i don't have a gym membership and not considering to get one so i don't lift weights either (just my own fat body)
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    You have to eat. Fuel yourself. You'll feel like crap if you don't eat enough. As for working out, don't go balls to the wall from the first day. Start with 5 reps, 10 minutes, whatever. Then, you gradually add a rep or a minute or whatever. Get a beginner program. Check out the bodyweight program at nerdfitness.com. Also, fitnessblender.com has tons of great videos. Some are super intense, but others are not. You can also scale back the intensity and do easier variations until you get stronger.
  • consciousflaw
    thanks Jen, I forgot to mention I am refueling myself again. i eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and protein.
    i hope this time i will reach my weight loss goal for good and not give up all the time and find other excuses. i do want this but on the other hand i'm sort of afraid of getting fitter. it sounds crazy, but that's what it is. i've never in my whole life have been skinny, fit, strong, not even when i lost about twenty pounds years ago. i'm dying to reach my goals yet at the same time i'm just afraid of the things i want because i don't know how i will handle it and how it feels to be lean and fit and i don't want to get fat ever again.
    how do i overcome this fear? i want to be successful yet at the same time success scares me. it sounds crazy to many people but that's how it is for me.
  • consciousflaw
    that is also why i tried fasting to reach my goal faster. i'm known for overeating and binging even on healthy foods and as you know, you can gain weight from overeating on anything and i eat too much of everything.
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    You're out of shape. You build strength by building muscle.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    It doesn't happen overnight. You keep working at it and eventually you make progress.
  • consciousflaw
    You're out of shape. You build strength by building muscle.

    i'm well aware of being out of shape. that's why i asked.
  • consciousflaw
    It doesn't happen overnight. You keep working at it and eventually you make progress.

    i hope so, thanks.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    You fasted and didn't lose weight? Sounds legit.
  • consciousflaw
    You fasted and didn't lose weight? Sounds legit.

    yeah you know there's a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it and if you fast and then overeat at the end of the day you obviously do not lose weight.
  • zerstreutesMaedchen
    Carb Cycling and HIIT is effective. You have to actually eat food though.
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    Don't be desperate. That never helps with something like weight loss.
    MFP can help you. You should do up your profile, get some friends here your age that you can relate to. USE THE DIARY and have a reasonable calorie limit. Search the forums for a very good weight loss calculator that someone here created. It is really fun to use. Wishing you great success.
  • consciousflaw
    Carb Cycling and HIIT is effective. You have to actually eat food though.

    i don't know what carb cycling is, will read up on it.
  • consciousflaw
    Don't be desperate. That never helps with something like weight loss.
    MFP can help you. You should do up your profile, get some friends here your age that you can relate to. USE THE DIARY and have a reasonable calorie limit. Search the forums for a very good weight loss calculator that someone here created. It is really fun to use. Wishing you great success.

    thank you a lot, i am counting calories again and making sure i eat only a certain amount and not too much or too little. i'm trying!
  • Samenamenewlook
    Samenamenewlook Posts: 296 Member
    Quick circuits or HIIT sessions may work for you. If you have an apple device there's a free app called Nike Training Club. It has 15-45 minute workouts you can do at home. If you don't have an apple device, there are other apps that will do the same thing. Short high intensity workouts will burn calories and you won't need to run or go to the gym. Keep working out though, and try to be consistent. You will start to see improvements as you get stronger.
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    If you have a tendency to binge, that would be the first thing I would work on, not the weight loss. Set your cals to a reasonable level for your body and just try to maintain the same cals for two weeks with no binges. If you can do that then slowly cut down your cals every two weeks till you see the loss you are looking for.
  • consciousflaw
    thank you everyone for being so kind and quick to respond. i sure will take your advice and work on myself and get stronger and stop the binges.
    i might do an update too, if there's interest and i won't forget.
  • cathleenbowman
    Okay, first off I will explain the wait gain. Dieting 101. When trying to loose do not consume less than 1200 calories. If you do your body will think it is starving and go into starvation mode. In this mode the body stores fat and any calories you do consume gets stored not used....also the body takes it's energy from your muscle so you burn the muscle not the fat you wanted to.

    Next, in regards to your work outs...start back slowly and build up to where you were before the fasting. You do not need a gym membership for this. I use a gallon jug with water partially filled in it. Start with 1/4 full then add water every week or two until you have a full gallon. exercises you can do are butterfly, bicep curls, arm lifts, tricep exercises....then on the floor do crunches, push ups, jumping jacks, and jump rope (pretend you do not need the rope for this). I do 3 sets of 10 of each exercise. I also walk around my neighborhood....start slow and work up to it. maybe walk slow for 1/2 mile then fast 1/2 mile....later slow 1 mile then fast 1 mile.
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    Okay, first off I will explain the wait gain. Dieting 101. When trying to loose do not consume less than 1200 calories. If you do your body will think it is starving and go into starvation mode. In this mode the body stores fat and any calories you do consume gets stored not used....also the body takes it's energy from your muscle so you burn the muscle not the fat you wanted to.
    Just NO!!!

    Please post sources that back these claims, or stop spreading this hogwash!!
  • consciousflaw
    Okay, first off I will explain the wait gain. Dieting 101. When trying to loose do not consume less than 1200 calories. If you do your body will think it is starving and go into starvation mode. In this mode the body stores fat and any calories you do consume gets stored not used....also the body takes it's energy from your muscle so you burn the muscle not the fat you wanted to.
    Just NO!!!

    Please post sources that back these claims, or stop spreading this hogwash!!

    i don't believe this either and it's actually not true.