Struggling with food choices

futurend2014 Posts: 13
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, so this may be more of a vent but I promise there are questions in this post. My biggest struggle is eating out and not having enough selection. You see, I'm really picky. And, I know, I'm probably the only one but I don't like chicken or turkey so I end up eating lots of red meat. Not a big fish or pork fan, so its back to red meat again. I know it's not healthy but I'm not sure exactly how to change it.

That's all for now!


  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    What's your take on vegetables? YOu can certainly eat salads and steamed or roasted vegetables and forget about the meat altogether. You can ask for a take out when they bring your food and put away at least 1/2 of it before you even start eating it. You can cook at home instead of eating out. As you said, it is food choices and you get to make all of them. You have to figure out what your priorities are and work at it with them in mind. Good luck to you!
  • If you stick with lean cuts of beef it's not that bad. You have to be careful with portion sizes.

    There are some interesting vegetarian options out there that might be worth checking out. Maybe you can find something that tastes like what you like, but without the high calories. I've also found that chicken and turkey can be made much more interesting with some creative seasoning choices.

    Ultimately the bottom line is you have to make some sacrifices if you're serious about dropping weight - keep eating the same stuff, and you'll keep on the same path you've been on!
  • So you could simply choose vegetarian options. But if you really want a piece of meat (I understand), you need to make good red meat choices. Steaks are usually better than burgers just choose flank, tenderloin, sirloin, filet mignon, or top round roast. Stay away from T-bone or prime rib because they have higher fat content. Have you tried Buffalo/Bison? It is actually better for you than chicken. Finally if money isn't an issue (yeah right) grass fed beef is actually really healthy. The fats in grass fed (and finished) beef are omega 3s (like salmon) not omega 6s like grain fed beef.

    Probably way more than what you were asking for :) I blame it on being an engineer.
  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    It is amazing the incredibly tasty things you can prepare with beans, lentils and alike. Also, have you tried using highly flavorful rubs, aromatics, etc. when cooking your chicken. I know that white meat is the preference over dark but maybe dark chicken meat in a curry rub and things like that.
  • well its okay to eat what you like, you can't just cut off all the things you like, just eat less of what you eat and just make sure that you don't go over your calories.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    You could choose a small steak and veggies, maybe a side salad, but leave out the bread and potatoes.

    ALso, maybe you need to start getting adventurous and try some new recipes for chicken and turkey. We just had pizza burgers last night with ground extra lean turkey, and my family said I was allowed to make them again - :)
  • have you ever tried buffalo? I am a cheeseburger addict, and buffalo is pretty good! Just a suggestion... (It's a lot leaner too!)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Try a different type of turkey. Ground turkey is a lot like ground beef and is great mixed with taco seasoning on rice or as a burger. Try new things! You may not like fish, but try the less fishy fish like tilapia or mahi mahi. Seafood is good...crabmeat or shrimp?
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    Have your lean meat served over a giant sald or do a beef and veggie stir fry.
  • If you can get it, moose is delicious!! It's also really lean and good for you.
  • What about deer or elk meat if you can get it from someone you know. Its much much leaner.
  • Thanks for all the suggestions! That's why I love this site, all this wisdom and insight. I am eating leaner cuts of beef and tried buffalo once, will have to try it again. Never tried wild game although it's very popular here in Idaho.

    My chicken and turkey aversion is all psychological. See, I'm scared of birds (it's my phobia-just like if you were scared of sharks or clowns or heights) and it's hard for me to try it knowing it's a bird (even though I guess I should celebrate that they are dead hahaha!) but I bought some chicken strips for light fajitas so I will let you all know if I can swallow it.

    Thanks again!

    And I love veggies and am experimenting with quinoa, beans, lentils, barley etc.
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    I was pretty much a red meat eater myself and am also picky. What made me convert a bit was realizing that I had to choose between what I was currently doing and a new life. I started trying a little bit of chicken. Haven't fully adopted fish yet, but I guess I'll get there. My best move was probably to vegatables--I've become a salad fiend! I typically have two salads a day!

    God Bless!

  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Lean meat is fine. Just trim all visible fat. Bulk up with veg/salad.

    As the lady said, if you're with your calories, there isnt a problem.

    HOWEVER, I love the way you're embracing trying new foods. That's always a good attitude to have.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • This isn't as applicable to eating out, but you could try substituting Quorn Chicken for actual chicken in recipes. I've been doing this lately and feel healthier, I think it's less calories too.
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