How do you start believing in yourself?



  • OKfarmgal
    OKfarmgal Posts: 160 Member
    My problem is I can't see the finishing line. Ive been on this ride for over 20 years and never lost it. Once I lost 40 pounds but gained it all back. I think everyone is right. Once I accept me for me things might change.

    This was my problem as well, weight loss was all or nothing!! I almost quit MFP over it, but with the support of my newfound friends, I was able to make mini-goals for myself. It has completely changed the way I see weight loss!!
  • fatgottago
    fatgottago Posts: 222 Member
    Wow. Thanks so much for the encouragement. Its true. I have that Shallow Hal problem you know when I look in the mirror I would just look at my face and kinda ignore the rest of me thinking I am ok until I would see a picture of myself and I almost threw up!!!!!! Yea I need to be honest. That box of wheat thins or box of little Debbie honey buns didn't get eaten by themselves. I did this to me! That late night snacking because I felt alone did this to me. That laugh someone laughed at me because I was riding a bike did this to me so I just stopped. I stopped living. The lonely even though I am surrounded by people did this to me, the heartache of a husband that cheated on me over and over, the heartache of knowing I will never have that certain someone, the death of a family member, the financial burden, the kids, LIFE did this to me and I have to figure out how I am going to deal with it. NOT WITH FOOD! Although sitting typing this right now I am tempted by the drawer full of "healthy" snacks in my drawer that are calling my name. Its ok to eat one pack but I know the real me... I will just keep eating till they are gone so at this moment I am just choosing NOT to eat anything in fear that I will binge. Maybe I do need professional help, maybe I am going through a mid life crisis heck I don't know but at any rate I am NOT turning 40 and fat! So I will take baby steps one breath at a time. Thanks to all you that give me encouragement. I needed it. I just want the ole me back. The happy me. You know.
  • BuddhaMom74

    First, notice that there's a big difference between "I hate myself" and "I hate the way I look." They aren't the same thing, not even one little bit.

    Bless you for pointing this out.
  • _funrungirl
    _funrungirl Posts: 145 Member
    One of the biggest mistakes people make is trying to do a 180 overnight and do wholesale changes. That is a recipe for disaster...this is called a "journey" for a's not about changing your life overnight, it's about your path and your journey, not only to losing weight, but health and wellness overall.

    Another issue here is the tendency to make things extremely black and white...this is "good" and that is "bad"...this is "healthy" and that is "unhealthy"...when in reality, there's a whole lot of gray. In reality, matters of nutrition and fitness and overall well being are hardly this black and white...context and dosage are very important. For example...eating nothing but "junk" food day in and day out...probably not so great. Having a "junky" treat now and then as a part of an otherwise balanced, wholesome, and nutritious diet...pretty much irrelevant to the whole. Eating an entire large pizza for lunch...probably not so good...having a slice with a salad, no big deal.

    A lot of this is simply going to be a learning process and baby steps. Don't focus on the number on the scale...focus on better nutrition...being more fit, etc. Focus on being a better you today than you were yesterday...sleep well in the knowledge that you will kick some more *kitten* tomorrow. Losing weight and being at a healthy weight, etc is largely a bi-product of good livin'...when you're good livin', all of that stuff tends to just fall in line.

    This is a process...this is a "journey" is not an overnight kind of thing. I've been on this little safari of good livin' now for almost two years, and guess what...I'm still working on things. I've recently come to the realization that I've focused primarily on my physical well-being to this point...I've lost a good bit of weight and I've learned a lot about nutrition and fitness...I eat well and exercise regularly...and now that I have my physical health under control, it's time to start looking at my mental and spiritual well being which have been neglected. See what I's a process...the betterment of yourself is never is a journey...a life long journey.

    ^^^ This is perfect.

    I would also add, come up with a mantra, something positive that you say to yourself everyday (don't tell anyone). Go one step further and make the first letter word your new password. That way every time you type in your password you have to tell yourself how awesome you are and you create a secure password that won't end up on a hacker list.

    For example:
    "I'm awesome, funny, beautiful, and make a kick *kitten* cup of coffee!"
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    One of the biggest mistakes people make is trying to do a 180 overnight and do wholesale changes. That is a recipe for disaster...this is called a "journey" for a's not about changing your life overnight, it's about your path and your journey, not only to losing weight, but health and wellness overall.

    Another issue here is the tendency to make things extremely black and white...this is "good" and that is "bad"...this is "healthy" and that is "unhealthy"...when in reality, there's a whole lot of gray. In reality, matters of nutrition and fitness and overall well being are hardly this black and white...context and dosage are very important. For example...eating nothing but "junk" food day in and day out...probably not so great. Having a "junky" treat now and then as a part of an otherwise balanced, wholesome, and nutritious diet...pretty much irrelevant to the whole. Eating an entire large pizza for lunch...probably not so good...having a slice with a salad, no big deal.

    A lot of this is simply going to be a learning process and baby steps. Don't focus on the number on the scale...focus on better nutrition...being more fit, etc. Focus on being a better you today than you were yesterday...sleep well in the knowledge that you will kick some more *kitten* tomorrow. Losing weight and being at a healthy weight, etc is largely a bi-product of good livin'...when you're good livin', all of that stuff tends to just fall in line.

    This is a process...this is a "journey" is not an overnight kind of thing. I've been on this little safari of good livin' now for almost two years, and guess what...I'm still working on things. I've recently come to the realization that I've focused primarily on my physical well-being to this point...I've lost a good bit of weight and I've learned a lot about nutrition and fitness...I eat well and exercise regularly...and now that I have my physical health under control, it's time to start looking at my mental and spiritual well being which have been neglected. See what I's a process...the betterment of yourself is never is a journey...a life long journey.

    I agree with this, except the order at the end (I had to work on myself mentally before I could change physically).

    In all honesty, the believing in yourself comes later. What comes first is the decision to be healthy and the acceptance of that responsibility. People usually describe this as the "click". I had to lose some weight and inches before I really believed "I can do this". Then once I got further in my journey, it changed to "I can do whatever I want" (within reason, of course). :smile:

    This is a very good point...everyone's path to wellness starts somewhere different. I am only now realizing that I have some mental and spiritual hurdles to overcome...early on in my path to wellness, these issues were not as evident as the myriad of physical issues trumped just about everything...
    My problem is I can't see the finishing line.

    Well, the good news is that there really is no finish line...ultimately this goes beyond has to for long term, sustained health and well-being.

    Focus your energies on living a more healthful life rather than simply losing weight. Losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight are just bi-products of living healthfully...or as I like to call it, "good livin."

    You're also going to have to understand that your path isn't going to be a straight line from point a to point just doesn't work that're going to have twists and turns and curves and bumps and numerous pitfalls...and you're going to stumble and you're going to fall. Understand that this is a natural part of the process...understanding this will help you get back up and march on...rather than the mentality of starting over. You get yourself up and brush yourself off and you march on to bigger and better things.
  • katema62
    The fact that you are on here means you have the motivations to change something.
    Pick one thing that's manageable and stick to it. How about going gluten free for one week. Keep eating carbs but try out quinoa looks and tastes like real pasta. Try Rudi's gluten free breads---keep it in the fridge and have some for breakfast. That
    way you are not forgoing the things that you may like. You like chips buy sweet potato or try a whole grain brand...costs more but getting that crunch can be crucial when cravings hit.
    One good tip if you eat carbs make sure you eat with protein it slows down the insulin which put weight on faster than anything.

    Know that fruits, vegetables and lean meats along with good fats can be eaten every day. Instead of a lot of cheese on a sandwich try cutting an avocado in half and using it instead of mayo and cheese.

    Small things that still keep your taste and urges under control is the way to go if you have little self control. Try that out for few weeks it's amazing just replacing small things like a rotissiere chicken with a natural rotissiere chicken can make all the difference. Less toxins less chemicals in the body that holds onto fat.
    Buy some organic raw apple cider vinegar put it into some juice or water and sip on it throughout the day...or drinking a cup of green tea with l-theanine can really burn fat in the bloodstream.
    Take or drink Vitamin C after a heavy meal to cut fat in cholesterol. Take a whole food vitamin like Life Alive you can find at Walmart, Target, Walgreens.
    You like Hummus eat that once a day and it's amazing how it can control bad estrogen the thing that holds water weight and fat.
    Small things add up in a few weeks you'll know what does or doesn't work.
    If you can't seem to fill yourself up make sure you eat some good fat before each meal...maybe pistachios, or olive oil with garlic and chopped basil and rosemary...dip some of the gluten free toasted bread into it.
    If you think you need to stop eating then you will only eat more...don't ever RESTRICT yourself...just change what you like for the natural version. Eventually the changes will come when you see and feel different.
    One other thing I like if you like fizzy soda---buy the sparkling polar springs lemon water(not soda), and mix it with a small amount of juice or lemonade. It's like having a san pelligrino lemon soda or try blood orange.
    Good Luck!
  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    I feel the exact same way you do at this very moment. I have been trying mfp on and off for the longest time and as you can see the most ive lost is 5lbs. I hate my fat face, stomach and how my thighs rub together. people who have already reached their goal will tell you to JUST DO IT! well damnit its not that easy. its hard very hard because all I want to do is eat but from what im learning you have to take it slow. trying to do too much at once will overwhelm you and you will want to give up. feel free to add me. I would love to learn some things from you as I hope you can from me as well
  • christinelimei
    christinelimei Posts: 30 Member
    My problem is I can't see the finishing line. Ive been on this ride for over 20 years and never lost it. Once I lost 40 pounds but gained it all back. I think everyone is right. Once I accept me for me things might change.

    I know what you mean. I've been overweight my whole life too. I've never actually seen myself thin or lean before, so it's hard to visualize my end goal. Therefore, it's difficult to know what I'm working so hard for. BUT I assure you that as you continue in your journey, you start to gain more benefits than JUST the end goal. For example, I feel more energy, I'm stronger, my skin is clearer, my hair is shinier, I'm more flexible, I'm happier, I'm more positive, etc. etc. It's great!!!

    Also, as I get closer to my goal, I am now very excited for the new body I know I CAN have. Like I said, I've never been lean. But now as I have progressed, I know I can be and I'm ready to get there.

    All my life I struggled with hating how I look. I would be so desperate that I would go on fad diets or buy weight loss pills/tea, etc. Then I'd give up after a week because it wasn't working fast enough. Then I'd hate myself again. And thus the cycle continued.

    Finally I got out of the cycle by realizing that this was not a quick fix. It was a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. And I was finally ready to embrace it. Little by little I cut out the things that I knew were holding me back. I cut out soda, fast food, junk food, alcohol, Starbucks (Oh, this was the hardest for me!!)

    Anyway, it really is my of a mindset and lifestyle change. Love yourself by taking care of your body. Eat good things for it to thrive and be healthy. Drink lots of water. Hydration is so refreshing and wonderful! I never knew how dehydrated I was keeping my body.

    I'm sorry for the long response, but I definitely know the feeling that you are having. But you can get through it! Just remember that it is a lifestyle change and not a "diet".

    Also, friend me is you want and I'll encourage you! :)

    Much love,
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    My problem is I can't see the finishing line. Ive been on this ride for over 20 years and never lost it. Once I lost 40 pounds but gained it all back. I think everyone is right. Once I accept me for me things might change.

    What is your why.
    I still struggle with my why. I always wonder if the why is good enough to keep me going. I have not read why you want the change... I read you hate the way you look and why your sad. Is the why you want to lose weight to change how you feel- because that wont happen on its own. You will have to explore your heart and head before you get your butt moving. That may be your speed bump.

    What does it mean to be fat? Does it really mean that?
    Do you want to get thinner for your kids or health or? Vanity wont be enough to sustain the weight loss... maybe finding your why will help you keep with something...

    Good luck with your journey..
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    My problem is I can't see the finishing line. Ive been on this ride for over 20 years and never lost it. Once I lost 40 pounds but gained it all back. I think everyone is right. Once I accept me for me things might change.

    What is your why.
    I still struggle with my why. I always wonder if the why is good enough to keep me going. I have not read why you want the change... I read you hate the way you look and why your sad. Is the why you want to lose weight to change how you feel- because that wont happen on its own. You will have to explore your heart and head before you get your butt moving. That may be your speed bump.

    What does it mean to be fat? Does it really mean that?
    Do you want to get thinner for your kids or health or? Vanity wont be enough to sustain the weight loss... maybe finding your why will help you keep with something...

    Good luck with your journey..

    Bold was harder for me than to actually make changes. The changes all started to fall into place.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I lost my 1st 20 lbs, while totally convinced that I could. not. do. this. Eventually I realized I totally could, and am. But really, it doesn't matter how you feel. Motivation will fail you. Excitement will fail you. It's a matter of deciding to do what you need to do, no matter how you feel.

    One thing that helps is to not look at the big picture. Look at your goals for this week. Or this day. Or this hour/ minute, if necessary. Just don't even think about that big, scary goal. Did you meet your calorie goal for today? Awesome. Did you overeat, but get right back on the wagon? Super! Celebrate everything that you can.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    I feel the exact same way you do at this very moment. I have been trying mfp on and off for the longest time and as you can see the most ive lost is 5lbs. I hate my fat face, stomach and how my thighs rub together. people who have already reached their goal will tell you to JUST DO IT! well damnit its not that easy. its hard very hard because all I want to do is eat but from what im learning you have to take it slow. trying to do too much at once will overwhelm you and you will want to give up. feel free to add me. I would love to learn some things from you as I hope you can from me as well
    Well from what I can tell from your profile picture your screen name is quite accurate! You are beautiful. The self-criticism is not necessary and I hope you can see your own beauty, both inside and out.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Wow. Thanks so much for the encouragement. Its true. I have that Shallow Hal problem you know when I look in the mirror I would just look at my face and kinda ignore the rest of me thinking I am ok until I would see a picture of myself and I almost threw up!!!!!! Yea I need to be honest. That box of wheat thins or box of little Debbie honey buns didn't get eaten by themselves. I did this to me! That late night snacking because I felt alone did this to me. That laugh someone laughed at me because I was riding a bike did this to me so I just stopped. I stopped living. The lonely even though I am surrounded by people did this to me, the heartache of a husband that cheated on me over and over, the heartache of knowing I will never have that certain someone, the death of a family member, the financial burden, the kids, LIFE did this to me and I have to figure out how I am going to deal with it. NOT WITH FOOD! Although sitting typing this right now I am tempted by the drawer full of "healthy" snacks in my drawer that are calling my name. Its ok to eat one pack but I know the real me... I will just keep eating till they are gone so at this moment I am just choosing NOT to eat anything in fear that I will binge. Maybe I do need professional help, maybe I am going through a mid life crisis heck I don't know but at any rate I am NOT turning 40 and fat! So I will take baby steps one breath at a time. Thanks to all you that give me encouragement. I needed it. I just want the ole me back. The happy me. You know.
    " I just want the ole me back. The happy me. You know." - No you don't, you want to create the NEW you who can overcome all those "life" things that you listed that are trying to take you down. Yes, it's a lot to deal with all at once, but when you find the strength to rise above it, it will snowball and you will feel like you can conquer anything! You want to find the NEW you who can lose the weight and keep it off and can enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

    I'm really amazed at this thread so far - there is a lot of SUPERB and heartfelt advice being given. Thanks to everyone for sharing.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    My problem is I can't see the finishing line. Ive been on this ride for over 20 years and never lost it. Once I lost 40 pounds but gained it all back. I think everyone is right. Once I accept me for me things might change.

    What is your why.
    I still struggle with my why. I always wonder if the why is good enough to keep me going. I have not read why you want the change... I read you hate the way you look and why your sad. Is the why you want to lose weight to change how you feel- because that wont happen on its own. You will have to explore your heart and head before you get your butt moving. That may be your speed bump.

    What does it mean to be fat? Does it really mean that?
    Do you want to get thinner for your kids or health or? Vanity wont be enough to sustain the weight loss... maybe finding your why will help you keep with something...

    Good luck with your journey..

    Bold was harder for me than to actually make changes. The changes all started to fall into place.

    The bold was for me as well. My profile on MFP has always talked about that point. I am glad to hear I am not alone
  • fatgottago
    fatgottago Posts: 222 Member
    Well from what I can tell from your profile picture your screen name is quite accurate! You are beautiful. The self-criticism is not necessary and I hope you can see your own beauty, both inside and out.

    Wow this is so sweet of you to say. I wish I believed that. I am trying hard to change the way I think. I have been in such a rut the last couple of years, had some pretty bad things happen and I am just trying to put on my big girl panties and get over it! There are so many people that have given me such caring advice and I thank you . I feel better today. I am going to make right choices. Feel free to add me as a friend so maybe we can encourage each other.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    My problem is I can't see the finishing line. Ive been on this ride for over 20 years and never lost it. Once I lost 40 pounds but gained it all back. I think everyone is right. Once I accept me for me things might change.

    What is your why.
    I still struggle with my why. I always wonder if the why is good enough to keep me going. I have not read why you want the change... I read you hate the way you look and why your sad. Is the why you want to lose weight to change how you feel- because that wont happen on its own. You will have to explore your heart and head before you get your butt moving. That may be your speed bump.

    What does it mean to be fat? Does it really mean that?
    Do you want to get thinner for your kids or health or? Vanity wont be enough to sustain the weight loss... maybe finding your why will help you keep with something...

    Good luck with your journey..

    Bold was harder for me than to actually make changes. The changes all started to fall into place.

    The bold was for me as well. My profile on MFP has always talked about that point. I am glad to hear I am not alone

    You have no idea. I basically stopped myself from going into a depression. Once I did it though I have never felt that bad again and I think I never will. I will let it out before it get there
  • x0diak
    x0diak Posts: 2 Member
    Well, for 1 thing, you look pretty in your picture.

    But now on to your question. I just started working out myself, and this is what helps me:

    Code of the Bushido.

    Think of your life having already been lived. You are dead. You are at the last day of your life, or the first day of your death. Now think of this day, and every other day until moment. You have all that time to live life on your terms. You can change anything you want, and accomplish anything you desire. Be strong, live and play hard.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    This is where I am at. I am 39 years old and have been overweight my entire life. I used to be ok with my looks but the last 10 years I have been miserable! I really want to lose I do but it just doesn't seem attainable. I have been on this change of eating for a week and I all ready feel my self wanting to just give up and eat. Why do I do that to myself? Why can't I just get with the plan and do it? I see others that have had surgery, or stuck to it, what is my problem? You don't understand how bad I hate myself. I hate the way I look, the way my face is fat, I hate my big butt and my big hips, I hate everything! I hate to look in the mirror! So my question is how do you pull yourself out of this rut I am in?

    That hate is your problem! Why would to you do ANYTHING good for something or someone you hate?

    When you decide to love yourself, and because of that love, you decide that you deserve more and are worthy of more, you will want to do good things for yourself, including losing weight and getting healthier. It is a gift you give yourself because you love yourself.
  • x0diak
    x0diak Posts: 2 Member
    I just started working out myself, and this is what helps me:

    Code of the Bushido.

    Think of your life having already been lived. You are dead. You are at the last day of your life, or the first day of your death. Now think of this day, and every other day until moment. You have all that time to live life on your terms. You can change anything you want, and accomplish anything you desire. Be strong, live and play hard.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Agree with the chap who talks about a journey. If you have been overweight a long time then do not ubnderestimate the burden that places on the way you think about yourself. Instead of viewing and placing all your eggs in one basket i.e whne you might reach target and things will change you should realise that you need to start addressing the way you look at things from the start.

    The way you conduct your journey is a good way to buil up that self esteem as much or more importnat than the destination.

    Go to some classes on self esteem and they should help build your confidence.
    Make a plan thats sustainable and realistic. Baby steps do you achieve small victories and dont crash and burn.
    Learn about weight loss.
    Basically prepare properly and them execute it properly.

    32lb is just over 2 stone. Maybe 4-8 months of a healthy/ or unhealthy diet and a bit of exercise. Even at baby pace you cna do that within 1 year. Just keep reminding yourself why and all the good things it will give you plus your sense of achievement.

    Beating yourself up is all a bit boring imo you should like and help yourself to achieve your potential, because very other people besides your parents care whether you succeed or fail. Get the midnset right and everything else can follow imo.