Does anyone else put their food in ahead of time?



  • DangerRanger
    DangerRanger Posts: 327 Member
    I usually log the night before and use the diary as my menu for the day! I am most successful when I do it this way.

    That's actually a great idea. I will try that for a week or two.
  • iolande
    iolande Posts: 9 Member
    Sure do. That way I know what to eat for lunch, what snacks to eat etc. Its kind of keeps me from snacking if I know the limit of what I can eat - and it keeps me focused.

    Its also great for times when I know I am going to eat something out of the ordinary (like having chocolate at the cinema or wine in the evening) as I can then 'budget' for it so that it has limited impact on the calorie intake.
  • spuzo
    spuzo Posts: 50
    I plan my day a day ahead. I already have my food logged for tomorrow.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    It depends on whats going on that day.. :) I try to so I know ahead of time where Im standing food wise.. :)
  • Taytotot
    Taytotot Posts: 13 Member
    I do it sometimes. I eat a lot of the same things throughout the week, so it just makes it easier.
  • JenniferO1982
    JenniferO1982 Posts: 21 Member
    I always do. I put in what I plan to eat for the day, and my planned exercise too. As others have mentioned, it helps me to stick to it when I enter it all in that way. If I need to add (or subtract) something at night, that's okay—but nothing feels better than clicking the button and coming in under my calorie goal for the day.

    I openly admit that there's been days that I've had to go back and completely re-do my diary—and not for the better. But knowing that I don't want to have to do this really makes stick to my goals.
  • Marbar
    Marbar Posts: 15
    I do that also most mornings. It helps me keep on track.
  • Just wanted to let you know that they sell cranberry pills too. That way you don't have to drink a whole bottle of cranberry juice!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I do this constantly. There have been times I've entered food for the entire week. Or times that I know that I'm going out or have a big meal planned, I've entered things a month or more in advance before. (like Thanksgiving, friend's birthdays, etc) And more often than not I've got the rest of the day entered by about noon and typically one or two items for the following day as well.
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