PCOS and trying to lose weight



  • ambermabee
    Ally ~ I feel like I wrote your post! Tack on the shots and IUI and that's me!
  • ammp
    ammp Posts: 107 Member
    Howdy girls :) I'm a PCOS sufferer too. At 16 I had my appendix removed and was told I had "horrible cystic ovaries". I have all the same stupid side effects - hair, weight gain around the middle, missing periods, etc. I will say, 16 months between periods was great. Had the same box of Tampax for almost 5 years ;)
    Now that I'm married, babies are in discussion. I started Metformin and am LOVING it. I notice difference in the extra hair, and I feel better about it. It's not as thick or dark.
    Once I take a preg test (and get a negative like always) I am started Spironolactone to really get the hair under control. I also have to take birth control pills with it because Spironolactone can cause birth defects.
    In a few more months, we plan to stop the bcp and Spiron and start trying for real.

  • ally1385
    Ally ~ I feel like I wrote your post! Tack on the shots and IUI and that's me!

    That's my next step! This is my last month trying Clomid, although I'm not holding my breath. It hasn't worked yet so I doubt it will this time either. Hopefully losing some weight will help! How bad were the shots? That's what I'm most scared about! LOL.
  • Shan80
    Shan80 Posts: 47
    Me too. I was diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago. Since then I have gained a ridiculous amount of weight, acne, excessive hair on the arms and face (GROSS) and I'm just so sick of it. I hate that we're told that to get this condition - that CAUSES excessive weight gain - under control - we have to Lose weight. ugh! So frustrating.

    I will be starting a new round of Metformin 1500mgs daily on Monday. I've not been on them for about a year now. I do love the way it helps. It helps with everything for me.

    I haven't been exercising since October. But starting Monday I am back at it hardcore. I plan to cut soda, sugar and white flour out of my diet completely. Eating plenty of protein and exercising - cardio and weights for 90 minutes per day, walking 2 miles each day as a cool down after cardio and weights and then Zumba twice a week as well.

    I always tend to see a nice quick loss in the first few weeks after I start to diet, exercise and take the Met...then I slack off. I really don't want that to happen this time around - so I hope to stick to it this time and lose at least 100lbs...if not more,
  • shanamalena
    Well I am 31 about to turn 32 years old. No Kids, so I finally decided to go see what was going on......My gyno had me to take all my labs on day 21. Which people told me that she should have had me to do my FSH,LH and estradiol on day 3. I asked her about it , but she said she only gives that to select patients....?? okay....But i went in to get my results, and she said I had no signs of PCOS.

    But yet she put me on Metformin. I am currently taking 1000mg at night before i go to bed. When she gave me that, she said that its normally for patients with diabetes or PCOS. But she said it may help me out and it may help me out to lose weight.....?? Okay..

    Now can you actually have pcos and still have a menstrual every month? Like this past menstrual was only 2 days. 1 1/2 of flow and 1/2 day of spotting. And i have alot of hair on my hair, but i always thought it was from tweezing and waxing. Like its a gold tee.....lol
    I have always had hairy arms, but i have never thought anything of it. And i have hair on my toes and feet. I have alot of hair on my lower back. I have 3 hairs that come in on my boob. And some hairs that come in right below my belly button. And the vagina area is hairy too. Like its trying to go down my leg. Sorry to detailed!!! lol

    I also have been checking for CM for months and have Never found anything similiar to CM. But this is the first month where i found a little bit of what may be CM. So I was thinking maybe the Metformin is the reason for that.....??

    Well wednesday I am going to get a HSG done....My gyno said after 6 months of trying that she was going to refer me to a specialist. i was wondering if she was referring to when i first started to see her with this situation or if she wanted to to finish up this 6 months of metformin....??

    Yeah she also told me that I needed to get down to 135 pounds. I am sooo ready to see a specialist!! I will be soo happy the day I become pregnant!! Just hopefully I dont gain all the weight back if I do get down to 135!! lol
  • ambermabee
    Shana ~ I get those pesky random boob hairs too! LOL Now it is completely possible to have a normal cycle with PCOS. Well, as normal as you want to call it.
  • misskate1971
    misskate1971 Posts: 27 Member
    Well, ladies, I just up this topic this morning to get an idea about what to tell my gyne this afternoon. Thanks to all of your advice and some concern from him, he is testing me for PCOS and thyroid diseases. I'm hoping something shows up so that I can put a name to all the weird symptoms I've had--excess hair (including the boob hairs, too! Weird!), random times for my period (the only time it has been "regular" is when I am on birth control). So, I am hoping to have some answers. Seems like PCOS is still not understood by many doctors out there, and I'm so glad mine is willing to look into it further. :) I will let you know what happens.

    What is metformin? I need to look that up. What is it normally prescribed for?

  • Bonstizzle
    Bonstizzle Posts: 14 Member
    Howdy girls :) I'm a PCOS sufferer too. At 16 I had my appendix removed and was told I had "horrible cystic ovaries". I have all the same stupid side effects - hair, weight gain around the middle, missing periods, etc. I will say, 16 months between periods was great. Had the same box of Tampax for almost 5 years ;)
    Now that I'm married, babies are in discussion. I started Metformin and am LOVING it. I notice difference in the extra hair, and I feel better about it. It's not as thick or dark.
    Once I take a preg test (and get a negative like always) I am started Spironolactone to really get the hair under control. I also have to take birth control pills with it because Spironolactone can cause birth defects.
    In a few more months, we plan to stop the bcp and Spiron and start trying for real.


    I have had the same box of tampons now for about 4 years! I never get periods, recently though, when I lost some weight, they started up again...super light though with still no need for tampons! hahaha.
  • kabrown1978
    kabrown1978 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi ladies. I have also been diagnosed with PCOS, in January 2008, after a year and a half of unsuccessfully trying to conceive. I also had all the irregular periods (or total lack thereof) and the excess facial hair and belly fat. I had been referred to a Reproductive Endocrinologist. At my very first visit with him, he diagnosed the PCOS on the spot without any additional testing.

    He put me on 1500mg (extended release) of Metformin and recommended that I lose weight. My husband and I joined WW. After about a year on WW, I had lost about 40 lbs and got a positive pregnancy test, after getting regulated to about a 35 day cycle! The Metformin is the ONLY thing that I was taking when I got pregnant. I totally credit the Metformin, along with the weight loss with our getting pregnant.

    There is definitely hope for you if you stick with it!

    Feel free to friend me if you would like to. :)
  • shanamalena
    Metformin is for people with PCOS or type II diabetes........My gyno told me I didnt have signs of PCOS, but she prescribed me Metformin. I was really confused at first, but then I started thinking about my menstrual cycle and all my hair!! lol And also that I dont have any noticeable cervical mucus.. But after reading so many stories and such, I decided to stay on Metformin. Kabrown you are another person who gives me HOPE!! I love it!!

    My husband and I have been together for 9 years and I have never gotten pregnant. I have always figured that if its meant to be then I will get pregnant. But a few months ago I said " forget that" Im going to get checked out!! lol

    But I have been noticing my hair is not coming in as much as it use to (for years). And it is lighter....And 1 thing I really love is....I am wayyy more calmer.!!! Like before I had alot of mood swings, since I have been taking metformin and have not 1 time gotten upset. And thats amazing if you lived with my husband!!! hahaha

    I just cant wait to get this HSG done. Another step closer!! It feels so good just to have someone to talk to or even to read other peoples stories!! I never thought I would be talking about this on Myfitnesspal thou. But I love this website and this only makes me love it even more!! Thanks Ladies!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
  • ambermabee
    misskate ~ Metformin was originally used for diabetics, but is now prescribed for PCOS patients with insulin resistance. I was prescribed it years ago and had trouble with it, but I'm thinking about asking my doc for the XR version of it. Glad your doctor listened to your concerns and is doing something about them!

    kabrown ~ Thank you so much for sharing your story with us! It is always nice to hear success stories!

    Shana ~ My husband and I have been trying for ten years with no luck. You are definitely not alone! Seeing how Metformin has affected your mood makes me want to bring it up to my doc even more! I get so crabby with my hubby..I don't know how he puts up with me sometimes.
  • PearlMarie_3gen_11484
    Hello I'm 27 years old, and I too have pcos. I have found out that the more weight I lose and keep getting closer to a healthier bmi. The pcos has 'slowed down'. I also have two children that are my pride and joy. One took two years to conceive and the other took three years. I wouldn't trade them for anything. Now I am working on a healthier me so I am there for them. :happy: Best of luck to you.
  • shanamalena
    Yeah I was horrible, and I have noticed to that he has done things that would normally make me mad. But I haven't even threw a fit one time since I have been on Metformin. lol Its crazy, but its true. I didnt even realize I was so crabby. We just get along so much better now, only if he could take some metformin!! hahaha

    Now I dont think it has helped me on my weight. I have put myself on a strict diet and I exercise alot now. It just seems like it dont wanna come off!!! lol Yeah if I become pregnant.....OMG!!! I will wanna cry and cry and cry....lol I told my husband if i get pregnant I dont wanna hear any lip from you at all. I just want to make sure I dont lose the baby....lol I know I will be googling up a storm if I do get pregnant, just to see of anything to prevent miscarriage. lol

    I know....I ramble on and on........lol Best wishes....!!
  • ambermabee
    Crowlover ~ Thank you for sharing your success story with us!

    Shana ~ Yes, unfortunately we do run a much higher risk of miscarriages. But as long as you and your doctor are on the same page, many preventions can be put in place when the time comes. :)
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Hi Shana,

    I too have PCOS. I've been trying desperately to get pregnant. I was taking metformin, but recently I was referred to a fertility clinic and was told that metformin is no longer recommended in dealing with PCOS. I find this all overwhelming at times and am trying my best to get pregnant, but have to lose weight first... It's not easy at all. Good luck to you, I don't know what the reality of metformin is, but thought I'd share with you what my specialist said.
  • shanamalena
    Hmmm....Im a member of the military spouse support group (website) and there are people on that website that is seeing a RE now and is currently taking Metformin. So maybe that is what your specialist chooses.......??? Idk...but what is kinda weird...

    But I know it has helped me so far, and also I have talked to a bunch of women before who had gotten pregnant on Metformin, and they believe it was the Metformin that allowed them to get pregnant.....So i dont really care if they still recommend it or not, but obviously it has worked for many of women. So if it has worked then I am willing to take it.... lol

    Maybe your RE is wanting people to spend thousands on other options, instead of using metformin......lol

    But best wishes to you. :-)
  • ajl2
    ajl2 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm 29 and have 5 kids (thanks to Clomid). I have 2 sets of twins. I've never officially been diagnosed with PCOS, since my previous doctor wouldn't look into it for me. But I know without a doubt that it is the cause of my problems. I've gained about 40 in the last year. My periods have never been "normal" and after the birth of my second set of twins I stopped having periods. I've been taking progesterone seasonally to "start" my periods. My body hair is completely out of control! My legs are so hairy you wouldn't believe it. I've got chest hair...which is really embarrassing. And my facial hair is getting pretty thick and coarse and dark. it's gross. If it weren't for the fact that I DO get a period after taking progesterone I would think that I was going through menopause prematurely. I get hot flashes and night sweats. It sucks.

    I'm not wanting to have any more kids, but I'm pretty sure I'm at a point where Clomid could never help me.
  • ajl2
    ajl2 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi Shana,

    I too have PCOS. I've been trying desperately to get pregnant. I was taking metformin, but recently I was referred to a fertility clinic and was told that metformin is no longer recommended in dealing with PCOS. I find this all overwhelming at times and am trying my best to get pregnant, but have to lose weight first... It's not easy at all. Good luck to you, I don't know what the reality of metformin is, but thought I'd share with you what my specialist said.

    So is there anything special that your doctor recommends? or is it just to loose weight?
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Who knows what the truth is. I'll just do what I must. I am going to trust this specialist for now and see how things go. It did shock me to hear that he didn't find it to be useful for PCOS. Everything else I read, everyone I talk to, takes the metformin. Weird.
  • dreamc08
    dreamc08 Posts: 74 Member
    I was recently, officially, diagnosed with PCOS as well. A few years ago, I insisted to my gyno that I thought I had it, but she wouldnt agree. I had ultrasounds done and no cysts were found. I have many of the other symptoms though (facial hair, stubborn belly weight, acne, irregular periods, etc). Aside from the weight, the hair under my chin has got to be the worst. When I was having the previously mentioned ultrasounds, I asked the tech if she thought all my problems could be directly related to my excessive weight. She responded that "it's amazing how your weight can effect everything else."

    FINALLY, I found a women's care specialist who tested my hormones and thyroid and actually listened to my symptoms. She said to diagnose PCOS, a woman just needs to have at least 3 of the common symptoms, with or without cysts. She prescribed metformin and said that should help my symptoms. I've been on it almost 2 months, and if anything, the facial hair is getting worse :sad: :mad:

    I'm hoping that losing weight will help! Good luck to all of us!