Quitting Professional Dieting

zoelowe99 Posts: 11 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hello All~

I have decided to graduate from professional dieting and finally just make a life style change. I have done WW 5 times, Jenny Craig, Body for Life....you name it. I was getting ready to join WW's again when a co-worker told me about this site, so I thought I would give it a try because I need to do this myself. I am 5'4" and currently weigh 170 (ouch....that hurts to type), my all time highest is 180 and my goal wieght is 135. I have been up and down 20 lbs so many times in my life (explains the stretch marks), I have lost count. I signed up last week, however, officially started today, I think I have my head in game now. If anyone has any tips or suggestions, I welcome any advice:) Thanks for reading!


  • jparson714
    jparson714 Posts: 171 Member
    I have done WW once and was debating rejoining about a month ago. I'm really glad I didn't! This site is better than WW and it's free. At this point I have been working on this for about a month and lost 8 lbs. That's more than I ever lost in a month on WW.
    Welcome and feel free to add me for extra encouragement!
  • danahake
    danahake Posts: 64 Member
    Eat what you enjoy just use portion control. Ive been on here 2 weeks its easy to use. Ive lost 2 lbs so far. I'm 5'4 and 158 don't feel too bad. We are in this together.
  • Rachaely
    Rachaely Posts: 113
    Just stick with it - and don't lie to yourself! You may shock yourself the first couple of weeks with calories, I know I did. Once you get in the routine you'll be able to keep it up. Good luck!
  • scrappymel
    scrappymel Posts: 107 Member
    welcome! and best of luck with your journey. this site is wonderful. don't forget to log every little thing.
  • orting514
    orting514 Posts: 153
    Greetings Barb this site is awsome! really i never was into "Counting caleries", but ive come to reolise just how many caleries i was cunsuming, and was shocked, no wander im so terribly overweight! Really this site takes the guess work out of counting caleries, not to mention the fact caleries burned during exercise. Good luck, youll be fine! :smile:
  • zoelowe99
    zoelowe99 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks.....that's very encouraging....it's nice to be able to come here and get support when you are feeling weak:)
  • jiyokat
    jiyokat Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm new too (well not to this website/app but posting in the forum) but I wanted to agree with danahake. I still eat what taste amazing to my palate, I just added way more fruits and veggies and I've lost 8.8 lbs in three weeks! I've found counting calories to be the best way to diet versus using any sort of diet or fad. It teaches you control, imo.

    Anyway, welcome! :)
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Congrats on continuing the fight toward healthy eating! I lost an average of 1 lb a week by trying to stay as close to 1200 calories as I could. I also learned to limit my sodium (cokes, deli meats) and drink about 6-8 glasses of water each day. The secret seems to be movement (walking, singing, cleaning the house, chasing--literally--the grandson around the house) and eating about 70% carbs and protiens and about 30% fats each day. Finally, allow yourself small treats, just limit the size. It keeps you from binging on them later.
    This is a good and supportive site, with lots of people who have been where you are. Hugs and enjoy yourself. :drinker: (water)
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    Welcome! The food diary has been awesome. I only joined a couple months ago, but I wish I'd joined before and kept track of my food when I was actually in active weight loss mode.

    I love that you're quitting "professional dieting" and instead making a lifestyle change. It makes all the difference!
  • Welcome to MFP!

    I should have shares in WW, seriously! tried it way too many times, quit too many times. I've never stuck as long with anything as I have with MFP. Love it!!!!!


    1. log all your food, even the bad days (you should see my diary) had a party by myself last night... not good :-)
    2. drink plenty of water, it really does help.
    3. Green tea seems to work well as an appetite supressant and it's good for you.
    4. Don't deprive yourself, I still eat all my favorites, ice cream and chocolate.
    5. Try not to go under your 1200 calories a day.
    6. If you get exercise calories, eat them or most of them.
    7. Use the forums, search and read, it's amazing the information you'll find on this site.
    8. Ask for help or love when you need it!
    9. Be nice to yourself :-)

    great websites for tips = www.hungrygirl.com www.skinnytaste.com

    Good luck on your journey!!
  • zoelowe99
    zoelowe99 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the advice....lots of good tips....having supporters on here is going to play a HUGE role.
  • Hi Barb,
    I'm with you. I am same height and have same goal weight! I am eating 1600 calories or under which is amount of calories to maintain 135. It sounds like a reasonable plan to me. Previously, I would aim for 1400 calories, which although it doesn't seem like a huge difference, always had me hungry. Now, I'm never hungry. I work out a lot, but I don't keep track of my excercise, just my calories. I have never posted until today although I've used the site off and on for years. I really do like this system. It's pretty easy, and it works. Also, there aren't any foods that are 'illegal" although I try to eat fresh and healthy.
  • ricksnaustin
    ricksnaustin Posts: 439 Member
    You will do great here. Get some friends and use the tools. I use the android app, the recipe builder, and the use the food diary. Above all, have fun! :glasses:
  • I am so happy to have you on here with me. You will help keep me motivated and I hope I do the same for you. The first week was very easy however the 2nd and 3rd weeks have been harder. I am going to start documenting my water intake and try to figure out how to keep track of my sodium. I am seasoning with more salt since I am not using butter on my veggies. We can do this.
  • cathych
    cathych Posts: 19 Member
    I was on ww for over 3 years, followed the plan faithfully, and lost the same 10 pounds over and over. My hubby has just now lost 24. That is a lot of money to put in to a plan for 24 pounds. I have been on this site for 1 week, and am already seeing changes in the scale. WW does not count calories, which I think is wrong. And with their new program, fruit is unlimited, so a person could eat 5 bananas in a day and they not count for anything!
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    :bigsmile: Support is a HUGE part of weightloss for me!!!! My husband thinks I'm crazy counting my calories......I'm sooooooo glad for this site! Especially knowing that there are tons of other people going through the same weightloss difficulties!!!!! I have learned so much here and since I don't go to a gym and workout at home, all the feedback on different dvds is wonderful and I have tried alot that people have tried here and I am very happy!!!!!! Welcome and much success on your journey!!!!!! I am here for support!!!!:bigsmile:
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Welcome. Technicaly MFP isn't dieting, it's more a case of choosing healthier options with food.

    Well that's what I always tell people when they ask me how I'm losing weight. :smile:
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