15 pounds to lose -- girls in the 130's



  • taylormoooon
    taylormoooon Posts: 130 Member
    Me as well! I'm 5'3. My high weight was 153 and l am currently 129.8. I'd really like to be 118-120! Like others have said the first 20 came off easy but I was stuck in the 130s forever, finally seeing 129 is such a relief! I've fluctuated twice from 135 to 129 and I noticed a bigger difference in my physique the second time because I am really lifting and tracking and weighing everything. Anyone add me!
  • Pezkin85
    Pezkin85 Posts: 20 Member
    Add me! I'm 5'2", currently 132 pounds and aiming for 125 at the moment, although I may lower this when I get there!

    I started at 151lbs in April, have had a couple of breaks but am back on it now to lose the final bit!

    I love having friends on here to motivate, so happy for anyone to add :)
  • So anyway I discovered that as long as you are logging daily and honestly, weighing every other week is much less depressing than weighing every day if you're losing slowly but steadily and you know it. The daily water fluctuations can make you crazy if they are higher than your weekly loss!

    definitely! your body changes daily depending on what you eat, the water you retain, etc etc...and even if on your weigh in day you don't do as well as you thought, just remember that could be the upward fluctuation day!! i much prefer to weigh once a week (make sure i'm not gaining a pound or 2) but really watch how i *feel* each day and how my clothes fit!
  • I was eating eggs, bacon, salads with oil and vinegar dressing I made(no sugar), veggies(no starchy ones), meat, and coconut bread that I made with coconut flour, eggs and oil. Didn't eat any fruit. I'm sure my carbs were low enough, like I said I had ketones in my urine. I just wonder if I was eating too many calories? I did not count my calories. I'm thinking about trying it again and try eating less food. Any advice would be great. Thank you.

    when i was in the first stage of my keto program, i stayed away from any substitute flours, fruits, nuts..just to be really strict and really know the amount of carbs i was eating daily. i use a program i found in my town and they have a pretty good protocol to meet your weight loss goal. i haven't counted calories and still lost a little over 40 pounds now since may. i think i maybe eat about 40 to 50 grams of carbs a day. add me if you have any questions.
  • jquijas
    jquijas Posts: 222 Member
    The only problem with Ketosis or any other food eliminating diet is the fact that it is hard to eliminate something from your eating habits. Most people that do no carb, or no protein, or Paleo, or no fats is that your body will start to crave them. Most people cannot handle the cravings and will turn to binge eating. My advice is a good balanced diet eating whatever it is you want, just log and weigh everything and hold yourself accountable. The last 15 are always the hardest because you want to race to get there you can see the finish line, but you feel like you are running in quick sand so it can get frustrating. I would try to vary your exercise try different things to keep your body guessing. You all can do it, keep the faith it takes time! You all look great already by the way!

    P.S. No where near 130 just wanted to wish you all luck :smile: :laugh: :tongue:
  • Hi I'm at 5'2 1/2 and 141 lbs, desperatly trying to reach at least 135!!!! I also need some more friends with similar goals. Feel free to add me. I have it set to lose .5 a week, because I couldn't maintain the 1200 calories, but I've been trying and I feel like it's taking forever. It's so easy to get discoraged...