do I really look 35% bf and 13 stone? pics



  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I don't know what figures you look like but you have taken a standard selfie from above to slim your face, cut out your lower half and you have a visible roll on your stomach

    So even though that's a pretty picture - you need to accept that 50-odd pounds of fat is quite a lot and can't be invisible
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you dont look like you weigh 9 stone any more..

    but what other people think doesnt matter, its whether you're happy and healthy regardless of what the scales say that is important.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    35% and 180? Yeah, you could. This is coming from someone with about the same stats. My body fat is just a tad lower and my weight is a little higher. But I'm also an inch-inch an half taller.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I can't click on your link on my iPad, but your stats are similar to mine. I was 154lbs at 5'6 (BMI 24.9) and a US size 6/8, very fit with an hourglass figure. Then I got pregnant with my third child. I exercised and logged all pregnancy, and was back at the gym when she was 6.5 weeks old, but had the shock of my life when I weighed myself at 4 months post partum!

    Just move forward now and focus on losing the weight. It sucks when you've been slim before, but you can do it again! I know it's slightly different for me as I do have a gorgeous baby to show for it, but it did really knock my confidence.

    This time next year, you'll be slim and fit again, so just move forward!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    5 feet 6 inches is considered obese. However focus on getting healthy and fit.

    Make a lifestyle change and lose the weight.
  • lolly715
    lolly715 Posts: 106
    Sorry to say, but yes - I would have guessed around that weight. The BF % may be a bit inaccurate depending on your hydration levels but the pounds won't be, unfortunately.

    Our perspective of ourselves is interesting. I remember when my before picture was taken, I didn't think I was "much" bigger than the average 14-16 size. Especially since I was a lot heavier (well over 300lbs) at a younger age, so it was still "better" than the fattest me that I knew. So I actually felt really good in that picture. It's only when I put the pictures side by side that the penny dropped just how much above "average" I actually was - which is where I genuinely am now.
  • Benjinkan
    Benjinkan Posts: 1,107 Member
    I'd just echo what others have said - Your 'thin' pick is very thin, so maybe don't focus on getting back to that, but focus on getting to a weight that you are happy with and healthy at. Do your research, but try no to get fixated on number watching :)

    Stay positive, you're a long way from being the only one to put on 'stealth' weight (probably most MFP members joined up for exactly that reason - I know I did!), and you can lose it again. Its just going to take a bit of work and dedication, but use MFP for advice and motivation.

    Good luck (and try and have fun along the way!).
  • shexy16
    shexy16 Posts: 68
    All I see is face and boobs....soooooo, I guess this post was only meant for the guys?
  • Therese1975
    Therese1975 Posts: 5 Member
    I can't click on your pic links from my iPad but am wondering if you're looking for some assurance that "you don't look that bad." If so, please stop. that's the kind of thinking that contributed to my 35 plus pound weight gain. I just kept thinking "I don't look that bad." I still had an hour glass figure (one big hourglass!) until one day I didnt. I had let my weight get so out of control I had an apple shape with a belly bigger than my chest and some pretty serous health issues to go with that weight gain. Now, I do look "that bad."

    It doesn't matter what strangers think of how you look. What matters is your health. Body fat and weight are two measures (not the only) of your health. Take what you've learned today as valuable input about your present state and do what you can to Improve.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    <----5'7" and 180 lbs. I wouldn't be able to make a guess with a seated picture.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    What is important is how YOU think you look, not other people.
  • purplehearts87
    Can I just say a big thank you to everyone who took the time to reply. I asked for honesty and that's what I got!!
    I am still a bit in shock to tell the truth. I had no idea I was even fat but to realise just how much extra weight I'm carrying and that it's likely affecting my's a lot to take in but I'm determined to get my fitness and happiness back and shed the extra fat.
    Someone commented there's a visible roll on my stomach even in that PIC above - well I've had a good look in mirror today and no longer have a waist. I have a roll, then another roll for hips! The delusion has ended today.
    I've been browsing this site for info and I've started watching my diet too. Wish me luck! Xxx