Crazy workout+crazy diet=Gaining weight??????

AshleyyyB Posts: 15
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
SO...super frustrated. I am starting to think something is wrong with me. A few weeks ago I was doing the 5 small meals a day diet, and doing about 45 minutes of cardio 5-6 times a week along with weight training. I started putting on some weight even though I was feeling smaller. I know that this weight was probably in muscle due to the weight lifting so I wasn't too upset. I am not looking to put on muscle however. I used to play college soccer, so I'm already really muscular. I'm actually trying to slim down and make my huge leg muscles a little bit slimmer. Since I started putting on unwanted weight I tried a new approach to my workout and diet regiment. Now I do 3 portioned meals a day with a small snack (100-200 cals) in between meals. I have also cut out my weight training and am now doing an hour of hard cardio a day. I still put on weight!!!! I don't understand what I'm doing wrong--it seems like nothing I do works! Has anybody else experienced this? What the hell is wrong with me????!!!!!! At least when I wasn't dieting and working out I was staying the same weight =( Now what???????????


  • citylife4eva
    citylife4eva Posts: 9 Member
    throw ur scale away for a while....keep eating right, and exercising, let ur inches lost and how your clothes fit you be a measure of ur success.
  • I have exactly same issue. I'm on low diet, exercising regularly. Final calories are far less than the goal but still gaining weight - No clue why so? Can someone please tell why is this happening?
  • Wow...I was jus sayin the same thing.... I have been wrking out for 3 yrs and not eating right so for the past few wks i have did a complete 360 with eating the right ammount of cal and no pop and cut my sugar by 60%........ And when i weigh myself i gain and loose all in one wk i dont understand it... I strength train 3 days a wk... I do yoga ... I run... i even spin I usually do 1 hr or a hr and a half... So i have the same question... WTH is wrong with me????? So if u find out please let me know... thanks
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    It's hard to say for sure without checking out your diary, but you may be over doing it and not eating enough. If you aren't getting enough net calories, your body won't lose any weight.

    If you make your diary public, I can take a look for sure. But if you are only trying to lose a few pounds, you need to do it slowly or it won't come off at all.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I'm right there with ya. I am the same way. I work out 7 days a week atleast 45 minutes and I am usually under my calorie goal and I am not losing either. I am trying to trick my body right now so i ate a crap load the last two days and i didnt work out today so I am hoping this might actually work, i weigh in tomorrow so ill let you know if it worked LOL...just hang in there girl!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    throw ur scale away for a while....keep eating right, and exercising, let ur inches lost and how your clothes fit you be a measure of ur success.
    Yep, exactly. I wouldn't care if I weighed 300 pounds if I were built like a tank.
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