
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Just read a bit before bed.

    Oh, Heather............I have a very old postcard with that very dog that my uncle sent me when I was a child and I remember going to see him in Central Park!!! The story of Balto, lead sled dog who transported medicine to children was a favorite of my childhood.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh Katla I am so sorry your hubbie didn't get to go home today. Is the renal function testing a normal part of the surgery or does he normal have problems with it? I would be very lonely also.

    I am glad you are enjoying your visit across the pond Heather. Maybe some of the others will make a time to come over.

    At the first of the month we always have an influx of new members. Has anyone kept track of how many of them stick with us. I promise I wear deoderant every day so as not to shoo some one off. But welcome. We are a great, chatty group. Just a bunch of friends getting together, learning a lot of life lessons, learning about different ways to approach this weight loss journey.

    Leslie, I don't think I have ever heard of a nutrition specialist keep track of some one like yous does. So glad you found her.

    Fee much better today. I went to bed at 12:10 AM, intended to get here mush earlier but that didn't happen. Realized I hadn't taken my bedtime medicine. I think I was tired enough I could have gotten to sleep but one of the medicines I take is for restless leg and another is for the pins and needles in my feet especially. The others are for B/P, bladder and stomach so got up and took those. According to my sleep log with my fitbit I didn't get to sleep for about an hour, but I slept until 1:11 PM!!! I did wake up briefly at 7 realizing I still had a headache so I took more Advil and went back to bed. So I felt pretty rejuvenated. I was kind of spaced out when I got up, ran into the wall a couple of times, forgot things, just things like that. Around supper I had another headache but was at the back of the head, not around my left eye. I am wondering if the left eye headache is because of sinus problems. But as far as I know I have not been experiencing any sinus symptoms. The old artificial sweetener debate. I use one a night in my yogurt. I don't think one a day is going to hurt me. I had been using vanilla flavored yogurt but it dad some kind of flavoring in that gave extra sugars.

    Question here for all of you. As you know, once I quit doing something it is very difficult to get back in it. We got notification that Planet Fitness is now accepting Silver Sneakers which my Advantage plan offers free. I HAD been going to the Y but I'm wondering what you guys experiences are, if any, with Planet Fitness. It is closer than the Y

    Tonight was choir practice and we are working on our Christmas music. This is the first time we have been allowed to have our music at home sine it also comes with a performance CD. So it is our responsibility to bring the book to choir practice. Well tonight I made sure I brought the CD! Stupid me. When it came time to practice, I got my CD and then looked and thought what I had and realized it wasn't right at all. Our choir director is a stickler for timing. If it isn't perect in her eyes, we don't have a special for Sunday. So in the ending prayer, the pastor, who is in the choir made a statement that we need to sing so that it is wonderful to God even though it may not be perfect in our eyes. I hop the director got that.

    Going to AAA tomorrow to get a trip done for our trip. I hope she will give us two since we have two cars to fit us all and we don't kill each other. We could all drive in one car with a luggage rack to hold everything but we wouldn't be speaking to each other by the time we got to Florida! Plus there is only one person that can sit in the back seat with the grandkids and that is their Dad. He has very long legs and they have to stick between the two middle bucket seats which is where I like to keep my things like Nook, iPad, a snack, etc. My son in law and my younger daughter are two very like minded people and enjoy riding together, putting the radio on as high as the can, put some rock music on and have a good time. So he doesn't even ride in the same car as his wife and kids!!! This year I may join them in the second car for a few hours to get away from my youngest grand daughter who is a constant chatter box. Both my husband and my daughter like to be the driver, not like, really prefer and close to demand it. My husband gives in but is a back seat driver, although it is the passenger seat since he doesn't sit in the back seat. They stick me in the middle seat between them and the grand kids. So I am the one who has to find things for them, get drinks and snacks for the two drivers. I love them all but......

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Have been to see doctor and she is really pleased with me. I don't have to see her for 3 weeks now and have an ECG before I see her.
    On my spreadsheets she wants me to note: total food cals, protein, fiber and exercise cals.
    She wants me to be training again like I was before DGD came to visit.
    I am doing OK on the Duramine and need to monitor my meal plans a little better.
    She was happy with the report from dietition and agrees 1600 to 1900 food calories just right for me

    "Joyce, Indiana" My doctor recommended I see Sophie to help guide me better. I see her again on 05 November and to take a week's worth of daily meal plans and exercise plans again. She was NOT impressed with the 1200 calories and low protein levels. lol

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi friends; two hours in the car yesterday to the dog's eye doctor (unplanned); an hour and a half from her to the vet/chiropractor (planned) and two and a half hours to get back home. It's 12:30 a.m. and honestly, I was glad there was a little Ben & Jerry's in the freezer.
    Slept badly and am kind of shaky from fatigue today. Have to take a friend to the hospital this afternoon and then take her dog for a few days while she recovers.

    Thinking of everyone; right now especially Katla and husband.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Shortly after I got home last night I had word that DH's renal system finally got back to work properly. I'll go in this morning to pick him up. I hate to think what the hospital bill may be, but having him out of pain and better able to move will be worth it. :flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    morning ladies~
    well the DH is at the airport on his way to florida, and me and the boys are here at the house..
    I slept pretty well last night, but feel tired. today is my day off work so I might just take a nap..
    Tammy- I use truvia (stevia) and that is it in my tea.. dont use anything but that.
    Heather ~ so glad your are having a wonderful time.. thin crust pizza is the best...
    Katla~ hope the DH gets home and comfy and recovers quickly..
    will stop out to see my DFIL and bring him his cookies, also going to look for something pink to where to the event saterday night..
    well I will check in a bit later
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hi Friends, Today is Thursday, wishing it was Friday. Got up this morning without being dizzy so I'm thinking it's a good sign. I do work both jobs today but plan to work out afterwards anyway, I didn't meet my Sept. goals so need to step up the exercise. I also am so behind on the Nutrition class, I can't seem to focus and I think we're suppose to be finishing up chapter three and I'm still on two.
    I like the SPIES goals and will give this some thought and be back to put mine on.

    Barbie, Thanks for the new start and the reminder I need to set and write down goals.

    Michele, My Y is like that to a point, but the one I work at, though small with not a huge amount of members, has the best retention in the area. For many years we were an adult’s only branch and still have very few children. We do have another branch that is an all children facility that we strongly support. The second Y I work at is huge and has tons of members but I don’t know a lot of the dynamics there since I just started.

    Katia, Glad the news is good and DH is doing well.

    Lesley, Glad that you are working with a dietician and hope this helps, it sounds like it is.

    Sylvia, I see the doctor tomorrow after having blood drawn yesterday. This started about a month ago but has steadily gotten worse. It could be hormonal, never thought about it, but I keep thinking it might go back to vitamin or mineral deficiencies for some reason. Mine is better so far this morning and I am back to writing down everything I eat. I’m glad you are feeling better as well.

    Drkatiebug, I’ve never heard of migraines without pain. How long did the blurred vision last?

    Hang in there Vicki, I hope today is better!

    Sue SD, Wow, so close. You did really good!

    Heather, It sure sounds like you are having an awesome time.

    Welcome to the newbies!

    Off to work I go,
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Katla ... sometimes we're delayed for a reason. Much better that DH had professional care with the side effects of surgery, than having you deal with things at home. Very glad he will be home today!

    Tammy ... we don't use anything artifical in our home if it can be avoided. I've learned to drink my morning poison (aka coffee) black because I don't like the aftertaste of stevia and I want to save my sugar calories for something else. Too many reports out there now about artificial sweeteners ...

    Heather ... so glad you're enjoying your visit!! What energy you and DH have!

    Cynthia ... be careful today ... maybe a short nap?

    Lesley ... fantastic report from doctors! MFP just asked in a survey if I would be interested in a registered dietician reviewing my meal plans and making suggestions if such a service was offerred. I suspect it would be nothing like the care you're receiving.

    My poor baby is still home ... day 4 ... with a migraine that will not respond to treatment. Will be calling the neurologist for the 4th day in a row. He needs something stronger to knock this out, but I am aware that they are very reluctant to use narcotics with 16 year olds ... and for good reason.

    Finally have two new aides to train for my older son. Off now to teach the first one how to get son up. He's a likable guy (in his 20's and tired of construction work)... but a few blemishes on his record. Keeping an eye on him for sure. He's sincere, been honest about his past, has set goals and seems committed. Definitely worth giving him a fair shake. Tomorrow's new aide is only 19 years old!! But she comes recommended by some current staff as being mature and really wanting to do personal care. So we'll see.

    Welcome to all the new ladies. You've found a very supportive group to participate in.
    Have a good day.
    Beth in WNY
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member

    Welcome newcomers :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Tammy on the artificial sweetener topic. I drink my coffee black. I do like Hazelnut for favor. I avoid all artificial sweetener. I tried stevia once but found the after taste too bitter. I sweeten things with maple syrup, honey, fruit spread sweetened with fruit juice (like this in plain yogurt). Occasionally I will use sugar. I found artificial sweeteners do not agree with me.

    The trip weight and pre trip weight is starting to come off. Getting back into routine is helping.

    Brenda prayers for your family.:flowerforyou:

    Today I will work towards progress not perfection ( one of my fitness pals shared this quote from the new Denzel Washiington movie)

    2014 word: contentment

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • robinschwalb
    robinschwalb Posts: 58 Member
    I will be 55 on October 7th, I was glad to find this thread.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :flowerforyou: Joyce, I've wondered, also, how many of the new people each month actually stay with us. I've never kept track here, but I can tell you that I joined a challenge in September that had 43 members and by the end of the month there were only two of us left.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, I'm sorry DH had to stay in the hospital extra time, but I remember a time when they sent Jake home right after a surgery and gave me the scariest list of things to watch for and procedures to do and meds to give him, that I wished they'd keep him one more day. If your hubby's stay was medically indicated, probably your insurance will cover it.

    :bigsmile: Breakfast finished and Brandy is lying by my side waiting for her wailk.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washingtonsmiley-happy093.gif
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,603 Member
    Katla - hope DH'S return goes well. I have been thinking of you.:flowerforyou:

    Well, the pizza was awesome! We had extra onions, anchovies, green peppers, sausage and meatballs! ! ! ! ! :drinker: And beer! :drinker: There was some delicious herb on it that I couldn't identify.
    Had the oatmeal again for breakfast. I enquired as to what type it was and it's steel cut Irish oats. Guess I'll have to get some! ! ! !

    Today it's the Top of the Rock and MOMA. Then back for a quick nap and off out for my birthday meal at Le Bernadin. 5.15 start! ! ! !:ohwell: :drinker: I will be wearing my 65 today badge around town today.:laugh: :laugh: :tongue:

    Welcome all the new people. Keep coming in and posting and get to know us.:flowerforyou:

    Love Heather in NYC.:drinker:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning! Yesterday helped with timing for h.s. cross country. Dh is off to work and DD will be leaving shortly; she's driving back to her college to see friends for a long weekend. I have a phone day trying to drum up some media coverage for a charity event.

    It's wait and see time until we learn if the Ebola brought in by the Texas man spreads...........can't believe the hosp. turned him away the first time.........esp. after he told them he'd been to W. Africa. From what I understand, on his first visit the ER nurse he told never passed the info on........sad, negligent, and unconscionable but, somehow, not surprising. From the news this am, they are having trouble getting his immediate family to obey their quarantine which may present some interesting legal questions. Fingers crossed for the poor guy.

    Cynthia.............Hope your day improves; I agree with Beth that a nap is a very good idea. What is up with your dog that you would have such a day? Is there a new problem with his recovery? Best to all of you.

    Katla..........Glad you are getting your DH home today!!! On bills, when I brought my mom to live with me, she had an HMO insurance plan in Pa. as her Medicare supplement which didn't transfer. So I called the billing dept. of our large family practice and asked them which co. was the best payer with the least trouble from their viewpoint. They reccommended USAA and through all her hospitalizations, rehab stints, and home care, I will say I never saw a penny of a bill from anyone. This was, however, 10yrs. ago, can't say it would be the same today..........but it was a very appreciated good aspect of a terrible time for me.

    Barbie.............Don't think I've thanked you yet for the new October thread. Also WTG with that fabulous plank!!!!

    Beth...........Oh, how hard for all of you; certainly hoping your son gets the needed pain med and hope the new aide for the other one works out.

    Hello to everyone else!
    yanniejannie ..........cloudy, 70's today

    PS.......A VERY Happy Birthday to you, Heather!!!
  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    I'd like to join this post.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    Just a quick check in so I don't lose this thread. I've been lurking around but just 'out of it'. Worried about my son, my operation next week, bills, and just everything. I have not been tracking my food, walking less, no more gym (Curves closed). I get depressed because every time I try to do something healthy for me, like joining Curves, my body says no. My back, shoulder, hips, and knees feel better by not going to the gym, but my weight is hurting. Emotional eating doesn't help any either. I've gained back the eight pounds I lost and have no motivation right now.

    Just know you are all in my thoughts every day. I just need to push myself to get back to reading, posting, and tracking!

    Rita from CT
  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    Morning ladies!!
    On the road traveling this morning and taking my 91 yr old mom in law to Bingo....she loves it and I try and take her every other Thursday , then off to babysit my 5 yr old granddaughter and 3 yr old grandson while my daughter has class tonight.
    We usually do an art project ...how fun!!
    Keeping on track with my eating and did some kettebell swings yesterday and will do some this morning before leaving.
    Have a wonderful day to all!!

  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    My one and only goal for September was to recover from the torn meniscus injury I gave myself so I could enjoy our trip to London.

    For October:
    Redefine my exercise regimen (recently diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis so I can't do what I was doing anymore)
    Organize some things around the house (I know this is not a fitness goal but it's important for my overall well-being)
    Celebrate 3 birthdays (without eating everything in sight!)
    Complete wall-sit challenge (I tried it last month but had to stop when my knee started hurting)
    Use MFP daily (I grew discouraged when I was stuck in bed but I refuse to give up)

    Above all else, I don't want to do anything that will re-injure my knee. I need to take things slowly and carefully.

    Satia Renee
    Georgia (not born and bred but abiding)
  • gmajacque
    gmajacque Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. I've been lurking about in the Sept forum and finally made a plan that I think I can stick with. My sister and I started a 21 day committment to exercise and log. Why 21 days? Someone reminded me that is how long it takes to make a habit. So, I get up and do 30 minutes on my recumbent bike (which seems wimpy but, it is just my first step). Someone on another forum posted that they set their calorie goal at their goal weight amouint rather than at a certain deficit. That struck a chord with me...if this is really how I need to change to get more fit and maintain that fitness.....it should be easy to incorporate and keep up with as life moves on. It's a lot slower losing but, I've been packing this extra weight around for over 20 years now so I figured what's the rush. I'm still working on what should be the goal after the first 21 days. Increase time to 45 minutes? Add upper body strength maybe? I'd like to find a good short workout using bands, I think. Have a great day everyone.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everyone; thanks so much for the good wishes. The vet/chiropractor appointment was already scheduled (he goes every so many weeks for "maintenance"), but around lunchtime his eye (the one that had had the abscess behind it) was red and he didn't want to open it. Luckily the eye doctor couldn't find anything unusual, and he seems OK today. I think he ran into some stinging nettles....

    Nap: great idea, but I had to take a friend for surgery this afternoon. I listened to music with my noise-canceling earbuds while I was waiting for her, though, so I did have a relaxing break. Going to go to bed early tonight. Thanks again.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning!

    Barbie - Thanks for again getting a new thread started for the month!

    Tina - I haven't heard anything back from my realtor but I have two different companies coming out tomorrow to give me quotes on the repair.

    Lesley - I'm so glad you are feeling better!!

    Heather - Happy Birthday!! I hope your meal tonight is everything your dreamed it would be. I've never been to NYC. I almost went a few years ago for an album release concert and party for one of my very favorite musicians, but it didn't work out.

    Rita - It's so good to see you! Is it possible that some of the pain is related to the depression? Depression causes physical pain in addition to the mental grief. And, you know as well as I do that exercise will help relieve some of the depression symptoms. You're in my thoughts!

    JB - Don't be such a stranger!

    And, dang it, I had something else to say to someone but I've forgotten!

    In any case, I don't think I mentioned that I finally got the obligatory phone call from my son on Tuesday. I want him to be independent, etc., but I'd also like to hear from him at least once per week just to let me know he's alive! Well, I found out he had been hit by a car while riding his bike. Moms do like to know these things!! He wasn't hurt but it finished off his bike. He has a new one ordered--money he didn't have to spend! He is coming home this weekend for fall break, except he is not coming in until Saturday evening instead of Thursday so I won't see much of him. He will go with his dad on Sunday afternoon to spend the rest of his break so that he can try to get his license and register for the draft (eek!!!!) I especially need to see him now to be sure he is all in one piece!

    Yesterday was not a good day for food! There is a huge container of oatmeal raisin cookies in the office at my second job, and the days I spend all afternoon there are tough for resistance. I'll be glad when they are all gone! Otherwise I've done pretty good. I have a spaghetti squash baked and shredded and ready to go for whatever I want to do with it and an acorn squash baked and ready to add a filling (Mexican style with corn, black beans, onions, garlic, and cheese, topped with sour cream). I also have some ground beef browned, drained, divvied into 1/2 pound portions and frozen, all ready to add to a recipe. I'm thinking of making the acorn squash with one half with black beans and one half with ground beef so that I can share with my friend who is allergic to beans.

    Tonight, my goal is to go by the pharmacy to pick up a prescription, eat a healthy dinner, cook the quinoa for my acorn squash recipe, get my taxes into a pdf file so that I can print them tomorrow and finish my application for charitable care from the UNC Health system, a load of laundry (at least one), unload the dishwasher, and get started on writing my paper for my literature class. I also plan to do one of my seated workouts that I found. By then, it will be bedtime! :laugh: :laugh:

    This has taken me an hour to write with all of the interruptions! It's almost not morning anymore!

    Carol in beautiful NC