20 day challenge

Hello everyone!

So I am putting myself on a 20 day challenge. I know it will take more than 20 days to accomplish what I want to accomplish, but I have to start somewhere. So here we go from October 2nd until October 22nd!

Honestly I have had a MyFitnessPal account before, and deleted it, and made another, then again deleted it... I suck at staying focused. But this is my third try and as they say, the third times the charm. My boyfriend's family reunion is October 25th and I want to lose what I can by then. I'm tired of saying ill do better and not actually changing anything. I try but I always try and go to big and I need to keep things in proportion, and not try to push everything to fast and expect instant results.

The 20 day challenge is a way to pace myself and do things a better way this time. I want to make real changes this time. My 20 day challenge involves changes to my overall lifestyle. Just simple daily habits to add and bad habits to break. The goal is to do a small work out each day, and a bigger more intense work out 4 days a week. Eliminating unnecessary junk food and carbs, also adding more vegetables and fruits. The simple things to get used.

If anyone wants to participate in the adventure feel free to join me! We can keep in contact on MyFitnessPal and update each other, share tips and tricks, and provide support.

Good luck to everyone! :)


  • FlabULessFoodie
    FlabULessFoodie Posts: 47 Member
    Count me in!
  • starfish9395
    I figured if I posted it this time it'd be easier to stay on track
  • Mallyycatt
    Mallyycatt Posts: 118 Member
    WOO I'm in!! :)
  • pennyks88
    pennyks88 Posts: 167 Member
    I'm in! I need to challenge myself too!
  • starfish9395
    My problem is going to be Starbucks. I am a total addict and I just don't think about the calories involved in my everyday go-tos. I get my drinks nonfat, no whip, sugar free and all of it, but the little bits there are still add up. Or by the time I have a biscuit with breakfast, and a sandwich and salad for lunch, the a vegie pasta stir fry for dinner... That's a lot of carbs through the day.

    I am a vegetarian so I don't eat any meat or fish, and carbs have been a stand in object for so long its harder than I thought to cut back.
  • plogan77
    I'm in too!!!
  • sr2107
    sr2107 Posts: 23
    I started about the same thing, but started yesterday, going 21 days without soda! We got this!
  • Supercatie80
    Supercatie80 Posts: 1,802 Member
    I'll give it a shot.
    I too am a serial attempter. (I know that's not a word but oh well)
    I have tried and not followed through several times before, I think because I tried to rely on myself to be motivated too much.
    I'm just so tired when I get home from work (even though my job involves sitting most of the day) that I don't want to do anything else but sit and read to relax my mind so I need to be with other motivated people.

    Let's give it a shot! Can't hurt, right?
  • starfish9395
    Itll be nice have people with me this time. I feel like its easier in a group!
  • Shirotora88
    I am interested in doing the 20 day challenge
  • starfish9395
    Sounds great!
  • starfish9395
    Its my family's pizza night!
    We are ordering pizza tonight, any suggestions on what to get or do?

    They order pizza every Thursday and it sounds amazing, but how do I help cut back on calories and everything while still ordering it out!??
  • Supercatie80
    Supercatie80 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Is there a Papa Murphy's nearby and would your family be willing to do that instead? You have to bake it yourself but they are still tasty and less of a calorie/fat load depending on what kind you get. We really like the Veggie deLite.

    Otherwise, here's some tips that help me:
    1. Go for the thin/cracker crust --> fewer carbs=fewer calories
    2. Decrease the meat and increase the veggies.
    3. Forgo the pineapple, I know it's a fruit but its usually canned and way up there on sugar.
    4. Ask for less sauce or cheese, there's usually enough on it normally that your family won't know it's missing some.
    5. Stay away from the "white" sauces if you can. They're usually full of fat from the butter and cream used to make them.
    6. If your pizza place has lite versions, try one of those.

    Some things I've heard of others doing is cutting out the sauce or cheese completely. But if you ask me, a pizza without sauce and/or cheese is a bread stick with vegetables and the point of this is to make sustainable changes, not suffer and deny yourself certain foods.
  • Supercatie80
    Supercatie80 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Sorry, forgot you were vegetarian for a minute....ignore the first half of pizza tip #2
    I assume the fact that you're eating pizza means you aren't vegan, so tip #5 is still valid, correct?
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    I like that you're putting in effort, but there's a few things you might want to think over. First is that it's not necessary for you to work out every single day. What will happen, especially since you're a beginner, is that you'll most likely burn yourself out mentally from forcing yourself to work out day after day with no break. I lost the majority of my weight while only working out 3x a week. I know for a fact if I tried to make myself work out 7 days a week every week that I would've quit.

    Second, as you already realized, cutting out all unnecessary "junk" and carbs isn't going to work. You're already freaked out for your family's pizza night because you have no idea what to do. My advice to you.. don't eliminate all those things. You can still enjoy them, just in moderation. One slice of pizza won't throw you off at all. Just log it in your food log, then for the rest of the day make sure you eat satiating foods to keep you full until the next day.
  • starfish9395
    I watched people cut out carbs for a whole month and its definitely not for me. I decided on a pasta dish, and I won't eat it all. But cut out The alfredo, did light marinara, light cheese and added extra veggies. I'm quite excited!

    I have no problem working out everyday. I use to dance and play sports until I fell and got hurt, it is more doing the right work outs for my goals and what I am looking to do. And I should clarify walterc7, sorry for the confusion... I don't plan on going to the gym every single day. I plan on the gym 3 to 4 times a week. The others days getting healthy work outs in during normal activities. Taking the stairs, vacuuming or sweeping, walking the dog a little bit more, get up off the couch every now and then and do some stretches. Just little things to have a healthier happy day :)