water intake?



  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    I aim for half my body weight in ounces of water a day - plus an additional 16-20 oz for every hour I workout. So I drink a minimum of 80 oz a day, but I'm usually closer to 100 oz (or more, depending on my workout). Yes, when you first start drinking that much, you do have to pee ALL the time...but your body eventually gets used to it and you'll have to pee less. :tongue:

    But that is ALL of my liquids - 90% of what I drink is water or hot tea, but I also count any milk, OJ, sportsdrink, etc - if what I'm drinking has calories, I also log it in my food diary, but otherwise, it just gets added to my water log :flowerforyou:

    ETA - I've found that drinking this amount of water aids in my weight loss. *For me* if I slack on my water, I either hold weight or gain, even if I eat the exact same amount of calories each day...but when I hit my water goal, I drop weight like nobody's business.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Do they make beer flavored water ?

  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    I love my water intake. I have an app called WATER YOUR BODY...kind of like a game to get 8 bottles in a day. It is annoying to pee alot but then I feel better.
  • QuillensMom
    QuillensMom Posts: 100 Member
    I heard from doctor as well about the half ounce per body weight. I don't quite get that much but I do make sure to drink one gallon. Use 4 32oz bottles and if get thru them by dinnertime I will go for the 5th. The first week it is hard as you aren't used to it. And whoa lots of peeing. Then your body adjusts. I don't wake up thirsty like I used to, so it must be doing some good.
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    I try getting in 8-10 cups a day. We have bottled water at work so I know that every time I finish one I'm down 2 cups.
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    Every morning I pull out 8 bottles of water (17oz each) to get my gallon of water a day. I just try to drink 1 per hour during the weekday. I do run and pee a lot more than I used to but I also feel (now that I'm used to it) I'm a little bit clearer in the head, and my muscles don't ache for as long after working out. I also find my fluctuations in water weight are much less when I stay consistent with water intake.

    Worth noting... I didn't just try to do the whole gallon a day right away to start with... I just started out drinking as much as I could and then building from there. Helps drinking 1-2 bottles of water after workouts, 1 bottle first thing when you wake in the morning, and 1 with meals... doesn't feel like a "task" as much if your re-hydrating at times when your more naturally thirsty.

    I crush and recycle all the water bottles at the end of the week when I go out for groceries so I don't feel guilty for using so many plastic bottles.
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I drink around 2 gallons a day. I have for the past 10 years at least. I also don't drink anything else except for water, so I guess that makes it easier! I am constantly thirsty though. (And yes, they rule out diabetes every time I go to the doctor and have since I was a teenager...lol.)
  • JVWard98
    JVWard98 Posts: 49 Member
    I drink at least 100 fl oz a day. It is a pain in the butt to have to get up and pee all the time but it works for me. I started noticing the weight coming off when I first started getting serious about my water in take. I drink mine usually in a shaker bottle and fill up to the 20 oz. I think it is true to take your body weight and divide in half and that's how many oz you should drink to loose weight. It helps along with watching what you eat and exercise. When I don't drink my usual water intake, I can really tell it. Feel sluggish and bloated. This might be grose but if you are still peeing yellow then you have not had enough water for the day. It should be CLEAR! LOL
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    I drink at least 100 fl oz a day. It is a pain in the butt to have to get up and pee all the time but it works for me. I started noticing the weight coming off when I first started getting serious about my water in take. I drink mine usually in a shaker bottle and fill up to the 20 oz. I think it is true to take your body weight and divide in half and that's how many oz you should drink to loose weight. It helps along with watching what you eat and exercise. When I don't drink my usual water intake, I can really tell it. Feel sluggish and bloated. This might be grose but if you are still peeing yellow then you have not had enough water for the day. It should be CLEAR! LOL

    I completely agree. I drink abut 100 oz per day (a little more than half my weight). Don't have to pee as often as I used to, and I snack less because I am not mistaking thirst for hunger anymore. My pee is clear!!
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    I drink 14 -16 cups a day...been doing it for a while, so I don't pee excessively anymore. Pretty much the only thing I drink that is not water is whiskey.... and vodka..... maybe some Kraken....
  • kingjabou
    kingjabou Posts: 48 Member
    It's recommended to drink approximately two quarts (64 ounces or about eight glasses) of water each day. Of course, if you live in an extremely hot or cold area — or if physically exerting yourself — you may need to drink a gallon or more of water every day. But finding what works for you is best.
  • alska
    alska Posts: 299 Member
    i drink a lot of water n yup ... i pee all the time .. ugh! but i love water lol
  • HappierMe1023
    HappierMe1023 Posts: 14 Member
    Peeing all the time does suck but just think about the fact that you are consistently flushing your system of toxins which is a positive. Also, if you wear a pedometer or even if you don't, just enjoy the extra movement you get in with all those trips to pee :) How much you need varies but as others have stated, if you wait until you are thirsty you are already dehydrated. Your urine should be clear or almost clear..if it's yellow you should drink more water.

    I have a metal water bottle that I carry everywhere with me. I probably drink 65-80oz per day. Sometimes I get forgetful to drink and I am sitting all day at work. For that reason I have set multiple alarms on my Fitbit set to go off at intervals throughout the day. Whenever my Fitbit vibrates it reminds me to take a lap around the office and drink up.

    If you are working on you should definitely try to make sure you get more water on those days. I see my trainer twice a week and if I haven't gotten adequate water during the day I can really feel it during my workout. My body temps go much higher and I'm more likely to feel light headed. When you are properly hydrated you sweat better which helps regulate body temp.
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Do they make beer flavored water ?

    Yes, it's called beer.

    There is also water flavored beer. it is called Amstel Light. Honestly, I thought it was seltzer water.
  • GetSlimEquestrian
    GetSlimEquestrian Posts: 31 Member
    Just drink until your pee is clear.
  • Basilin
    Basilin Posts: 360 Member

    Thanks for this! I've NEVER been able to get up to 8 glasses without feeling sick. I eat a lot of raw/whole foods, drink tea and I'm not exercising enough to be sweating a huge amount per day (....yet). If I drink 3 glasses a day (no exercise) + 1 cup of tea, I pee clear. If I exercise enough to break a sweat for 20 or so minutes, I usually drink another glass. I drink more when I'm in 80 - 90 degree weather, too. But the "base" amount is 3 to 4. According to the weight rule, I should be drinking 64 oz. People that carry around gallon jugs of water with them just make my jaw drop, but I assume they are into extreme sports. :sick:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Caffeinated drinks do dehydrate you - if you drank a litre of coffee, you would pee out more than a litre of urine. I wouldn't count coffee or tea as 'water'. I only count water as water and log other drinks in the 'food' section.

    It's generally recommended to drink around 8 x 250ml glasses of water a day, but in truth you just need to be drinking enough to ensure that your pee is 'straw-coloured' - not completely colourless and not too orange/yellow.
    False. The water in coffee way more than offsets the amount of caffeine in the coffee. Same for basically any caffeinated drink.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I think I am just going to go by the half my body weight, that's 14 cups (or 3 of my water bottles which is doable). I don't drink sports drinks unless I know I am dehydrated (hiking and long bike rides) and thanks for the insult but I know what research is.
    No offense, but if you know what research is, you'd know the "half your body weight" suggestion isn't scientifically valid. The actual scientific recommendation is, "drink when you're thirsty."
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I try and drink at least 3 x 750ml bottles of water per day ( I just reuse the same bottle and fill up here at work)

    If I don't drink a lot, I get awful headaches when I exercise and I struggle a lot more with breathing