Looking for a Group of nonmotivating, sarcastic people.



  • CanaryNoire
    CanaryNoire Posts: 47 Member
    So, I hear you were looking for me?
  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    I'm in as long as it doesn't require a lot of energy. I only drink 500 cals. of juiced herbal cleansing supplements daily. Discuss.
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    Bears fans with a sense of humor? Nope.... something is up... Brett and Aaron have sucked that out of them years ago....
  • carrie_lou
    I'm sorry I guess my reply of nonmotivating sarcasm was taken as profanity....guess I'll just keep to myself again
  • KristopherK1
    KristopherK1 Posts: 2,888 Member
    I don't have time to be supportive and comment on diaries, but if you want to say something inappropriate... come on over!

    I would love to be non-supportive, but you're a Bears fan...we are natural enemies. So I would be supportive just to piss you off.
  • Hockey_Winger
    Hockey_Winger Posts: 1,164 Member
    Ooh doesn't this place sound lovely.

    Oh, like That is helpful....

    He stole what was going to be my comment but now I don't feel like coming up with another one

    Do I qualify? ^.~
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Is being a jerk okay? Or no.

    What about Mean People?
    I hope so.
  • Kiwitrailrunner
    Kiwitrailrunner Posts: 5 Member
    Admit it: You are just trolling for messages containing boob shots.
  • NikkiBubbleGum
    Sarcasm is all I know... seriously, I was the only sarcastic kid in preschool.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Ah, I thought I heard the song of my people!
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
  • carrie_lou
    Id love to know why my post was reported.....and there's tons on here worse than mine...I mean really????
  • ryanwood935
    ryanwood935 Posts: 245 Member
    Is being a jerk okay? Or no.

    What about Mean People?

    It's still not Friday. We may be sarcastic, but we aren't fools. Oh, wait...
  • scrapalooza
    scrapalooza Posts: 335 Member
    Genuine smart *kitten* here.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I'm down
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    I think I might belong here. I just don't have time to wrap it up in pretty bows to spare your precious feelings. I'm entitled to my opinion, as is everyone else. I like straight shooters, I have nothing but disdain for those who wrap bull in a smile and pretend they're the nice ones and I'm the one with the problem :P
  • theevil5
    Nothing more sarcastic then posting a pic of yourself with a giant M&M on a diet and fitness site. WTF?
  • RisingFromAshes
    RisingFromAshes Posts: 27 Member
    You will only gain access to my non-motivating, sarcastic vitriol if you coax it out of me via asinine questions about cleanses/detoxes/non-medically supervised VLCDs/scam diets/MLM/etc.

    Otherwise, I will be contrarily pleasant and offer sound advice whilst wishing you well.

    ::crosses arms::

    An excellent reply.
  • JessRaddatz
    JessRaddatz Posts: 204 Member
    Go Packers! I'm in!
  • 2014myyear
    2014myyear Posts: 60 Member
    Im actually not funny i'm mean and people think i'm joking... so if that's ok then i'm sooooo excited to be included and cant wait to read what you all write.