Grammie looking for others

Hi; I'm a grammie to two lovely little ladies and am a titch (okay a lot) obese. I'm forcing myself to keep up with them and having a lot of fun ... but man I do a lot of huffin and puffin and sweating. I want to shed a good 50 lbs or more to make the fun life a bit more fun. I love to travel, and hike, geocaching is a fun past time of mine, postcrossing keeps me in touch with the world, I crochet on occasion, and sometimes I enjoy reading. I've also recently started up a Red Hat Society chapter and hope to become more and more involved with that too. I like trying new things and seeing new things. I know this site is about weight loss and getting healthier but I hope to find some friends who like to chat about other things going on in our lives too. If you're looking for a new friend on MFP please let me know so we can compare stories and support each other along the way.



  • MistyHiker
    MistyHiker Posts: 175 Member

    You can do it.

    Before you know it you'll be funning and running right along with those little ones!
  • Tryingforbalance
    Tryingforbalance Posts: 38 Member
  • Tryingforbalance
    Tryingforbalance Posts: 38 Member
    I’ve accomplished much in the past few years, I quit smoking in 2008 … a 2 pack a day addiction that I tried to give up hundreds of times and failed. Thought it would never ever happen … but it did. I finally found the help I needed to come back from a bad experience with a psychiatrist who misdiagnosed me and put me on antipsychotics that I never should have been on, I actually lost a couple of years to that misdiagnosis and the crazy meds … I really was like a zombie ... I hardly remember any of it … but my friends and family do. I put them through hell then. But things are better now when it comes to all of that. I beat thyroid cancer last year. So yes, I’ve accomplished a lot that I am so so so grateful for. So why is it so damn difficult to get into a healthy way of eating and exercising? I’m not new to this, not at all. In fact, I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve tried this. But like the quitting smoking thing … I won’t stop trying until it works. I’m back to MFP once again because it’s an awesome tool that won’t break the bank. And it works if one sticks to it. I have a new name, again, a new beginning, again. Here I go, again. I know I'm not alone when it comes to that try try again attitude. Join me on this ride … it can be done. Be my friend.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    I'm a grandmother too. And aren't grandchildren exhausting? Add me if you like. I love to give and receive encouragement.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I am actually looking forward to achieving grammie status, but am not there yet. Sorry.