Body recomp/IIFYM

Just started counting macros and increased my calories to 15%< than TDEE. I'm going with 1g protien per LEAN body mass (approx 100 g). I'm finding it hard to get all this protein! Not only is it difficult for me to find protien so high (why so many shakes and protein bars needed?) but it's also making it difficult to eat additional foods (fruit/veggies). I'm just too full all the time. I hit my calorie mark basically eating my protien grams. I am losing weight easily but bowel movements are irregular (even with added fiber only getting about half my fiber needs). I think I just need to work out longer to use some fuel up, only get to for a half hour a day right now :(. Smelling a little ammonia like after and also noticed acne breakouts as well.

Stats 25, female, 145 lbs, 5'4", 33% bf, around 15 min cardio/15 lifting 5x week, 100g protein, 1450 cals (give or take)


  • Adw7677
    Adw7677 Posts: 201 Member
    I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong...

    100 grams of protein is 400 calories. If you're getting another 1000 calories from that, then you're eating some unnatural protein sources. Chunks of meat are high in protein and usually don't have much of anything else.

    My calorie goal is 1600. When I'm doing what I should be doing, it's eggs for breakfast, salad or fruit for lunch, and then a good meat//veggie combo for dinner. That usually only brings me to about 1200 calories. I need to snack on nuts or some other fruit/veggies to get the rest of my numbers up.
  • Adw7677
    Adw7677 Posts: 201 Member
    Also, if you're able to do a half hour every day, that's really good. You may just need more water or fruits to help with the bowel movements.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    So I have found that making sure I get my protein in first beyond else has many of the same effects on my body as you mentioned. I try to add one fruit a day, and my favorite food to eat with lean protein is avocado.

    So to keep regular, I add bright and colorful raw or steamed vegetables. Drink my water. and make sure my 15-30 minutes a day of Barre3 includes twists of some kind. These foods and activities have many benefits beyond staying regular, but wanted to give you extra motivation to add twists to your daily routine!
  • DreamBigEatLarge
    DreamBigEatLarge Posts: 162 Member
    I'm curious as to what a typical day of eating looks like for you...are you able to give a breakdown??? Your other macros ....what is your fats and carb breakdown???

    And I found when I first started eating more protein that it affected my movements but it doesn't last forever....gotta aim for at least 25gms fibre per day and get a couple of litres of water into you :) I've found these hi fibre low carb wraps that have 11gms of fibre in them....makes hitting that micro so much easier :)

    Your 100gms should be easy to meet....your chicken and red meat need to be about 150-200gms a serving (I calculate mine raw) and tuna, eggs and yoghurt/cheese have lots a protein as well :)

    You also mentioned that you do 5x week exercise for 1/2 each time with 15min cardio and 15 mins weights....if I may make a suggestion that you switch that up to doing weights 3x week for the full 1/2hr with 2x cardio'll see a good benefit from that extra time with the weights...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    15 minutes of strength training isnt really going to help in terms of recomp to be honest. find a decent full body programme to do 3 x a week, or an upper/lower split 4 x a week.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Can you type out your macros (all of them in grams) and open your diary?

    Minor point but you are not recomping if you are eating under TDEE. You're cutting.

    Is there a reason you're opting for 5/week weight training?
  • Health_Temple
    Ok so chicken is almost all protien, however red meats are only about 75% sand eggs have around 40% protien...almost nothing other than chicken has 100% or so protien. So every time you eat protien your also eating fat and/or carbs. To answer your question, yes I have been supplementing with protien powders and bars. I would however prefer not to do that or only on occasion.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    100 grams is pretty easy to achieve and still get fibre/veg and other goodies into your diet.

    Here are some low calorie/high protein foods:

    100g Fat free greek yoghurt - 57cals - 10.3g protein
    " Quark - 66cals - 12.2p
    1 large egg - 70c - 6p
    100g chicken breast - 120c - 22p
    " Turkey breast - 104c - 31p
    " Haddock - 80c - 17p
    " Prawns - 69c - 15p
    100ml Skimmed milk - 35c - 3.6p
    Average thick slice of granary bread - 112c - 4.5p

    If you ate everything I have just listed you would have consumed 129 grams of protein and have only consumed 713 calories (it probably would have cost you a small fortune too).

    Try mixing it up and remember there is protein to be found in pulses, veg, fats and grains too.
  • Health_Temple
    Ok my diary is open to the public. I just started IIFYM on Tuesday, so prior ltr to that I was eating whatever my body felt like basically. An average of those three days my macros are p/114 c/146 f/47. For the last three days I've been eating just to hit my protien and the others come naturally. Yesterday I was sooo full but I managed to cram in my moms organic coleslaw and a cup of water with fiber. I know water and fruit/vegs are awesome for digestion, I'm having trouble just getting all that food in there. I was so full yesterday I only could fit 5 cups of water in and te scale said I went up over two lbs this morning.

    I thought it was just body recomp because I don't care so much about the scale but I'm aiming for less body fat. Even though my calories are only 1400-1600 I am having trouble eating this much.

    I do training 5x a week because its only for 15 minutes a day, the other 15 is cardio (I can't do 30 min cardio streight right now at a level I would like so I just do cardio as my warm up). So maybe 15 minutes a day isn't that much, but I can feel DOMS so it's not in vain whatever I'm doing. I also don't take huge rests like people I've traine with before who rest about as much as they workout while at the gym. It's enough to take a drink of water, send a text or update something real quick and to my next set so I'm really utilizing my time. So the reason I'm not training longer is because I need cardio for a military fitness test coming up in 2 weeks and am not a strong runner so it's important that I get my cardio in. I don't have time to go to the gym at the en of the day and the gym opens at 530 or I would try to be there earlier. So I may take that advice and do weights 3x a week and cardio 2x a week but may wait until after this fitness test.
  • Health_Temple
    100 grams is pretty easy to achieve and still get fibre/veg and other goodies into your diet.

    Here are some low calorie/high protein foods:

    100g Fat free greek yoghurt - 57cals - 10.3g protein
    " Quark - 66cals - 12.2p
    1 large egg - 70c - 6p
    100g chicken breast - 120c - 22p
    " Turkey breast - 104c - 31p
    " Haddock - 80c - 17p
    " Prawns - 69c - 15p
    100ml Skimmed milk - 35c - 3.6p
    Average thick slice of granary bread - 112c - 4.5p

    If you ate everything I have just listed you would have consumed 129 grams of protein and have only consumed 713 calories (it probably would have cost you a small fortune too).

    Try mixing it up and remember there is protein to be found in pulses, veg, fats and grains too.

    Thank you for your suggestions, low calorie and protien filled. I wonder if they sell prawns where I live or if I have to special order them, I've never had them before but I've heard of them. I don't know what quark is and believe haddock is a fish. I should look into more meats Ive never been that big of a meat eater.