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T25-New Beach Body Program



  • eloraroymd0321
    eloraroymd0321 Posts: 1 Member
    Asylum is long but styled differently from T25. T25 is def an intense workout and great especially if you don't have too much time. It is long enough to maximize fat burn without going past of using other fuel reserves and concerns of plateau. It's my am cardio before work.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    I enjoyed T25, and felt I got a good burn from it, I just felt it was lacking.
    Lacking in dedication to any specific area (i.e., upper body, lower body, core, etc.).

    It jumps so quickly from move to move that I just don't feel like any particular part of me is getting the attention it deserves, which is pretty much par for the course for all of Shaun T's workouts. Don't get me wrong, his workouts are awesome and *kitten*-kicking, but I think the pace of things is more of a novelty and less of a workout that someone should maintain in the long term.

    It's no wonder that no matter what new workouts I try from Beachbody, I always wind up back to the original.......P90X.
  • jaric01
    jaric01 Posts: 132 Member
    I've tried all the Alpha and Beta discs. I love how it improves your core strength but not impressed so far with the upper body stuff. Maybe Gamma goes into that more, but I haven't ordered that yet.