Processed fish?

acpgee Posts: 7,674 Member
Processed meat such as ham and bacon gets a lot of bad press. Not just the sodium, by nitrates and nitrites Can anyone point to similar studies about processed fish? I am wondering about relative merits/demerits of things like smoked salmon as well as crab sticks and asian lobster balls or fish cakes. I guess anchovies would count as being processed. What about sardines, Spanish dried tuna and salt cod?


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I don't really consider ham (picnic ham) or bacon to be processed as it is sliced or chopped from the pig and cured (not processed). So if the fish is smoked, I don't call that processed, but most fishsticks would be if they are separated, squished back together and such.

    To me processed meat it meat that is mechanically separated and squished back together in loaves and served like that or in nugget form (McDonalds chicken mcnuggets) or sliced into Deli meats, hot dogs, Ham loaf, etc.
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    Without my fishsticks, I would never eat fish. In my case, processed is better than nothing. Sad for someone almost 30, maybe I should suck it up and eat some regular fish, shudder
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    I don't know the facts about processed fish vs unprocessed. However, I can tell you there's a definite difference based on where you get your fish and how it was raised. Farmed fish and wild fish are different for sure. And there's a huge variation in the quality of farmed fish depending on the country it comes from...Many fish farms in Asia feed their fish raw sewage/animal manure daily.

    I used to work in a deli at a grocery store and they had "fish fry Friday" and their fish came from Vietnam. They had to stop selling it after a customer found out where it came from and went crazy about the fish farming practices overseas.. I have to agree that's pretty gross and I'd rather pay more for fish that is from the ocean and isn't raised in a swimming pool of sewage and eating poo all day. :)
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    This is about fresh fish, to add to the above post. Farmed fish does not have the same flavor as sea caught. Here(Italy), the price is much higher for sea caught.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I eat them, just watch your total sodium.