who is doing low carb



  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    I am going to start low carb again. I've done low calorie for about a year now but have gained weight back.
    I did low carb years ago and had a lot of success. Carbs bloat me and make me crave them and sugar even more.
    So I'm going to try and start again....doing 20-25 per day.
    Thanks for posting this and good luck :-)
  • jomckillop
    jomckillop Posts: 19 Member
    You can have 50-80g per day and still lose weight
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I think you need to read up on the science behind it :laugh:
    To whom are you replying and laughing? The OP?
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    I am doing low carb. It is what works best for me, so please add me. But tonight I am having wine and beer. Going to see fleetwood Mac. Tomorrow is my birthday and I am going to eat cake. I am going to eat that cake so good!!!! Then back to business. Diary is always open. :drinker:
  • harmar21
    harmar21 Posts: 215 Member
    Anyone watch the South Park episode last night? While it was anti-gluten that is generally low carb as well.
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    I just wanted to point out for those of you who site Low Carb as a "new fad diet", I can remember my mum and dad doing low carb in the 80s, eating pretty much bacon, eggs, cheese, cream, butter and all manner of meat and salad/green veg and losing 30kg for my mum and about 40kg for my dad. These are people who wouldn't know a calorie if they fell over it, and wouldn't have even thought about recording food in a diary (that's obsessive crazy people behaviour). They turned back into young people overnight, my dad even started riding one of my horses.

    Fad diet? I think not.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I just wanted to point out for those of you who site Low Carb as a "new fad diet", I can remember my mum and dad doing low carb in the 80s, eating pretty much bacon, eggs, cheese, cream, butter and all manner of meat and salad/green veg and losing 30kg for my mum and about 40kg for my dad. These are people who wouldn't know a calorie if they fell over it, and wouldn't have even thought about recording food in a diary (that's obsessive crazy people behaviour). They turned back into young people overnight, my dad even started riding one of my horses.

    Fad diet? I think not.
    It's been around since at least the 1800s in one form or another.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    You can have 50-80g per day and still lose weight

    You can have a lot more than that and still lose weight. It's all a matter of how you feel with certain macros and what's helpful to you as an individual.
  • Ryandecheney314
    Ryandecheney314 Posts: 139 Member
    I carb cycle throughout the week. On my low carb days (Wednesday - Sunday) I keep my carbs less then 10% of my calories intake, so around 50g of carbs per day. Remember carbs are not the enemy, even on low carb diets. Just make sure you get enough healthy fats and protein to keep you full throughout the day. My macros for low carb days are 50% fat 40% protein 10% carbs.
  • LadyDee68
    LadyDee68 Posts: 3 Member
    I fell off the bandwagon of watching my diet and exercising for a year now. I had put on weight to the point I never needed to wear a belt because my stomach was holding up my pants. I was assigned to travel from one Air/Army National Guard Base to another deploying systems across the U.S. You can imagine that my diet was eat what I could grab. I just recently started a low carb diet with the assistance of my co-worker who has been doing it since February. I started September 29th. The first 3 days was miserable. I was really craving chocolate because its about to be that time of the month. Around this time I usually eat a chocolate bar twice in a week. Since this is day 5 for me, I haven't really craved it much. The problem I'm having is being hungry throughout the day and eating vegetables and drinking water isn't cutting it. I lost 2lbs by Wednesday due to me releasing a lot of fluid and waste from my body so my stomach has gone down a bit. The top of my pants isn't cutting into my stomach anymore, LOL. Some of my girth has gone down so I can actually wear some shirts I couldn't wear all Summer. I haven't started exercising yet this week because of my work schedule and my son's football practices and a middle of the week game. I didn't get plenty of exercising at work tho. I had to configure 74 devices that are inside of these heavy pelican cases. Each weighing at least 25lbs. I had to lift each unit out of the boxes and walk each one about 20ft. to a desk where I was configuring them. Then walk back and place them back in their box and lift that box to stack it on top of some boxes. I completed that task yesterday afternoon.
  • LadyDee68
    LadyDee68 Posts: 3 Member
    Glad to know this. When talking to people I kept getting the answer no more than 20g daily. Hell I'll pass out when trying to work out, LOL. I know you have to have a certain amount of carbs just for energy to push through workouts.
  • Kelli850
    Kelli850 Posts: 13 Member
    I've been doing the low carb thing for about 3 weeks now. I try to keep the carb count between 30-50g a day. I've lost 8 lbs so far and have a goal to loose 30 lbs by Christmas. The thing I have found most helpful is keeping healthy, protein filled snacks with me at all times.
  • wdellkimberly
    I'm not against carbs, in fact I love them! I am diabetic and as a result I have to limit carbs and sugar. If I get the feeling I need something else, rather than reaching for the carbs or sugar I choose fruit. It works well for me and keeps my sugar levels down.
  • Kelli850
    Kelli850 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey there, I have had the same problem of feeling hungry when cutting carbs until I realized that I was not eating enough protein. Keep a couple of low-carb protein bars or nuts with you all the time. This seems to help me a lot!
  • Tydeclare44
    Tydeclare44 Posts: 572 Member
    I really don't get the hate particularly for low carb.

    If it's working for someone, then who are you to say that it is a bad way of going about it? Yeah, it may be different, and it may not work for you, but it works for others. Yes, one can pull out an article saying carbs are essential for energy and muscle growth, and I would then point you towards Keifer, and the numerous studies he references in creating his low carb approaches.

    Personally, I do carb nite (LC 6 days a week, 1 evening HC) because IT WORKS FOR ME. NOT EVERYONE IS THE SAME. I used to do calorie counting, and my weight would yo-yo like crazy. It wasn't until I started low-carb that I was able to focus on my macros more, learn how my body is affected by different micro and macro nutrients, and really, spark a fire for knowledge about how the body reacts on a cellular level, and not just in pant sizes.

    Anyone preaching a cookie cutter method has to give their head a shake and take the blinders off. Carbs are useful, but they have to be controlled!

    Feel free to add, I'm always open for a talk
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    I have pcos and insulin resistance. I stick to 60 or less (normally less) carbs a day per doctor/nutritionist orders.

    It would be interesting to reassess your insulin resistance after a month or two of doing a strict low-carb diet. Especially if your did full Keto for full 2 weeks and then went back to 60grams or less.

    People shouldn't hate on low-carb, moderate carb, or high carb. The best diet is the one that works for you and one that you can maintain long-term. I think the long-term thing is probably the most difficult thing about low-carb for most people but if you can do it and like it, then by all means do it.
  • fghtffyrDEMONS
    fghtffyrDEMONS Posts: 32 Member
    Just because I need to see it in writing - can you still have a 'cheat day' or 'cheat meal' when doing low carb (being in ketosis is just so confusing to me!!!)? I have a major sweet tooth! Can I have that Starbucks white mocha once a week and still lose weight? :)
  • Tydeclare44
    Tydeclare44 Posts: 572 Member
    Just because I need to see it in writing - can you still have a 'cheat day' or 'cheat meal' when doing low carb (being in ketosis is just so confusing to me!!!)? I have a major sweet tooth! Can I have that Starbucks white mocha once a week and still lose weight? :)

    DISCLAIMER --> I'm not trying to promote or do anything like that, just pointing out what works for me.

    This is what I'm on, allows 1 evening a week of carbs
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    My wife is so dumb. She thinks "carb cycling" means you should eat potatoes while on your mountain bike.