Has this happened to you?

I've lost 20 pounds and put on muscle in just 4 months by working out at least 5 days per week, and faithfully using MFP. When people ask me how I am doing it, of course I tell them. Once I begin explaining it, it's like everyone instantly develops a case of attention deficit disorder, and they start looking elsewhere. Something like that ever happen to you?


  • MoveitlikeManda
    MoveitlikeManda Posts: 846 Member
    its because they dont actually care, i know thats sounds so rude lol but its true of most people.

    they ask because they want to know but dont actually care.

    and most are asking hoping you are gonna tell them a super quick magical solution.

    a friend of a friend messaged me on facebook saying "whats your secret?" and i was like there is no secret, its CICO
    and I explained about using MFP and she was like "oh right, ok "
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Can't say that it has happened to me. But I would probably say they lost interest because they were expecting a magical pill...
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Yup! I used to get into detail and got that glassy eyed look too. Now I just say "the good old fashioned way - diet and exercise" and just get a nod or smirk.

    They just want to hear you give them some trick or magical solution to weight loss. No one wants to hear it takes time and effort.
  • Crysty2010
    Crysty2010 Posts: 26 Member
    Yes! They want to hear that 1. You took a magic pill - or - 2. That you have some debilitating disease that has caused the weight loss. At least, that what it seems like to me anyway.
  • rnoboa
    rnoboa Posts: 3 Member
    Since I turn 40 I ahve been trying to lose weight for some time. They ask you for details but when you give to them they don't reall care. My hardest problem is people respecting that I don't want to eat junk food and drink all the time. They start to think I am boring. How do you over come that?
  • rnoboa
    rnoboa Posts: 3 Member
    You are so right! If there was a magic pill we be all taking it! lolol
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    It really depends how much detail you're going into. Most people don't want to know the details - like if you're cycling through calisthenics, to running, to weight lifting, or what days you exercise which muscle groups. Nope, saying "I watch what I eat and I go to the gym" is good enough haha. Details are great when people are legitimately asking for advice but not just general "how'd you do it" questions.

    ETA: I have a friend who likes to go into too much detail. At least I'm somewhat interested, but still. That's the only reason I say it depends on the details. You might not actually be going into to much, who knows.
  • stefanie_lou
    stefanie_lou Posts: 12 Member
    Constantly happens. Apparently people cannot believe that I lost 55 lbs (unfortunately slacked and gained 13 back and lost some muscle...but I'm back!) Just counting calories as well as working out. I have used all natural detoxing pills but that's it. We need to just all be proud of our accomplishments!! :)
  • forkofpower
    forkofpower Posts: 171 Member
    I lost weight. Friend who desperately wants to lose weight asked me for my 'secret'. I told her I counted calories and did a lot more walking than I used to (also, take stairs whenever possible, pace rather than sit, etc.). She was like "oh", and hasn't brought it up with me since. She just does juice fasts and things.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Yes! They want to hear that 1. You took a magic pill - or - 2. That you have some debilitating disease that has caused the weight loss. At least, that what it seems like to me anyway.

    I totally agree.

    I SERIOUSLY think friends who have lost 15 lb of 250 lb by cutting carbs or trying Paleo dinners get more rapt attention and people following their lead, than me....I've gone from 307 to 173 mostly by calorie counting (as seen in my ticker) which IMHO is so much easier.

    I also notice that if someone loses like 8 lb in JUST ONE WEEK (usually from severe restriction and/or water weight loss in the start) they get a big following...but 1.5 or 0.5 lb per week for a year just doesn't have the same glamour...

    Probably sounding bitter above, which I'm not. I just find it really strange!!
  • morehealthymatt
    morehealthymatt Posts: 208 Member
    Agreed! I've talked to many people about my weight loss so far and explained MFP to them and emphasized having to be consistent in using it. Sure, you can fudge your numbers, but who are you really fooling?

    They all say that they'll check it out or don't have the time or blah, blah, blah.

    3 months later - same conversation with the same people.

    But of course, I was that same person at one point.
  • daydreams_of_pretty
    daydreams_of_pretty Posts: 506 Member
    I think that in addition to wanting a magic pill that helps you lose weight, people also want to believe that it is unreasonably hard. If you have to follow a specific crazy diet to lose weight, then it makes following your current diet (and staying heavy) seem sane. It goes back to that whole "I'd rather eat what I want and be happy" argument. When you start telling people that you simply reduced what you were eating and exercised more it makes them more accountable.
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    LOL- you get the look that says 'WHHAAATT.....?!"

    So - I CAN'T lose 50 lbs in two weeks?!

    Forget it!!
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 128
    A few year ago I lost 25 lbs before anyone said anything, so you sometimes think you look great but you are really ho hum.

    On a funny note my good friend from college lost 12 lbs over a period of a year and she has been going to the gym for the last five years pretty consistently. When I asked her how she lost the weight, we hadn't seen each other in about a year, she said, I gave up wine and just drink one glass a day. I started laughing because I do not drink at all. I said No fair! And we had a good laugh about it. But she eats consistently well with her diet and lowered her alcohol consumption and exercises every day and she is at her perfect weight. But it took her about five years to drop 25 lbs. She is 5'2" tall. FYI.
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    Yes!! Well, not me, but it happens to my husband a lot! I don't think he notices because he just gets on with things - but he's lost ~120lbs and counting by watching calories and exercising, and I feel like our overweight friends/relatives kinda dismiss it and keep searching for the next detox or cleanse! Of course they congratulate him and so on, but they automatically assume that what he has done just won't work for them.

    Well, it's working for me too, and I can't wait til someone asks me my secret! Got my speech ready!

    "Well, Webster's dictionary defines a calorie as..."
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I think that in addition to wanting a magic pill that helps you lose weight, people also want to believe that it is unreasonably hard. If you have to follow a specific crazy diet to lose weight, then it makes following your current diet (and staying heavy) seem sane. It goes back to that whole "I'd rather eat what I want and be happy" argument. When you start telling people that you simply reduced what you were eating and exercised more it makes them more accountable.

    I agree with this too.

    I really should work out more than I do, but I have friends who have a lot of weight to lose (100 lb) and rely solely on exercising to do so. One woman in particular (more of an acquaintance) told a mutual friend that she thinks I'm using drugs (legal or illegal) or have an eating disorder, because she knows I don't go the gym every day like she does so it's "not fair" that I've lost much more weight than she has. Some people get it in their head that calories don't matter, only preservatives (avoidance of them) and hours of exercise count for anything. I am not sure what to tell those people.
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    Since I turn 40 I ahve been trying to lose weight for some time. They ask you for details but when you give to them they don't reall care. My hardest problem is people respecting that I don't want to eat junk food and drink all the time. They start to think I am boring. How do you over come that?

    I'd find people that were less boring to hang out with. Stuffing your face and drinking liquor isn't exactly exciting - it's THEM who are the boring ones!