Over calorie goal for several days...lacking in motivation

I really think there should be a confessions section in the message boards on here lol.
The last couple of days, I have been over my maintenance calories. Not by a ton most of the time, but it still makes me feel bad.
My dad has been in the hospital, trying to juggle my college classes, and doing bridesmaid tasks has left me little to no time to plan. I know that's not an excuse, but I just feel like I need to discuss it. This morning I weighed 140 lbs even - up a pound or two than what I normally weigh. I know this isn't anything to be concerned about, I just like to stay on top of my weight. I'd like to lose about 10 more pounds but it's like since I've lost 10 lbs. my weight doesn't want to budge. I typically walk almost every day (averaging 2-5 miles per walk), but like I said, I haven't had time. Not to mention it is getting cooler here. So what to do?

Have any of you struggled with a little bit of weight to lose? Help?


  • uncle_freizo
    uncle_freizo Posts: 5 Member
    If you've lost 10lb successfully before you can probably achieve any weight you wish.

    But from your post I don't get the sense that you have clearly defined a goal for yourself. Take some time to dig deep and find a goal that's realistic and measurable. What will you do to celebrate when you reach it?

    Then, I recommend writing it down or posting that goal - just thinking about it only makes it a wishful dream. Writing it makes it a concrete commitment.

    I believe right away you'll feel much more positive and it will feel like less of a struggle.
  • summer92008
    I'm really kind of struggling with calories.
    When I lost my first 10 lbs, I was eating 1,200 calories a day and walking every day. I was not eating my exercise calories.
    Now it seems that I am constantly hungry at 1,200 calories. Even at maintenance calories, I can always eat more.
    It's like I just want to binge every day for some reason.

    I'm not sure if I should up my calories some to like 1,400/day or what? Right now I'm eating at maintenance calories, like I said before, but I'd like to start back on a deficit soon.

    Stats that I forgot to mention. They may be helpful. I don't know, I just like to post them just in case.
    5'6'' tall
    20 years old
    SW: 149ish
    CW: 138-140
    GW: 129
  • Meano101
    Meano101 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Summer

    I'm curious as to what you're eating...? I eat lots of protein and fat, not many carbs, and I'm hardly ever hungry, even while on a calorie deficit
  • uncle_freizo
    uncle_freizo Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the details, that is helpful! In this case the first thing I'd recommend really trying to optimize the nutritional balance of those 1,200 calories. This figures to help address cravings and feeling unsatisfied. And really make an effort. See how nutrient-dense you can possibly make those 1,200 and see how you feel.

    Outside of that, school and weddings are two of the most stressful things I can think of so I would be surprised if there was no temptation to relieve stress in less-than-healthy ways. The fact you are aware of these things leads me to believe you will have no problem succeeding. Good luck!
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    Do you pack your meals full of veggies? That's a good way for me to eat ~1200 and not be starving. Low calorie and high in fiber = fills you up.

    But I hear ya, I can't run right now due to an ankle issue, and I'm finding it hard to stay around 1200 without my running burns and without giving up some things I like, like wine... Boo. Honestly though a week or so of more like maintenance eating, or even above, isn't going to hurt your long-term progress much.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Maybe you'll be happier just focusing on maintaining for now. 140 is a good weight at 5 6.
  • MsWendyjc
    MsWendyjc Posts: 63 Member
    I struggled for over 6 months (old MFP account) eating just over 1200 Calories and exercising daily from walking/ jogging /gym/ Jillian Michaels at home and weights!

    It didn't matter what i did i could not get my weight to go beyond losing a very small amount at the start.
    Now i am on 1500 Calories and losing a little each day, I've lost 6 kilo (13Ib) in under 3 weeks! I believe my calorie intake was to low and also possibly measured poorly, and i thought it was alright to slip back to old me on the the weekends and have the occasional mixed drink during the week ...

    I also believe i needed to include more fruit and vegetables and fibre in my diet. and i needed to find the right balance that worked for me .. Keep at it and you'll win!!

    Good luck
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    It's difficult to lose weight during times of high stress. You should make sure you're focusing on getting plenty of protein and healthy fats. They'll help keep you satisfied more than low fat foods full of carbohydrates. It's probably not a bad idea to settle on 1400 calories for the short term if you don't decide to maintain for awhile. At least you'll still be on a downward trend
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    I've taken weeks at a time off to recover my mentality and body. It isn't about being perfect 365 days a year for the rest of your life.
  • summer92008
    What do you guys recommend that is low in calories and filling?
    Usually with 1,200 calories I will be miserable for the first week or two, then my body gets used to it. Lately I've just been eating pure junk because it is convenient and easy. And I honestly feel ashamed of it and my body is definitely not happy with it either. I have been sick today with a stomach ache from all the garbage I've been feeding my body. But it kind of makes me happy, though, because it shows that I've made progress with my body and it now prefers healthy foods. It is scary that I used to eat like this all of the time, and I felt "normal". Crazy stuff lol. And sorry for any spelling or format errors, typing on my phone.
  • shifterbrainz
    shifterbrainz Posts: 245 Member

    I'm not sure if I should up my calories some to like 1,400/day or what? Right now I'm eating at maintenance calories, like I said before, but I'd like to start back on a deficit soon.

    Stats that I forgot to mention. They may be helpful. I don't know, I just like to post them just in case.
    5'6'' tall
    20 years old
    SW: 149ish
    CW: 138-140
    GW: 129

    Just curious, you say you're "eating at maintenance calories". How many calories is that?
  • summer92008

    I'm not sure if I should up my calories some to like 1,400/day or what? Right now I'm eating at maintenance calories, like I said before, but I'd like to start back on a deficit soon.

    Stats that I forgot to mention. They may be helpful. I don't know, I just like to post them just in case.
    5'6'' tall
    20 years old
    SW: 149ish
    CW: 138-140
    GW: 129

    Just curious, you say you're "eating at maintenance calories". How many calories is that?

    According to MFP, my maintenance calories is 1770 per day. A half pound deficit a week is 1500ish, and 1-2 lbs a week puts me into the 1200 calorie range per day.
  • JtKeil
    JtKeil Posts: 1,389 Member
    Heya, I'm 5'6 and around 150 lbs currently (major scale fluctuations this week!). My calories are set at 1740 to lose 1/2 a pound a week, this is for 'lightly active'. I'm a bit surprised that your maintenance is 1770, is that with your activity set to sedentary?

    Also, how long have you been eating 1770? Could it be that if you kept to it longer you would lose at a slow but steady rate?

    I agree with the above about maybe taking a break though, you're a healthy weight and have some outside stresses to deal with, try to eat as healthy as you can in the meantime and get back to a deficit when everything is calmer.

    Good luck to you :flowerforyou:
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    What do you guys recommend that is low in calories and filling?
    Usually with 1,200 calories I will be miserable for the first week or two, then my body gets used to it. Lately I've just been eating pure junk because it is convenient and easy. And I honestly feel ashamed of it and my body is definitely not happy with it either. I have been sick today with a stomach ache from all the garbage I've been feeding my body. But it kind of makes me happy, though, because it shows that I've made progress with my body and it now prefers healthy foods. It is scary that I used to eat like this all of the time, and I felt "normal". Crazy stuff lol. And sorry for any spelling or format errors, typing on my phone.
    Most "junk", as you know, isn't very nutritious and is calorie dense. It is easy, though. Some basic guidelines: Stick to lean meats like chicken, turkey, fish and even some pork and beef cuts. Add lots of raw or steamed veggies to your meal. They are filling while being low calorie as long as you don't drown them in butter or sauces. Limit pasta, white rice, white bread and potatoes. They don't offer much in nutrition for the calorie content and often trigger cravings for sweets. Have a salad as a side instead of something starchy.

    Do a Google search for quick healthy foods. I'm betting you come up with dozens of websites that have some great recipes. One of my favorites is a stir fry served with a very small amount of brown rice or even no rice at all.