Are you on a diet or change of lifestyle?



  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    Lifestyle change. Knowledge is power.

    I *know* I need to work out more, but so far changing my eating habits has helped me lose over 30 pounds in less than 4 months.

    I need to be aware of what I am eating, and how much of it I eat, and that isn't going to change.

    I've made some modifications and choices along the way - I like to have breads (and, frankly, need a certain amount of fiber!). Wasa crackers are as low as 40 calories each.

    Small flour tortillas are 110 calories - but I like them. Since I can (likely) spread them with 1 T of peanut butter (rather than 2), I can have a tortilla with peanut butter as a 200 calorie treat. Or I can have a junior chocolate frosty. Or one of a bunch of other things.

    I know what my "blowouts" are, too. The Elvis Style waffle at Cheesecake Factory; French Toast, etc. High calorie, but a good satiety index. And it *is* possible to make super-low calorie choices the rest of the day on the days (about one weekend in 3-5) when I choose something like that.

    I've done well enough in modifying my habits that while I didn't log my food for four days, I seem to have chosen well enough that my 2 pound gain was probably a water gain only (I take diuretics twice a day, and had trouble with the timing of the second pill over the entirety of the four days).

    Except for special circumstances, I'm still logging daily until I hit my goal, and then I'll see how I ease into maintenance. Since that's at least six months away (and probably 12 months), I'm not worried about that part yet.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    for me its a WOE/WOL.
  • Charoni
    I am here to change the life I live... I have been on a roller coaster ride of loss and gain for my entire life. I have quit smoking, started walking, swimming and lifting light weights. I don't want to put my health at risk any longer. I have given up all wheat products. I found that I feel better not eating any wheat. My skin is better and I lost a great deal of inches from around my waist. Got rid of all that yucky fat that the GMO wheat gives you.

    One day at a time. One lesson at a time.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Perma-diet for ever and ever, amen.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    This has been a way of life for me since the mid-90s. And I allow "indulgences" or "cheats" or whatever you wanna call them about 15% of the time and "behave" the other 85%. I have a fitness routine that fits easily into my schedule no matter what b/c I've made it convenient for myself and it's a priority for me.

    The word "die" is in "diet". Once I stopped "dieting", I lost the weight and maintained it! :) Great job making the changes!
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    I'm in this for the long-haul.

    I've had a 'food issues' since my early 20's - I was anorexic for about 10 years - then I got better- and started to over-indulge.

    It's amazing I haven't done permanent damage to my body through all the abuse I've put it through.

    No more.

    One body - one life.

    Now - I exercise - but I don't over-do.

    I'm careful with what I eat - but no restrictions.

    If I want chocolate - or cheese - I have it.

    I just regret that it took me 48 years to learn how to be 'kind' to myself
  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    I'm in this for the long-haul.

    I've had a 'food issues' since my early 20's - I was anorexic for about 10 years - then I got better- and started to over-indulge.

    It's amazing I haven't done permanent damage to my body through all the abuse I've put it through.

    No more.

    One body - one life.

    Now - I exercise - but I don't over-do.

    I'm careful with what I eat - but no restrictions.

    If I want chocolate - or cheese - I have it.

    I just regret that it took me 48 years to learn how to be 'kind' to myself

    Exactly what she said except, with the added caveat that if I'm putting on weight without reason I'll go to the Doctor much sooner! lol
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I know I already wrote a lengthy response here but I wanted to add that I do plan on weighing daily and counting calories in some form or another for probably the rest of my life. I'll do whatever it takes to maintain my weight in a healthy range. I look at it kind of like flossing or wearing my seatbelt in the car...a necessary thing, not really an option. I also have issues (before and currently) with not truly knowing when I'm hungry, full, etc, and as crazy it may sound I am not just concerned w/ overeating, but undereating...I'm afraid if I stopped calorie counting I would overestimate my calories during the day (mentally) and not eat enough food in general, or not enough protein, fiber, etc.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    It's a lifestyle for me, although I know life throws curves.

    Mostly what I'm doing is something I did back in 2003 when I decided to figure out why I'd gained weight in my late 20s, early 30s, and took action to change those things by putting together a balanced nutritious diet based primarily around homecooked foods (and plenty of room for dinners out and so on, since I am aware of the lifestyle I want to live) and, especially, getting more active. That wasn't at all a hardship, and I felt better and enjoyed my food and exercise and maintained for several years until I didn't, for various reasons I know and some that I still don't quite understand.

    Although I am tracking calories now, which I didn't before, and find it motivating and something I will likely continue in some form, mostly what I did this time was just to get back into my old habits and work up to my former level of activity. And once again I am much happier living this way, even apart from the added (and wonderful) perk of weight loss. So yes, I plan to continue after I lose the weight and plan to continue setting goals not related to weight loss, whether related to body composition or simply fitness goals. But might things happen again? Unfortunately, I can't say no, but I do plan to institute various methods to try and catch myself before it goes too far this time.
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    Lifestyle change for sure. One benefit (for me anyway) About having so much to lose (Benefit? sounds ridiculous right?) But it gives me a longer time to learn new habits. In the past when I'd only need to lose 20-30 lbs, I'd go on a starvation diet just to lose it quick and then go back to normal always gaining back more than I'd lose. This time around, after 3 months or so I was whining about having to log everyday and wondering "Will I have to do this forever?" (even made a forum post about it) But now it's been 7 months and I'm totally used to it like brushing my teeth. So yes, if necessary, I will do it forever (We shall see). One thing I've also learned, is if I have a day where I go over on my calories, doesn't mean the "diet" is ruined. Just start again tomorrow. Even people who have never had a weight problem eat a little more than usual once in a blue moon but then it evens out after eating properly again.
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    Definitely doing the lifestyle change this time. Lost a lot of weight twice in past and then put it all plus more back on. I know it will only get harder in future so this time has to be a permanent lifestyle change before I do myself any more damage from being too big. I have found a sustainable way of eating, one that does not leave me hungry so see no reason not to stick with it long term :smile:
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    Diet (low carb). Lifestyle change can wait until I'm at goal weight.
  • tjohnoconnor
    tjohnoconnor Posts: 58 Member
    For life? Yes. I am not in a specific diet camp i.e. Paleo, Atkins, South beach or any of that. I just eat lean proteins, good fats and complex carbs @ 2064 calories a day. I have been at my current weight + 5 or - 3 pounds for more than 3 years. I have 1 cheat day a week where I eat about 3000 calories. I wonder how many years I have added to my life by losing 170 pounds. Maybe only a little over 3.... hopefully more. So yes, definitely a lifestyle change
  • PowerAJS
    PowerAJS Posts: 25 Member
    Right now, it's definitely a diet as I shoot for 180lbs from 220, but I'm learning lifestyle changing skills along the way. As I intend to cycle bulking and cutting once I have a better BF%, it will ultimately become a change of lifestyle.
  • mizzbugsy
    mizzbugsy Posts: 40 Member
    This has been a lifestyle change, 5 years in the making! I stopped drinking. And then smoking. I stopped eating gluten, and then milk. And at the beginning of September, we cut out all grains. Looking at it in this way, yes, I can certainly do this for life.
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    I made it a lifestyle change. I've learned how to eat and why what I used to eat made me obese. I won't ever allow myself to get fat and lose control again.
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    should always be lifestyle change :)
  • tiffanyrosborn
    Lifestyle change for sure. Like you, I've picked things I really enjoy. I haven't sworn off anything, and don't plan to. Best part's working!
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I used to do the diet thing. I now focus on a lifestyle change, therefore I do not diet. I eat everything I did before , but make sure it fits. I move more and push myself harder with my workouts than I have ever did. Its taking a long time for only 17 lbs to come off, but I'll get to my goal if I keep it up.
  • ComingUntrue
    ComingUntrue Posts: 65 Member
    A life makeover. I'm all about nutrition and survival. I'm going to live if it kills me ;)