why arent i loosing any weight

Hi i started on this about 3 - 4 weeks ago and have been eating healthy and exercising most days since starting yet i am still the exact same weight i was the day i started.

for the last week i have been doing 50 minutes on my twisting stepper, eating breakfast lunch and tea with little or no snacks in between. my clothes feel looser but the scales remain the same.

i put on a stone over xmas and although i feel smaller the scales beg to differ.

what am i doing wrong???

i am allowed 1200 calories per day and am eating just that although i am excersing and burning off roughly 800 calories per day so really i am only consuming 400 calories. am i not eating enough or what is wrong???

someone please help me here



  • mizzmorales89
    You should eat most of your exercise calories if thats the case. Try that and see if that helps! 400 calories in VERY low!
  • chantalwhite
    Go see your doctor and maybe your hormone levels are off? Sometimes a medical issue prevents us from losing weight normally...
  • skrupka
    I have had this happen before too and to my utter disgust even discovered my jeans were getting tighter!! I think when you really step up the exercise that you build muscle. I would suggest you measure your hips and waist and not look at the scale. Good luck.
  • Papa_Swearingen
    Papa_Swearingen Posts: 139 Member
    You may be building muscle in place of the weight you lost, especially since you say that your clothes feel loose... this means your shedding inches!
  • CristalBelle
    1200 is a very low caloric intake. I would add in eating some of your exersize calories, mostly in the form of protein. Also, please notice that even though the scale hasn't moved, the fact that your clothes fit loser means that inches are coming off, and that means that soon the numbers on the scale will move as well!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    You are not eating nearly enough, you should be at 1200 plus your exercise calories so if you burn 800 you should eat 2000.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    You may be building muscle in place of the weight you lost, especially since you say that your clothes feel loose... this means your shedding inches!

    Def not building muscle on 400 cals/day you need a caloric surplus to gain any significant amount of muscle.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    400 calories is WAY to low. You should not drop below 1200 calories
  • Janea113
    I agree with mizzmorales89 you are eating too few calories. Try to add healthy snacks between meals like fruit, vegetables, or grains.