Do you make your meals separate from the rest of the family?

I do. I just can't seem to figure out how to count my calories properly say if I make a large pot of stew and I have a portion, I don't know exactly how much of what is in there. Or sometimes people in my household get sick of my "diet food". It gets a bit time consuming sometimes> Does anybody else do this or just me? lol


  • gemmamummy
    gemmamummy Posts: 185 Member
    Me son and I eat the same food. My husband cooks him own food for the day (his choice). My son will happily eat rice. I just weigh the rice for both of us before cooking. Then weigh the rice after its cooked an work out the ratio that he eats of the total rice and take it off the scales, same with chicken. So out of 100g of dry rice he'll have 40g and I'll have 60g Now I write it out it sounds bit mental!!!
  • MoveAlong365
    I sometimes feel bad that I do, but yes. I live with my fiance and he is lean and can basically eat whatever he wants. He is also very supportive, so whatever I want to eat, he is fine with it. He does not always eat with me, but is OK with me cooking for myself.

    It is kind of funny to stand in line at the grocery store and having healthy stuff and unhealthy stuff in your cart, where the healthy stuff is all mine and the unhealthy stuff is all his. You wouldn't say looking at us :P
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    No. I make one meal for myself and my husband, I just eat less of it than he does. I don't eat diet food, and would not subject my husband or myself to that.

    If it's a meal you are making either log the ingredients or create a recipe in the recipe builder.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    No. I make one meal for myself and my husband, I just eat less of it than he does. I don't eat diet food, and would not subject my husband or myself to that.

    If it's a meal you are making either log the ingredients or create a recipe in the recipe builder.

    Good advice. Start today and learn to eat appropriately for your goals/macros while eating the food you plan to eat forever. This does not have to be hard or a punishment. It can't be if you expect to do it for the rest of your life.
  • olong
    olong Posts: 255 Member
    Sometimes, but that is mostly because I like some vegetables that the rest of my family doesn't care for. I definitely weigh all of my food. For the most part, though, I eat what the family is eating for my children's sake. They certainly do not need watch their portions as they are all very active. The lesson, though, to my daughters is that they can see that I eat in moderation and limit the junk food while not limiting vegetables and fruit. One day, they may find the desire to lose weight and I want to be the example that it is a matter of not only what you eat (quality) but also how much (quantity).
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    something like stew an be a challenge, but if you don't use the recipe builder, you can get a fairly good calorie estimate by weighing the cooked components.

    pick out the meat, weigh that, tar out the scale, add the cooked potatoes, weigh, tar, do the same for the carrots, and other stew veggies (which since they are veggies are prob low cal by definition), then measure out the liquid. Now you have the weights and measures off the stew, just figure out the calories for the meal total.

    I know that's a bit of a hassle, but it's easier than cooking another meal for yourself AND you and your family eat a cohesive meal together.

    ETA: If you serve casseroles, use the recipe builder. Other meals (meat entree, veggies, grain/bread) etc and be weighed as you add to your plate. That's what I do. DH and I eat the same meals, I just eat less and maybe add a salad or steamed broccoli or other veg.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Typically we eat the same thing, except those freak days when I'm starving at 5pm (husband doesn't come home before 6pm).

    I use the recipe builder for recipes.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I eat different things than the rest of the family mainly because I eat leftovers and they hate them. :ohwell:
  • pangepange
    pangepange Posts: 49 Member
    I usually eat the same food as my husband during meals, just my portions are smaller and weighed/measured specifically while he can eat pretty much as much as he wants without worrying about portion size. I use a salad plate and my husband uses a dinner plate. I love having a full plate, so using the salad plate just makes everything look more filling.

    The recipe function is really useful when making a one-pot casserole, etc. I usually eat 1/3 of a recipe while my husband eats 2/3, so I can just use the fraction to calculate my meal.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I cook just one meal. Use the recipe builder, it's fantastic. You can look at that pot of stew and say "Okay I'm going to get 8 servings out of It" and if you end up eating half a serving, so be it.
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    Sometimes, but it's only because what they are eating won't fit in my macros for that day. Say if at the last minute they want take out pizza and I haven't planned for it by exercising or watching calories during the day. I always have grilled chicken and veggies ready. That way I can have a quick meal.

    All that being's hard to eat grilled chicken with pizza on the table....

    Otherwise day to day, we all eat the same thing...I plan menus around meals where I know the calories etc and I portion mine carefully. The skinny taste website has lots of good recipes.

    I also put my own recipes in the database here.
  • jenny24012014
    jenny24012014 Posts: 83 Member
    I eat the same meals as the rest of the family, though if it's something with chips I'll have salad instead (e.g. fish and chips).

    I use the recipe builder to work out calories - it's fantastic. I couldn't be bothered (or afford) to make two separate meals every night.
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    I do. I just can't seem to figure out how to count my calories properly say if I make a large pot of stew and I have a portion, I don't know exactly how much of what is in there. Or sometimes people in my household get sick of my "diet food". It gets a bit time consuming sometimes> Does anybody else do this or just me? lol

    You can put in the ingredients in a calorie counter and how many servings it makes and it will give you all the numbers per serving so you can keep count. (link below, make sure to put the number of servings the recipe says not how many you want, if it makes 6 servings put 6 it will break it down for each one)

    I am not on a 'diet' I have made a lifestyle change, there are some foods my roommate won't eat and some I won't so I make different then, but the rest of the time I make normal meals/choices, just LESS on my plate while I'm losing weight. I figure this is real life, I will eat with my family/friends when I get to goal so I need to learn NOW how to judge those foods.
  • allanakern
    allanakern Posts: 245 Member
    Sometimes I cook my husband and I separate meals, otherwise I just weigh out my portions and stick to that much. It's not too time consuming right now but some day when we throw kids in the mix it might get a little more complicated
  • HelensBeads
    HelensBeads Posts: 79 Member
    Another vote for using the recipe builder here. I cook big pots of stews and casseroles (never have figured out the difference), put the ingredients into the recipe log, work out how many portions it is for a 'decent' calorie count (I have a pork, bean and chorizo in the slow cooker at the moment, I was hoping that it would be 6 portions but it's a bit high in calories for that so it's going to be 8 portions), then when I dish it out onto plates I have the 4 family plates and the relevant number of freezer boxes on the worktop. The pot gets split equally and the spares get labelled and go in the freezer for lunch or meals later (homecooked 'ready meals', all calorie counted, plus zapped frozen veggies makes for a quick and easy lunch). My carb accompaniments get weighed and logged as normal, hubby and kid's just get put on their plates. As others do, I swap out chips for salad if I've not earnt enough calories that day and if they want something that I don't fancy (back to the takeout pizza) I'll have 'something from the freezer'.
  • ninja8tofu
    ninja8tofu Posts: 76 Member
    Nope. Nothing separate here. I just use the recipe builder.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    No. I make one meal for myself and my husband, I just eat less of it than he does. I don't eat diet food, and would not subject my husband or myself to that.

    If it's a meal you are making either log the ingredients or create a recipe in the recipe builder.

    90% of the time, this is what I do when meals are prepared. My schedule is very hectic though, so most dinners are just a frozen entree. . . I'm getting REALLY tired of frozen entrees. . . and I miss cooking. :sad:

    But for real, learn how to use the recipe builder on MFP. I change the amounts of ingredients each time. I made beef stew a few weeks ago and looked at the weight listed on the package of meat. The servings are estimates for some things; bulk crockpot meals are difficult to weigh out and get down to a specific serving size, but you can separate the food into single serving containers and see about how many you get. I'm okay doing this because all calories are estimates anyway. Eating 12g more stew than I did yesterday won't make me fat again.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    Rarely. Usually I make my casseroles piecemeal - ie, sauce separate from meat and pasta. Then I can adjust the amounts in each serving- for one, it's no meat, for another less sauce. Then I make a ton of steamed veggies in the microwave. My portion is usually half veggies, since I watch my carbs.

    And sometimes my kids just won't eat what I made. I let them make a sandwich or eat cereal. Same for my husband. I'm not a short-order cook.
  • muggzie399
    muggzie399 Posts: 116 Member
    Think what you will. I buy a regular selection of low cal foods. Add a lot of green, fruit, and I eat cottage cheese with pineapple everyday. My hubby picks me up 5 days a week that we eat out due to neither one of us having to cook for anyone. It costs us so much more to shop for food to cook. Menu's are pretty much pre choice. He eats everything, I eat light. It works for me. I cook for me on Wed. and Fri.

    We just have a very crazy situation. HAPPY, happy, happy. MFP has done wonders for me.