Lost motivation

I was doing really good working out throughout the summer this year and it seems the last month or 2 I have really lost my motivation. I have worked out a few times through the month but I just cant seem to stick with it. I don't have any local gyms in my area (most area at least over 45 minutes away from where I live). I cant afford any weights to use at home either. I think one of my biggest issues is that I have no one to workout with most of the time and its gets me a little depressed. I cant really walk/jog down my road because it's a busy state road and I don't want to get ran over. I have managed to get a treadmill this week and going to try to get back into working out more consistently. Any tips or motivation anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated! :smile:


  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    It is impossible to be dedicated 100% 365 days of the year. We all have phases of "motivation" and "laziness." Just do the best you can do.:smile:
  • redwan2001
    redwan2001 Posts: 286 Member
    You have to know what you want, we all lose motivation and at times cry and get depress we are only human. We need to get back up and remember why we started this journey. I don't have a workout buddy either, but I don't let that get me down. I know what I need to do, and the only way it is going to get done is if I get back up. I use to weigh 350lbs so if I can do it anyone can, I too had my own struggles. I am currently at 153 lbs and still fighting. Everyone falls down, but you need to get back up and keep going :)

  • GogoDri
    GogoDri Posts: 32
    Stick with MFP, read success stories. Hang your favourite jeans on a visible place so to see every day. My fiance moved to another city as he got a new job and we only meet at weekend. For me it is a great opportunity to work by myself. I also joined tennis classes, it is a very addictive activity. Check if you can join similar classes there. Good luck!
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Google online workouts and do along with the videos
  • loricshields47
    loricshields47 Posts: 134 Member
    Loss of motivation is normal. Think back to why you started to work out in the first place. It was for you. It was about you. There is lots of support here if you look. Your circumstances are not unique. I prefer the treadmill and I live on a lovely quiet dirt road, just don't like to be too hot or cold lol. Consider joining some challenge groups. A running based one or some resistance training groups. 30 day shred is a popular one and gives you people to share your progress with. A TRX workout can be done at home. If you buy a knock off system they are pretty reasonably priced (used is a great option). All sorts of training videos on YouTube for free.
    So at the risk of sounding harsh, call an end to the pity party and find your motivation from within. It's the only way it will truly last. Search out support from the rest of us who are more than happy to hear how you are doing and cheer you on!!

    You go girl!! :)
  • Kotuliak
    Kotuliak Posts: 259 Member
    As someone said in a similar thread:
    Motivation is never constant - it comes and goes for everybody. Build habits around eating and training. Keep getting up every day and doing it. After a while - it will just be your life and you won't have to work so hard at it.
  • lcreekmore
    lcreekmore Posts: 11 Member
    Read some of the success stories. Keep eating healthy. And do what you can whenever you can. Do you like to dance? There are several dance videos out there, or just turn on the tunes and dance around while do housework... I am not sure where you live but I am in Indiana, it is starting to get cold, so well... usually cold weather equals warm blanket on the couch with a cup of coffee... that doesn't do much for the get fit routine. another thing that helps me is looking at fitness articles or magazines. as I read about others success and see there pictures, it does motivate me.
  • shannonc04
    Thanks everyone for all the support!! It really helps to be able to get on here and say what I am feeling and get such great responses and support back!!! Ready to get back into and if I fall off the wagon again hopefully wont be gone as long!!