I give up



  • tvanderberg
    I am really amazed at how many people expect for miricles to happen over night!!!! When you gain a ton of weight it does not take place in the matter of days or weeks, so then WHY IN THE WORLD do people expect for the friggin pounds to just start falling off like friggin magic....it is going to take A LOT OF HARD WORK AND A LOT OF TIME......and if you dont start somewhere you WILL end up in worse condition that your in now.

    Just stick with the program and over time even though it may be SLOW and GRADUAL you will see the results, you will be happy and glad you hung in there.

    And by they way you have been doing this for 3 weeks and you have lost 7 lbs.... thats FABULOUS...I have been doing this for exactly 3 wks and 2 days TO DATE and I have lost 5.6lbs. and i'm very HAPPY. I realize that when it comes off fast, it will come back fast. But when you do it at a moderate pace it will be more likely to last. I want mine to go away and stay away FOREVER NEVER to RETURN.

    Be ENCOURAGE....
  • Smokechic
    Smokechic Posts: 40 Member
    OMG, I feel the same way today. I was starting to feel good about my progress and my motivation was even getting stonger! No alcohol in 27 days, rarely going over my calorie limit, exercising 4-5 days/wk and it was showing on the scale. Then today, my official weigh-in day, I lost 0 lbs since last week. And to think I showed so much willpower when I really wanted a cocktail, forced myself to walk for a hour in the rain twice, scrutinized every food choice and documented each. I got off the scale and wondered if it was worth it all. Then I realized that I have still lost more than 2 lbs/wk since New Years--which is what my weekly goal is. I am going to try it again this coming week in hopes that I will catch up and that my scale is messing with me. It's so easy to become discouraged when making so many sacrifices for no results but if I don't have success this time with MFP and all the support, I don't think I'll ever lose the weight and will be fat for the rest of my life. I CANNOT give up this time.

    You could be in a plateau period. It will eventually catch up, if not this week, soon enough. 2 pounds a week is A LOT. That is great work but 1/2 pound to a pound is a healthy weight to lose weekly (this slow loss usually makes for the life change and less chance of regain). Don't just give it a week, give it a lifetime.
  • johanneleger
    johanneleger Posts: 49 Member
    Don't give up so fast, why don't you give another 3 weeks. And follow the great tips you have received from a lot people who have been where you are. I just started myself about a month ago. And ONLY now, in the last two weeks did I lose my first 3 pounds...AND, this morning, my personal trainer measured me and I was discouraged to see that I had barely lost any inches...(took some in my arms). BUT, I can feel something is changing in my body. I can feel that I AM finally going to start seeing progress. It's impossible that no results will be achieved by staying within my allocated calories and going to the gym and getting a nice workout. Please don't give up. Stick with us, I know that if you stay another 3 weeks you will feel a difference. Are you in ?
  • cherslone
    Wow I just learned something new, I can track my sodium too! Thanks!
  • benitocereno
    benitocereno Posts: 101 Member
    I don't feel like I'm starving myself, though, at all. I'm just not hungry (and often force myself to eat even then). When I'm not eating unhealthy foods, there is just not enough calories in healthy ones, lol. I could easily make up the calories by having a cheesesteak for dinner instead of a chicken breast and broccoli, and make up the calories, but that seems....not to be the right thing to do, lol. Should I be forcing myself to eat when I'm really not hungry?

    And like I said, I drink a TON of water--20-30 cups per day. I know I have alot of sodium (something else I am working on) but I feel like that much water should negate it. Also, I'm not discouraged about the progress/lack thereof, but that it is going backwards despite me trying harder than ever this week to do it right.

    There is enough calories in healthy foods...? You're not trying hard enough! Cheese, cheese, cheese! Nuts, oil, etc. Not hungry... hrm, could it be because your metabolism isn't working? Like, because you're not eating enough and you're in "starvation mode?" :)

    Unless you make that cheesesteak yourself you probably have no idea how many calories are in it. If you do and it works out, have a cheesesteak! Eat badly at a restaurant and you need to be honest about what you're eating, they're going to use a ton of oil, butter, etc... and you need to record it!

    Also, stop drinking 30 cups of water a day, you only need 8 unless you're actually sweating it out. After enough, water can become a BAD thing, robbing your body of vitamins you need. Cut it out and eat less sodium and prepared foods.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    First of all: 3 weeks is too soon to give up. I know it is a cliche but it is true, the weight didn't go on overnight so it will take time to disappear as well.

    Second: I took a quick look at your food diary. There were a lot of days you logged less than 1,200 calories consumed. That is not good, if you are exercising as well then you will have a calorie intake that is far too low.

    Try to stick to a regular calorie level, log your exercises and eat back those calories as well to stay at or above 1,200 calories.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member

    You've accomplished sooooooooooo much. In 3 weeks time you have re-arrange your whole lifestyle to be a healthier you. You should be waking up in the morning feeling better than you've ever felt. You should have energy. You should be able to move around a little better from the exercise. You should be feeling the change from the inside.

    Now for you to come up here and type those accomplishments up like they were nothing but bothersome makes me wonder about your mindset. You have to look at the whole picture and not just the final results. This is a total lifestyle change and in life you will have bumps that you have to overcome. If you are giving up in only 3 weeks then you need to re-adjust your thinking to positive.

    Just remember instant gratification doesn't happen in weight loss. It took you "x" amount of years to gain whatever weight you've gain well its going to take some time for you to lose it as well.

    One thing I can promise you if you stick with it and make adjusts along the way. You will lose weight, you will gain weight, you will stall and you will lose it again, but eventually you will reach your goal.

    jessieinblue has looked at your food diary...review the thread she has attached and make some adjustments, but giving up is not acceptable.
  • Nicola1944
    Nicola1944 Posts: 348 Member
    You give up????

    After 3 weeks? Come on pull yourself together.

    Stick with it. Weight that has piled on over months or years doesn't just disappear in 3 weeks.

    My thoughts exactly! keep it up it takes a lot longer than 3 weeks!


    And if you were giving up.... you wouldnt be posting this right? Dont mean to sound harsh.... but alot of people have been on here a long long time and there still going!!! Im sure you can do it, since when was 7lbs a bad loss?? That is BRILLIANT.

    No matter how much people say dont give up etc, if your gonna your gonna.... But i do hope you read all these comments, and see that its not just hard for you, its hard for all of us.

    Keep smiling, dont let things get you down, and just carry on!! Its a marathon, not a sprint!!!!

    :) x
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member

    I looked at your food diary for the past couple weeks, and with some exceptions, you are not eating enough. You need to eat back at least some of your exercise calories so that you are taking in at least 1200 calories a day *after* exercise. Otherwise you are literally starving your body, and you will not lose weight.

    Please read this post for an excellent explanation:

    Thanks!! You just answered my question too. I wasn't going to quit, but I was a little ticked off that the scale showed a 2.5 lb. gain over the last two days. But then, each day, I only consumed about 900 calories, which is not normal
  • jcsalsa
    jcsalsa Posts: 25
    Don't give up. I truely hear you about giving up cause I have been wondering the same thing but fight with myself everyday not to give up. WE can do this together that is why we all joined MFP. Maybe until you lose a little only do Cardio. I have done alot of small changes in my life for instance instead of taking the elevator I do the stairs to my office. I park farther away from the door. Try eating every 3 hours something healthy and I am not talking big stuff just fruits and veggies. Try to make sure you are cooking your food and not eating out (my biggest issue).

    Become my friend and we can coach each other.
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    I don't feel like I'm starving myself, though, at all. I'm just not hungry (and often force myself to eat even then). When I'm not eating unhealthy foods, there is just not enough calories in healthy ones, lol. I could easily make up the calories by having a cheesesteak for dinner instead of a chicken breast and broccoli, and make up the calories, but that seems....not to be the right thing to do, lol. Should I be forcing myself to eat when I'm really not hungry?

    And like I said, I drink a TON of water--20-30 cups per day. I know I have alot of sodium (something else I am working on) but I feel like that much water should negate it. Also, I'm not discouraged about the progress/lack thereof, but that it is going backwards despite me trying harder than ever this week to do it right.

    Don't give up, looking at your food diary it looks to me like a DIET plan and not necessarily a healthy eating plan that you can maintain for the rest of your life. Try to include some complex carbs in the form of wholegrain bread,rice etc. Add some fruits as snacks. Vary your veggies a little to keep your interest up.
    Now the water.....I really think you are OVER filling up on water....8-12 glasses a day is plenty....this will make room for some nice healthy food. No I don't think you should add the high calorie high fat food back into your diet that got you to this stage..you need to look at a whole new healthy way of eating as a LIFE plan..not a short 3 weeks of misery then give up. C'mon you can do it..we are all here to help.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I don't feel like I'm starving myself, though, at all.

    That's what happens when your body goes into starvation mode. Your brain shuts down extra non-essential synapses and puts all the focus on maintaining your organs and bodily functioning on whatever muscle tissue and fat reserves you have.

    Your mind isn't busy telling you that you are hungry if you've already gone a long period of time without eating enough calories, its busy trying to save its life b/c you've already given up listening to it.
  • princesshoagie
    princesshoagie Posts: 34 Member
    I have to echo what everyone else is saying here. I've been doing this for three weeks as well and I've only lost 3 or 4 pounds, I'd love to have lost 7! But, I am exercising every day and I've discovered mellow yoga for stress relief. And it feels good! Don't you just want to feel good? Find something you like to do that doesn't feel like a workout (go to an indoor rock climbing gym - best workout ever! try Zumba, take a hip hop dancing class...anything that gets you moving!).

    Also, you need to get creative with your meals. Virtually ANY food has a healthy "substitute." Check out hungrygirl.com for some good ides. She has recipes for diet friendly "fried" mozzerella sticks, pizza, mac and cheese even! For example, if you are truly craving a cheesesteak, make one yourself! Get a good cut of steak (with as little fat as possible) and cook it up in the skillet with peppers and onions. Get some reduced fat cheese (Hungry girl has a recipe for diet-friendly cheese sauce!) and a whole wheat sandwich hoagie and put it all together! It'll taste good, you'll feel better because you actually cooked it and it will be friendly to your diet.

    Please don't quit!
  • Deana1952
    I have heard recently it takes 21 days to form new habits.
    Don't give up, if your persevere, I can pretty much garantee you will feel so much better, energy, outlook and just proud of your accomplishment even if for a while it is knowing you arre making good choices for yourself.
    One day at a time, one step at a time and you will get there.
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    Just chiming in with my 2cents, I agree with all of the above. Don't whine about 7# in 3 weeks!

    Not to put a damper on things, but you probably didn't lose 7# in fat, anyway. Our bodies can only lose so much fat per week, and 7# is a bit much to expect in such a short time. It is likely that you lost SOME fat, but the 7# on the scale represents water loss as well as fat loss. So, now you feel like you are going backwards? Well, it is your body trying to catch up with the fluid losses over the past few weeks.

    I haven't peeked at your diary, but from what everyone else said, you aren't eating enough. YOU NEED TO EAT what your body needs to function. Otherwise, you will lose water, muscle, etc.
  • rockabyesarojane
    I have been at this since october and have gone through several plateau periods.
    Dont give up and up the intake on your calories!

  • angelmuss
    I don't feel like I'm starving myself, though, at all. I'm just not hungry (and often force myself to eat even then). When I'm not eating unhealthy foods, there is just not enough calories in healthy ones, lol. I could easily make up the calories by having a cheesesteak for dinner instead of a chicken breast and broccoli, and make up the calories, but that seems....not to be the right thing to do, lol. Should I be forcing myself to eat when I'm really not hungry?

    And like I said, I drink a TON of water--20-30 cups per day. I know I have alot of sodium (something else I am working on) but I feel like that much water should negate it. Also, I'm not discouraged about the progress/lack thereof, but that it is going backwards despite me trying harder than ever this week to do it right.

    Maybe if you cut back on your water you will be able to eat a little more. When I am hungry and it isn't time for me to eat yet...I drink water. So maybe you are drinking too much!
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Haha, please note: I'm not upset about 7 lbs--if it had stayed like that, even if I hadn't gone down, I would be happy (and at that point I could see a difference. Now I look like I did before). I'm upset that despite working even harder since then (b/c it was extremely motivating), I've gone up. So I'm at a 5lb loss, and 0 inch loss. That is frustrating.

    As far as calories go, I understand what everyone is saying, but I feel as though when I'm looking at the food and trying to convince myself I want it and STILL can't, my body really just doesn't want it. I'm not like depriving myself (well I am in the sense that I've traded cucumber slices for cheetos and turkey sandwiches for cheesesteaks, but, again, that seems like ti should be a good thing, lol).

    Also, for those who said drink less water--again, I'm not forcing myself to drink this much. I like it. And shouldn't it flush out any excess sodium (from things like canned soups)?

    PS: I appreciate all the support--thanks guys!
  • SarahSmileyGirl
    SarahSmileyGirl Posts: 2 Member
    Don't beat your self up over 2lbs and through in the towel after only 3 weeks. Try not to focus so much on the numbers on the scale since everyones weight fluctuates a few pounds up or down. Try focusing on the health aspect of it and the lbs will come off in the long run if you stick with it. Diet should be a lifestyle change not just a short term fix to loose extra weight from poor eating habits and lack of physical activity. Also you need more than 3 weeks to see a real difference in inches lost.

    Oh and 20+ glasses of water just seems a bit excessive since you only need 8.
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    Please don't give up! I went 5 weeks without losing a single pound or inch! I still felt terrific and loved the way I felt eating right and exercising. Maybe you should give up the scale for a while. I stopped weighing myself for about 3 weeks and when I went back to weigh ins I had lost 4 pounds. Seriously, do not obsess over what the scale says...are you healthier, do you feel better, how are you clothes fitting, those are some of the things that you should consider.