Caloric intake on days not exercising!

renaconnor Posts: 38 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
So I didn't work out this morning!!! :-( And I really HOPE to workout this evening....but if I don't I'm not sweating it! Already worked out 5 times this week! My question is...I've upped my calories to 1400 a day. Being 5'9 1/2" and 165...I was told 1200 was too little. But since I'm probably not exercising today, do I need to stick to 1200?!?! I usually burn between 550-600 calories with my workouts so I feel comfortable at 1400 but since today is a no-burn today...I'm lost on what to do!!!! Please help...


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Go with what MFP recommends if you arent exercising, it already has a deficit built into it so you can continue your weight loss even without exercise
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    No- 1400 on a day you arent exercising is fine, it might actually be too low on days you are. If you eat 1400 cals and burn 500, you are only leaving 900 for your body to run off of.

    To give you an idea, I'm 5'3". Last week I was 148lbs, this week I ate a minimum of 1350 cals (on days I didn't work out) and closer to 1400-1600 on days I did. This week I'm 146 (I haven't logged my stuff for today but that's my weigh in)

    Feel free to check out my diary:

    Many times your body needs enough to keep it burning- when you enter your exercise into MFP and your calorie goal changes, you should be aiming for that new number, not the original one.

    Hope this helps,
    Good luck!
  • I'm not sure either, but I think that since you wouldn't be gaining extra exercise calories that you'd stick to your normal 1200?? I have no idea if that's right I'm curious to see others answers too:)
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Well girl, we are the same height & weight...and when I don't exercise I stick to 1200-1300 because that is what I have MFP calories set to... It seems to work for me, but you have to find what works for you!!! :flowerforyou:
    Oh! And I drink a little extra water on days I don't exercise.
  • renaconnor
    renaconnor Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks guys, I think I will just stick to 1200 today! My birthday is next Saturday so I need to look as fabulous as possible! lol
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Rena - at 5'9" and 165lbs, I'd venture that 1200 is definitely too few calories for your body. With 1400 calories on a rest day, you should still be seeing significant results. While you may want to lose the weight quickly, eating too few calories can actually work against you because your body doesn't have the adequate fuel to run at max capacity -- You just can't work as hard at things because your body is using all of the fuel it's getting just to survive.

    I know it seems counter-intuitive, but this journey is all about being the healthiest version of you possible, and while not getting enough nutrition for your body's needs may help you lose weight initially, over-time you'll be adding unnecessary stress to your body and it will not give you the results that you're looking for. I strongly recommend getting 1400 calories a day, minimum, plus eating whatever calories you burn on exercise days. You WILL see results.

    If you have ANY doubt, check my diary -- I eat like a mad woman and I've lost about 65lbs. Although I am in maintenance now, I have always eaten my calories and once I got closer to my GW I actually increased my intake by a few hundred calories to see bigger results. If you want to speed up your "looking fit and fabulous" goals, steadily increase the frequency, intensity and variety of your workouts (cardio, strength, stretch, circuit etc) and continue to eat what you burn. This will help to shape and tone your body -- which visually makes a lot more difference than a few lbs lost here or there.

    Good luck!! And message me whenever if you have questions :happy:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I'm not sure either, but I think that since you wouldn't be gaining extra exercise calories that you'd stick to your normal 1200?? I have no idea if that's right I'm curious to see others answers too:)
    1200 calories is the absolutely MINIMUM that anyone should be getting every day in order to lead a healthy and fit lifestyle. Those of us that are taller, heavier, more active, etc. need to be eating more to sustain us. You will notice that no matter what your goal settings are, 1200 calories is the lowest MFP will suggest that you eat - there is a good reason for that! But for many of us, eating between 1300 and 1500 calories a day is more than adequate for sustained weight-loss, and the extra calories gives us some wiggle room to develop healthy eating habits that will carry into our "maintenance" life. Learning to eat healthy and learning to "diet" are two very different things!

    Anyway, the math on this can be confusing, but I strongly recommend reading some of the more popular forum posts regarding exercise calories, survival mode, and diet foods if you are unsure. It is a bit of science, but it's definitely important to know what your body needs and why so that you can make informed decisions about what you're putting into your mouth.:heart:
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