Are you on a diet or change of lifestyle?



  • Targetx130
    Targetx130 Posts: 58 Member
    Previously it was always a diet. However this time around it's def a lifestyle change. I know this because I've stuck it out past a month and I'm okay with the slow rate of loss (weight and inches).
  • jbowers1978
    jbowers1978 Posts: 9 Member
    I've refused to call this a diet specifically because I want to always have the mindset that it's a change for life. No, I don't think every day of my life I will get on here and type in everything I eat and do, like I need to do now. But I do hope and am shooting for learning things that will stick always. Even if I'm not on here typing it in, I'll still know about what calories are in what foods, which things are best for me, how much exercise I need to try to get. I'm only about halfway to my weight loss goal, but I'm trying to start thinking about what life will look like at that point - what will be my weight sustainment goal. I am not going to let this be just a diet - I am going to be strong enough to carry it on. That's what I'm telling myself until it becomes ingrained and hopefully I forget how to be any other way.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I don't log or keep a diary...I did when I was losing, but I've always seen logging as merely a tool for learning how to eat in proper portions and get proper nutrition, etc. I've maintained for over 1.5 years now without logging...I personally don't think logging is the "lifestyle"....learning proper nutrition and how to eat a nutritious and well balanced diet is the lifestyle I'm talking about. Making regular exercise a part of my life that is not something "extra" is the lifestyle I'm talking about. Logging and keeping a food diary is just training wheels...eventually you have to take them off and just ride...IMHO, it is unrealistic to think I would log in some diary for the next 40+ years I have remaining.
  • TattooedCinderella
    TattooedCinderella Posts: 10 Member
    Definitely a changed lifestyle. No "diets" have EVER worked for me and I finally realized it was because I needed to change EVERYTHING as far as my eating habits were concerned. Not just for me, but for my kids! They were watching me and picking up the bad eating habits I learned from MY parents! I didn't want my kids growing up with terrible self esteem and bad body images because THEY were growing up overweight like I did. My health was declining and I'm only 35. And even though I haven't lost a lot of weight consecutively, I've lost over 40lbs. I need more friends on MFP who are gonna help motivate me lol! Although I've been sick again with some stomach issues so I'm not getting proper nutrition which sucks bc I'm losing weight too rapidly and not in a healthy way. I'm surviving mainly off of ginger ale, yogurt and saltines :/ so if anyone wants to help me out, it should be greatly appreciated :) especially if anyone has had similar issues and can offer any kind of advice!!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Lifestyle change. For me, that means SLOWLY incorporating little changes here and there that I can live with for good. I am not going on an "all-banana", "no carb", "low carb", "nothing white at night", or "paleo" type diet because in the end I think I would find those too constrictive (yes, I mean CONstrictive and not REstrictive because those types of diets feel like a noose around my neck to me) and end up binging on the "no-no" foods.

    I track my food much better than when I started but far from perfectly. But since I feel like I've failed when I *DON'T* log now, I think this has become a change I can stick with. Just because I am logging doesn't mean I always stick within my calorie goals (let alone my macros) and the reports in the link below are proof of that. (I took screenshots of the reports and made them .JPGs in my photos..I *think* they should be viewable this way. They're the only two charts among the four photos.)

    see my reports:

    You can also see that I'm weight still goes up and down (more noticeable in the 180) but the overall long-term trend remains that feels like a lifestyle change too.

    I have now been here for approximately a year. As of when I joined MFP, I weighed around 264 pounds. I am now at 210 with an end goal of 150-170 for my "final" weight.

    I will probably never "eat clean" because I don't think that's a change I could realistically make forever. I like the occasional ice cream or bag of potato chips. But I no longer habitually have a gallon of ice cream in the freezer..if I crave it, I go out for a single dip cone or bowl.
  • newhealthykim
    newhealthykim Posts: 192 Member
    It's a lifestyle change. I've discovered that challenges keep me going. I believe that I will get to all my goals, because I believe in myself. I don't deny myself. I just watch what I eat.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Diet = 80's aerobics instructor eats rice cakes in a teal & white outfit with matching high top Reeboks.
    Weight Loss Journey = nomads with robes and sticks crossing a mountain/desert area look for a magical weight loss plant.
    Lifestyle Change = 60-ish widow from suburban Texas moves to NYC, starts wearing day glo spandex and becomes a lesbian.

    @seltzer - you have to keep posting - pretty soon you will be under "contract' - Priceless :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    --- and I totally agree - It HAS to be lifestyle. Great post OP! :smile:
  • RHSheetz
    RHSheetz Posts: 268 Member
    This is definately a Lifestyle change for me. The road has had many twist and turns, but i learned not to look at food as anything other than fuel for my body. This is the only way I will be able to stay healthy, by learning how food effects my body and only choosing to put things that impact my body for health into it.

    The old statement, "You are what you eat" is so true.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    This may be controversial and I may be "simplifying" things too much. But just my opinion.

    Some of those who are here to "just lose weight" generally do not mention the love of exercise and and how the changes affect the rest of their life.

    The people that get a "wake up call" and realize that they need to change Their internal habits and discipline start to embrace exercise and health and all the "lifestyle" of watching intake and getting more physically fit becomes a real source fun and pride instead of "something temporary what they have to do".
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Life Change!
    It includes drinking at times (ok too much over the summer)
    still going to parties

    Making Better choices but still not feeling deprived
  • hamstermommy
    All of your posts are very inspiring, thank you! I've been on MFP once before about two years ago, and I'm back on it again but with lots more help and life changes. Maybe in a few months I will be able to post similar encouragement and "I've lost X pounds" graphs!
  • Panda_Path
    Panda_Path Posts: 86 Member
    Change of lifestyle! I am less concerned with the numbers on the scale than I am with the fact that my current eating habits will likely give me diabetes and/or heart disease if I keep them up. It has been a life-long issue for me.
  • caimay149
    caimay149 Posts: 65 Member
    I think 'lifestyle change' is just a more PC way of saying 'diet', to be honest. I HATE the term lifestyle change, because I associate it with weight watchers where everyone ate 1200 calories of diet box food a day and said 'yeah but it's a lifestyle change though'….and packed all the weight back on.

    People use that term to imply that this is it now. This is their last diet. They're going to succeed this time, and do everything they're doing right now….until they die. That doesn't make sense to me. Things change. Different skills and mindsets are needed to maintain than to lose the weight. Yes, certain habits you've learned during the weight loss journey will stay with you, but whether you call it a diet or a lifestyle change, you're still talking about a calorie deficit no matter what name you give it.

    I don't mind saying I'm on a diet. It doesn't mean I'm being unhealthy, or on a crash diet, but for me, yes it is temporary. It's temporary because for the next 35 weeks I will be eating at 1500 calories a day, and certain sacrifices are going to be made. When I'm at my goal weight, I will be eating at 2000. My focus will be more on building muscle, so my food goals will change - they will be more protein heavy. After that, I may decide to lose a little more, so things will change again.

    The point is, you learn boundaries. You learn what food works for you, what keeps you full, what's worth splurging a few calories on and what you don't think is really worth it. You learn proper portion sizes. You learn to always keep healthy snacks with you. You identify places you can get healthy food if you're in a pinch (NB: not McDonalds!)

    I can do that without having to label it 'lifestyle change'. It's just a process that as well as getting rid of the weight, will educate me too.
  • lvsglass
    lvsglass Posts: 90 Member
    For me, a diet is nothing more than a temporary change in how I'm eating. But having lost 138 pounds through counting calories I can say that the whole experience has definitely been life-changing on many different levels!
  • MichelleB69
    MichelleB69 Posts: 213 Member
    I've been here for 3.5 years and have kept the weight off, so I'm going with lifestyle change :)
  • Artionis
    Artionis Posts: 105 Member
    I don't care what it's called - but I have dumped old habits that were counterproductive and adopted new habits that make my life better.

    Habits dumped:
    self-indulgent eating
    negative thinking about my body
    undisciplined snacking and eating when not hungry
    being lazy about physical activity
    being deliberately ignorant about the calorie content of foods

    New habits:
    mindful eating
    more positive attitude about life in general and myself in specific
    awareness of every bit of food that I choose to eat and how that food contributes to my well being
    regular physical activity whether I feel like doing it or not
    I smile more. Which leads to --- more smiling. Which leads to --- being a happier, more content person. Which leads to -- being a person other people want to be around. Happy life.

    Works for me :)
  • 2CABetterMe
    2CABetterMe Posts: 119 Member
    For me it's both. I'm here to lose weight but also to gain tips and insight on what I need to do to keep the weight off for good. I'm learning that it's ok to have a cheat day as long as you don't do it everyday.

    I've also developed the mindset that I didn't put this weight on overnight and it's not going to come off overnight but with hard work and making lifestyle changes I can keep it off.

    If I kepp doing the same thing over and over I' m going to keep getting the same results - an increase in my weight. If I want to see a change in my weight then I'm going to have to make some changes in how I eat AND exercise/be more active.
  • kimmywilliams1110
    Currently I'm doing this to lose weight but once I hit my goal I will not be done. This is a lifestyle change and the weight loss is necessary in my case to improve quality of life and my health. Logging everyday just keeps me in check and let's me know how well or bad I did that day. Every pound lost is an accomplishment and everyday I maintain will be an accomplishment as well.
  • Mscainthe3rd
    I am not on a diet, I am educating myself for a better future. When I am done with my education and graduate to the next level I will use my new learned skills to better my life.
  • marciaholland77
    marciaholland77 Posts: 85 Member
    It's got to be a lifestyle change - eating habits and exercise - or I had better be prepared to see the pounds start creeping back on!