Do fried foods make you feel bad?

I am from Houston, Texas... which out of most of the cities I've been to has the most fried food. I used to be able to eat fried food 3 times a day, every day but now that I have stopped eating unhealthy I don't feel good eating anything fried. My stomach gets upset. I had a celebration at work and there was pretty much unlimited buffalo wings and pizza, I ate like a pig 15 wings and 3 slices of pizza (Not what I used to be able to do but still prob 3,000 calories in just those things). For the rest of the day and the next day I felt sluggish and my stomach didn't feel good. Is this normal? I gained 1/2 a pound but I've been extending my work outs and I feel like I've gotten over it all.

My friend is very nice and I don't want to upset her, she had a really nice dinner with lots of unhealthy food and is bringing me the left overs. I think I rather just take the food, and throw it away because she feels good about bringing it to me. What do you guys think?


  • victoria6h
    victoria6h Posts: 30 Member
    Yeah just throw it out, not worth putting that junk into your body and yeah, I feel like crap when I eat fried foods too. My friends get mad at me when I don't want to go to a greasy restaurant and also when I order healthy stuff at restaurants, but they don't understand how ill I will feel if I eat all that super unhealthy fried junk!!! Don't overwork yourself. Scale can fluctuate big especially after a binge like that!! Shrug it off and keep at it :)

    So yes, if she's super good about bringing it to you tell her you'll take it or even part of it so you won't feel so bad, and then just chuck it and go make yourself some nice baked chicken and steamed veggies... Heheh :laugh: :smile:
  • JazzFischer1989
    JazzFischer1989 Posts: 531 Member
    I know what you mean. I used to eat a lot more fried foods than I do now. When I have the odd craving and indulge, I usually regret it. I always feel very nauseous afterward.

    As for your friend, no sense letting a bunch of food go to waste. If I were you, I would just explain to her that it doesn't really agree with me and that I'm trying to make healthier choices, so she could give those leftovers to someone else.
  • OKfarmgal
    OKfarmgal Posts: 160 Member
    I feel sluggish and sometimes I swear my liver hurts!! At least in that area, probably my gallbladder or something. I never thought fast food would taste"off." I can go to restaurants (Chili's, Luby's, Outback steakhouse, etc) and as long as I don't get anything too greasy, I'm good. But fast food is pretty much dead in my life. But there is a good result, a healthier body and clearer mind.

    If your friend brings you food, graciously accept and dispose of it later. If she insists you try, do so, and say you'll finish it later. Of course you can also tell her you have changed your eating habits.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Don't eat it if it makes you feel bad.

    Is it enough food that you could donate it somewhere?

    Throwing it away sounds like a good idea.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I'm guessing you equate high fat foods with unhealthy? Just guessing since higher fat content is really the only reason i can think of that someone would call fried food "unhealthy." Anyway, the body uses enzymes to digest food. When you significantly cut certain items out (say, major reduction in fat intake,) the body stops producing the specific enzymes to digest those foods. Then when you eat a lot of it (like wings and pizza,) the body doesn't have the proper tools to digest the food, hence, you feel sick and lethargic as your body tries to sort itself out. This is the same reason that hardcore vegans can (and usually do) get sick when they decide to have meat. They use it as "proof" that meat is unhealthy, when really it's just your body adjusting to whatever diet you choose to eat.

    So yeah, as for throwing the food out, that;s up to you, but damn I hate to see good food go to waste. Maybe check and make sure your diet is balanced properly.
  • sentaruu
    sentaruu Posts: 2,206 Member
    fried food makes me feel good... especially oreos...
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    I am glad you can no longer tolerate fried foods. I envy you.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I kind of feel like I want to die after I eat french fries, yes. While I'm eating them, I'm in heaven.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I can have a small amount, but if I over-do it, I regret it the next day. I'm usually queasy and spend a lot of *ahem* "quality" time in the restroom.
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,152 Member
    I am from Houston, Texas... which out of most of the cities I've been to has the most fried food. I used to be able to eat fried food 3 times a day, every day but now that I have stopped eating unhealthy I don't feel good eating anything fried. My stomach gets upset. I had a celebration at work and there was pretty much unlimited buffalo wings and pizza, I ate like a pig 15 wings and 3 slices of pizza (Not what I used to be able to do but still prob 3,000 calories in just those things). For the rest of the day and the next day I felt sluggish and my stomach didn't feel good. Is this normal? I gained 1/2 a pound but I've been extending my work outs and I feel like I've gotten over it all.

    My friend is very nice and I don't want to upset her, she had a really nice dinner with lots of unhealthy food and is bringing me the left overs. I think I rather just take the food, and throw it away because she feels good about bringing it to me. What do you guys think?

    Yes! Anything deep-fried or just very calorie-dense (without much real nutrition) will do it. It helps making it easier to eat better, at least for me.