Need some reassurance with no weight loss

I have recently over the last few weeks been using many recommended websites for calculating BMR, BMI, TDEE and such. After taking this information and using some averages I have concluded the following:
Male 5' 11"
Wt 211
Age 63
BMI 29.1%
Lightly active 3-5 day/wk. Mostly walking 5 days/wk avg 4-5miles/day, swimming laps for 40mins/day over 2-3 days, weight training on machines and dumbbells.
Drink 6-8 full glass of water per day.
TDEE at light active is 2588
Weight all food with scale.
Wear HRM during walking and maintain HR from 88-120bpm

Use my goal weight as my current weight of 210.9 when calculating my BMR and TDEE. "Could someone explain why we use our current weight as goal weight.

Over past week I have consistantly weight in the morning at same time each day upon waking up.This is the confusing numbers:


Some questions I have is that I have used the TDEE of 2588 and subtracted 30% to have a calorie intake of 1890c/day. I have setup MFP goals in custom input and set cal/day at 1890, Macro adjustments are Carbs 213c/day, Fat 53c/day, protein 149c/day.

It seems that according to my numbers I was told that we should not go near BMR and yet that is where my 30% deficit falls.

Should I----1.Change cals/day up or down. 2. Maintain what I have and wait longer? or 3. Try something else.

IF I left out any information please let me know.


  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    30% deficit seems like a pretty steep deficit since you aren't that overweight. But, you could try it and stick with your current calorie goal for the next 4-6 weeks. If you lose faster than you expect, you could eat higher calories (maybe 20% less than TDEE). If you lose what you are wanting to lose, keep that goal. If you aren't losing fast enough, I wouldn't adjust your calories lower but maybe reexamine how accurate your logging is.
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    I am only 2 months into my program so i am no pro, but -
    Thanks for having your diary open. Some days appear incomplete. But on the other days you seem to be averaging 1700 or so daily calories, a good level for moderate weight loss. I do suggest you be more consistent with your logging. Is it possible on the incomplete days you went way over on your calories? Also did you recently have a large drop in pounds? This almost always causes a stall for a week or two.
    Daily body weighing, in my humble opinion, is self-defeating. It leads to frustration and scale addiction. I would opt for weekly, then work toward only weighing every fifteen days. Don't quit! This is doable. It's a long, difficult process but not impossible.
    Wishing you success!
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    I agree 30% is a large amount to subtract from your tdee. Most people start with 20% and adjust from there. If you want to give the 30% a try just watch your energy and activity level, If you find it dropping you need to change to a less aggressive cut.
  • grhancock
    grhancock Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for all your input. I guess my main question is once you set your cals/day, how long does it take to see any results. I have been stuck on 210-211 for more than a few weeks. I find it hard to eat 1890cals per day and if I change to 20% then that would mean eating more calories.

    Does it seem odd that I am eating at or near my BMR? (1833)

    Do you agree that I should use the custom setting for goals instead of letting MFP calculate?

    If I eat below 1800 calls will I go into starvation mode?
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Thanks for all your input. I guess my main question is once you set your cals/day, how long does it take to see any results. I have been stuck on 210-211 for more than a few weeks. I find it hard to eat 1890cals per day and if I change to 20% then that would mean eating more calories.

    Does it seem odd that I am eating at or near my BMR? (1833)

    Do you agree that I should use the custom setting for goals instead of letting MFP calculate?

    If I eat below 1800 calls will I go into starvation mode?

    NO, starvation mode you speak of does not exist. Your body will not hang on to the fat.
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    Thanks for all your input. I guess my main question is once you set your cals/day, how long does it take to see any results. I have been stuck on 210-211 for more than a few weeks. I find it hard to eat 1890cals per day and if I change to 20% then that would mean eating more calories.

    Does it seem odd that I am eating at or near my BMR? (1833)

    Do you agree that I should use the custom setting for goals instead of letting MFP calculate?

    If I eat below 1800 calls will I go into starvation mode?

    NO, starvation mode you speak of does not exist. Your body will not hang on to the fat.

    Also you may have some water retention going on if you have just started your walking. It is advised to give a program 6 weeks to see results before you change anything.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Thanks for all your input. I guess my main question is once you set your cals/day, how long does it take to see any results. I have been stuck on 210-211 for more than a few weeks. I find it hard to eat 1890cals per day and if I change to 20% then that would mean eating more calories.

    Does it seem odd that I am eating at or near my BMR? (1833)

    Do you agree that I should use the custom setting for goals instead of letting MFP calculate?

    If I eat below 1800 calls will I go into starvation mode?

    20% deficit would be ~2100 calories. I do understand that appetite can decrease with age, so you might find that eating calorie-dense foods will work well for you. Most people find that eating a large volume of food keeps them fuller even if they aren't eating more calories. So if you've been eating low/no-fat versions of things, you could try the regular kind and see how that works for you. I 2nd logging more consistently so you can truly see your eating patterns and how they correlate to hunger and progress. I would recommend going up to 2100, that way you will have an easier time reducing your intake while still fueling your body as much as possible.

    After a few weeks of daily logging (if it's easier, try pre-logging foods you know you tend to eat every day, or even pre-log an entire day - I do this sometimes when I am going to be pressed for time) and eating close to your target each time, assess your progress. Scale isn't the only measure to use, how clothes fit and how you feel also are worth noting. I don't remember if I lost much the first few weeks back when I first started years ago, this time around I think I saw results because I wasn't eating enough. But you need some consistency before being able to figure out what is and isn't working! If you eat 2100 daily and you are not noticing any changes in weight, clothing comfort, or any other potential signs, go down to 2050 or 2000 and monitor for a few weeks. Keep this cycle going until you start getting regular results.

    Just a thought after seeing the water retention comments, you might want to try drinking a bit more water even. 6-8 glasses for me is not at all enough, my urine winds up being very yellow still. My goal is drink until urine is pretty clear, and not drinking enough water can affect water retention levels. especially if eating a lot of sodium; I didn't take note of whether you're tracking sodium and how much you intake, but if you're regularly over your goals then that might be what is causing most of your lack of results. Although any TDEE estimation is just a best guess, so you need to adjust up/down as you monitor your progress!
  • grhancock
    grhancock Posts: 11 Member
    Problem is that we have been walking for more than 2 months at this level and also have reduced and removed as much salt from our diet as possible. Buying low or no sodium added, not using table salt on any cooking.

    Another problem I realize is I have very little patients for wanting to see some kind of results of my weight loss. It has been very difficult to eat 3 meals and snack between meals. It also is very hard to come up with different meals without repeating to the point of frustration.

    At the beginning of my plan I was at 220lbs and that was more than 4 months ago. It was more than 4 weeks before I saw any change in weight at all and it was enlightening to see some kind of results but this was only temporary and it stalled again at 214.8lbs in Aug. From Aug to today I am at 211. If this is normal progression then I will try and be more patient, if not I will make some adjustment.
  • AngeliqueAcee
    AngeliqueAcee Posts: 59 Member
    Some things I noticed in your diary..

    0.5 small potato

    1g of pb (2 tbls) - 7 cal!

    I think you may be eating more than you think. I would get a scale and weigh absolutely everything. And if you eat out, make a guestimate, always pick the higher number though, just to be sure :)

    It is crazy how much a few grams of certain foods can be in cals :)
  • grhancock
    grhancock Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks. I have a problem with picking items in the search like the baked potato and figuring out how to get the right measurements, like oz or grams. Most just give you sm med or large etc. Some only give very few options. What ca you do in this instance.
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    Thanks. I have a problem with picking items in the search like the baked potato and figuring out how to get the right measurements, like oz or grams. Most just give you sm med or large etc. Some only give very few options. What ca you do in this instance.
    Use raw, or grams in your search.
  • Omanya
    Omanya Posts: 50

    If you don't, start taking measurements as well. Your might be losing cm (I prefer cm) without losing overall weight.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Thanks. I have a problem with picking items in the search like the baked potato and figuring out how to get the right measurements, like oz or grams. Most just give you sm med or large etc. Some only give very few options. What ca you do in this instance.

    This link has tips for that.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    We don't use our current weight as a goal weight?????
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Weigh every single thing that you eat, but otherwise, weight fluctuations are totally normal.
  • grhancock
    grhancock Posts: 11 Member
    This is excellent information. I have been totality inputing some wrong logging for sure. Thanks for this information it is very valuable. Also can you confirm what one on this tread said about when using the calculator online for estimating our bmr tdee and such, they said that when entering goal weight to use what you actually want to weight. Where somewhere in my search I saw where it says to use your current weight as your goal weight when calculating BMR etc.
  • grhancock
    grhancock Posts: 11 Member
    I was referring to the website calculator for BMR to get your TDEE. When inputing the data it tells you to enter you current weight as a goal weight. I will try to provide a link for you to see.
  • grhancock
    grhancock Posts: 11 Member
    Here is the reference.

    And plug in:

    height (in inches)
    weight (in pounds)
    GOAL weight (in pounds)
    and that body fat % you just wrote

    Now, a caveat - for GOAL weight, they ask that you enter in your current weight again - the reason being that when you enter your true GOAL weight, the system will show you a BMR to eat at so that when you reach that GOAL, you are used to and continue to eat at that calorie / day. It will work and it is accurate however, the weight loss will be slow and many of us are not patient enough to do it that way.

    When you enter your current weight as GOAL, it will generate what they call TDEE - total daily energy expenditure. THAT # is important as it tells you, taking into account your personal information, not only the minimum BMR to stay alive, but the amount of calories per day you need to MAINTAIN at the weight you are at RIGHT NOW.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Definitely buy a food scale. Accurate logging can make all the difference.