Share Your Best Advice

Hey guys, those of you who have lost weight (in a healthy way), I thought it might be nice if you could share your words of wisdom with those of us just starting out.

I know many of you will focus on mindset so bring that on but I ask you not to neglect the physical advice too. I'd love specific advice rather than the general stuff that's usually given. So for instance, if your wisdom is calories in calories out, what specifically helped you regulate that? A scale? Great, share what was the most difficult part of using the scale or accurate logging and how you overcame it.

Thanks! I am really looking forward to hearing how you made success!


  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Being honest with myself.
    Logging accurately, learning portion control with help from a digital scale.
    Learning that I didn't have to be perfect just consistent.
    Learning more about nutrition and fitness.
    Setting realistic fitness related goals
    Finding activities that I enjoy for me they are lifting, biking and a little running
    Setting up good routines
    Understanding I need patience it's not going to happen over night.

    Those are the basics
  • sentaruu
    sentaruu Posts: 2,206 Member
    don't let every little misstep bring you down.
    don't take life too seriously.
  • Powerliftnjunkie
    I stopped obsessing over calories. I eat in moderation and I eat for my lifestyle. I do not starve my body just to lose a few pounds, like I used to do. When I'm hungry I eat. I use a food scale and its the most accurate measurement you can use. I workout 6 days a week, lifting heavy weights, because I love it. I am not afraid of bulking like a man, like many women are; it's a myth. If I go over my calories for the day, I don't throw my hands up in the air and give up or make myself feel like crap, nor do I exercise excessively just to burn those calories off. Life gets in the way, I move on! I am not perfect! These are the things I overcame!
  • yossale3
    yossale3 Posts: 224 Member
    write , write and write . donwt stop .
  • tara_means_star
    tara_means_star Posts: 957 Member
    Keep them coming :)
  • tara_means_star
    tara_means_star Posts: 957 Member
    I stopped obsessing over calories. I eat in moderation and I eat for my lifestyle. I do not starve my body just to lose a few pounds, like I used to do. When I'm hungry I eat. I use a food scale and its the most accurate measurement you can use. I workout 6 days a week, lifting heavy weights, because I love it. I am not afraid of bulking like a man, like many women are; it's a myth. If I go over my calories for the day, I don't throw my hands up in the air and give up or make myself feel like crap, nor do I exercise excessively just to burn those calories off. Life gets in the way, I move on! I am not perfect! These are the things I overcame!

    Thanks for being specific!
  • FeelGood329
    FeelGood329 Posts: 10 Member
    Thinking hard before putting anything in my mouth...before eating anything i think about the calories, the fat, how i will burn it off later, what ill be eating later in that i really want it or am i just bored? am i actually hungry?

    i take the steps rather than the elevator each time, or i'll walk instead of run

    having an active and bigger dog is the best! she's helped me so much because i need to run her and keep her active...she gets me out of the house, we go on long walks

    CLEAN EATING has also helped me tremendously, as well as the smoothies i've created in my vitamix!

    hope this helped !
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    1. how you lose the weight is how you will have to maintain the loss..or you WILL gain it back . so decide what really works for you. for the long term. If no carbs is a way you want to live forever..then by all means do that if you like it. but it you think you can adhere to a plan..then switch to something else during maintenance.. it isn't going to work.

    2. Three weeks into my journey i realized i was already living the life and eating the calories required when i reached my goal. So.. yo sort of are at maintenance already. So think of it that way. That is realistic and it makes it easier.

    2. By counting calories i realize that if i exercise an hour a day.. i can eat pretty much how i want and lose.

    3. i don't obsess over it all.. if i go over a day…i just exercise a bit extra..or cut back some place. i don't use it as an excuse to go totally off my plan.

    3. i don't weigh myself.. i use my clothes and a measuring tape. If i lose slow fine.. i just want to get there. and so far.. i'm 67 days in..and i can tell a good difference. I still have another two months or so to go to be where i want.. but no big deal there are days i feel like it isn't working..and i just ignore those feelings.. and keep myself busy with other goals

    4. The scale. I do plan on weighing when i get down to where i look the way I want. I think the scale is a great way to keep weight from creeping back on. But when losing weight ..with some people… it makes them dejected and ruins progress. I can tell you that weight seems to come off all at once..then i look the same for a long time. it is jus how the body loses.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    for me, most simply It meant more to do well then not.

    One day at a time, one pound at a time.

    Exercise Is what I needed to be in routine. It was needed for my cholesterol levels. Its needed to be here for my kids.
    More strength is needed to keep up now, and so I'm not falling and breaking at hip at 80 and basically 'taking myself out'.

    It took me a LONG time to enjoy working out and being consistent. Its all about what works for YOU

    For me, and this point in my life with two young kids, a job and business.... its home workouts done in the AM before everyone is up. Then the key was finding ones I LIKED so I was motivated to keep going.
    Tape measure and pictures help.

    Welcome and good luck on Your journey
  • radiatingkayla
    radiatingkayla Posts: 37 Member
    one bad day doesn't matter in the long run - just don't make a habit of it
    finding an exercise/physical activity you actually enjoy
    eating a GOOD breakfast :)
    morning exercise puts me in a good mood for the entire day
    wearing clothes that make you feel cute + confident
    one donut won't kill you - just work it into your macros/calories
    logging calories daily
    playing around with macros to see where I feel best
    being vegetarian
    cutting out caffeine
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    Monitor how you feel and what you've eaten. If I don't eat the right amount of protein vs. carbs., I get light-headed or feel really hungry. If I eat protein and a little fat, I feel satiated and don't overeat. Find out what keeps you satisfied and get into a pattern that feels right for you. Repeat.
  • chilly1470
    chilly1470 Posts: 178 Member
    Log completely honestly and include every little morsel.
    Love yourself first and foremost. Do this for you!!
    Drink lots and lots of water daily.
    Measure, weigh your food. You might be surprised.
    Never give up. If you get stuck, press on!!
    Get a good core group of friends to talk to and motivate each other. It really helps.
    Eat your daily number and don't try to go as low as "you" think you can. It is counterproductive to starve yourself.
    Move your butt! Daily. Get up and move, you don't need the gym, or a treadmill or barbells. Just move yourself.
    Try not to eat your exercise calories unless you really need to.
    Eat several smaller meals through the day.
    Try try try to eat breakfast.
    Limit eggs, red meat, deep fried foods, candy, chocolate, fast food etc. (notice I said limit, not eliminate. That is up to you)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Being honest with myself.
    Logging accurately, learning portion control with help from a digital scale.
    Learning that I didn't have to be perfect just consistent.
    Learning more about nutrition and fitness.
    Setting realistic fitness related goals
    Finding activities that I enjoy for me they are lifting, biking and a little running
    Setting up good routines
    Understanding I need patience it's not going to happen over night.

    Those are the basics
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    Log accurately and consistently, and don't agonize over day-to-day fluctuations in weight. :flowerforyou:
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Do what works for YOU!

    Change it up. Eat a little more one day, a little less another.

    Log, log, log. ESPECIALLY on the days you overeat!

    Never feel guilty. If you want to diet, do that. If you want to eat, eat. Give yourself permission to do whatever you want and be happy doing it.

    Don't freak out when you do everything right and the scale goes up. It happens.

    Try new exercises all the time. At least once every two weeks, try something different.

    SWIM! Swim, swim, swim. Nothing better for burning calories, toning muscles and making you feel so good. It's easy to do, too, And you never feel like you're working hard.

    Get enough sleep.

    Drink water only.

    Work in as much healthy food as you can. You'll feel better.

    Be good to yourself.

    ...and Please, for the love of God, feed your cat before working out in the living room. Don't accidentally step on her when she sneaks into your workout and hear her scream and then find out, $500 later, that she's fine. Feed. The. Cat. :)
  • nykismile
    nykismile Posts: 198
    Don't eat something that's not worth your calories.

    Meaning, if you prefer chewy delicious freshly baked cookies to pre-packaged hard cookies, then stop eating the pre-packaged kind even if they're more readily available. If you really want cookies, take the time to bake them yourself (someone else used this analogy before. Unfortunately I cannot remember their username).
  • lisaducharme54
    lisaducharme54 Posts: 32 Member
    I have had a lot of wise words passed down to me: My breaking point was when I asked my Primary Care doctor about Bariatric Surgery and she said this to me:" Bariatric, no pills or even Weight watchers is going to make you lose weight. The reason why is because YOU have to be the one to change your mindset about food, about exercise, and change, if you don't do this nothing will work!"
    I had to stop and think for a moment how right she was! So I got a personal trainer who helped me figure out what to eat and what not to eat. I learned by trial and error if I worked out with her after eating a bunch of junk then I was lethargic and not getting the most out of my work-outs. Also tracking everything has helped me keep accountable.

    Just remember YOU are the only one in the drivers seat to lose weight nobody else so take the Wheel! :)

  • Josephine237
    Josephine237 Posts: 72 Member
    Stick to it and you can do it, one pound at a time.

    Never stop working at your health, its the best thing you can do for yourself and for those you love.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Weigh everything and really get a feel for portions, that way when you go out of town on vacation/don't have service, you can get a more accurate picture of what you're eating that week. Then go home and continue logging everything.