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stuck at my weight forever I think! (long)

Maybe I'm just greedy...
I'm pretty short so to lose 0.5lb a week on mfp I've to net 1400calories/ day.
I do a fair bit of exercise also! Most days. My weight pretty much hovers around 147lb . I've been on and off mfp for a long time, but my diet stays the same and exercise the same sports on average. I've been trying to lose weight by reducing fat for probably the last year. Im Just not happy with the way I look, I've had to buy bigger sized clothes etc. Recently I've been going to the gym on my lunch hour and doing 30min hard interval training..... After two weeks of that as an extra in my exercise... Yep I'm still basically the same weight!
Exercise wise I've been doing the 30min in the gym about 3times a week, 2- 4hours volleyball a week, an hour of squash a week and an hour of body pump. Not got more time to add much else really!
Give or take a couple of pounds I'm generally the same weight!
The second problem... Netting 1400cal I'm proper starving! I'm basically over on my calories everyday- and that's with stomach rumbling hunger at some points.
I log everything ( bar water and black coffee) .
I work funny shifts, and can't eat outside my break times.
A typical day ( diary is open anyway) is
Breakfast- cereal or bulletproof coffee (I know not all people agree with the premise but thought I would give it a bash)
Lunch break at work at 11.30am - soup or a sandwich
Dinner break at work at 4.30pm the other half of the soup or some leftovers from dinner the night before.
Then by 9pm when I get home I'm starving . Actually hungry not needing water, have to eat something! But I've basically used all my calories by this point! Usually have an apple each day also, and sometimes chocolate which doesn't help the calories- but I'm doing a lifestyle change not a diet in my eyes.
I've had one beer this week which isn't much.
So then I eat dinner with my other half after my work and I've killed off any hope of losing weight! But I dont go to bed till midnight/ 1am and I'm sure not going to last from 4.30pm till 1am without eating!
I do like to have a sit down meal with my other half as it's when we spend our relaxing time together really!
I'm 5ft 1inch height wise. Diet wise I'm vegetarian.
I'm stuck! Help please!
Do I have to decide between me being satisfied hunger wise and being fat or hungry all the time to lose weight? Is that my only two options!
My goal was to bring my bmi to a middle of the road 22, and my body fat % to low to mid 20's . My scales say my fat is around 41% . I've never gotten it to below 40% regardless of what I do so it's highly unlikely I'm going to get it to a normal 25% . So disappointing really.


  • JimmyRabuf
    JimmyRabuf Posts: 11 Member
    If you're doing all that exercise and not losing weight then maybe God didn't want you to be skinny.
  • Stop making up these excuses. Try to increase your protein intake and consume lots of leafy veggies. This will result in lower density of calories and you are more likely to feel full on a lower number of calories. For breakfast, Quick oats with water will be ~150 cal and relatively filling. For lunch I will typically have a large salad with a can of tuna and 1/4 cup of couscous for lunch when I am aiming to loose weight. I understand you will not want to have the tuna, but try to find a substitute that you will happily consume. Looking at your diary, I would try to cut out the bread and butter you are consuming, and have a balanced macronutrient intake throughout the day. (No low carb, low fat etc diets.) As i'm sure you are aware, the diet industry has a 95% failure rate, so don;t buy any of their **** they try to sell you. To conclude, Eat lots of veggies, some protein and carbs (not much sugar) and if you can, 30 min of HIIT 4 days a week should help.
  • If you're doing all that exercise and not losing weight then maybe God didn't want you to be skinny.

    Or you are eating too much. I burn over 10 000 cal a week by cycling, and I am gaining at ~0.3 to 0.5 kg/week.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Dang, some harsh comments.... ok. I think it would make sense to talk to a doctor. There's something that isn't working here, but to find out what that is, a physician will have to see if your body is working the way it's supposed to, or if there's an issue with correctly gauging intake, or with the types of food you're eating. Too hard to figure out on your own; enlist professional help.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Sorry I couldn't follow that

    But I looked at 3 days of your diary and you are not eating at a calorie deficit..so I don't get why you are surprised you're not losing weight

    You're also using 230 calories on fats which I assume you add to your coffee? Why? Swap it for a bowl of porridge (oat so simple) made with water, add a banana and a tsp of honey and you've got the same calories and a full stomach

    Swap the butter and mayo in your sandwich for light mayo and a lot more protein and salads

    Start weighing and logging accurately

    Stick to the calorie deficit and you'll lose weight
  • I'm no expert, so just ignore if you like, but it sounds to me like your not eating enough. Your body may be seeing starvation mode, even though you hit your cal intake, as you say your always hungry. There is no magic number, we all have different metabolism, so it might be worth trying to increase your cal by say 500 for the week and see if this helps! You can try a couple of carb full days, to help you feel full longer, then gently cut back after a week or 2. If your feeling hungry, your bod is telling you it's not happy about the food intake, and traditionally, carbs will keep you fuller for longer. Yo do heaps of exercise, and the energy levels needed for squash etc will make your body scream for food, so help it out.
  • jenversuslife
    jenversuslife Posts: 57 Member
    From a quick look at the past 2 or 3 days in your diary, you drink a lot of your calories: Relentlesa, Pepsi, Beer. Try switching to water (flavoured with fresh fruit or herbs, still or sparkling).

    Your sandwich is very calorie dense but is obviously not making you feel full. Have you thought about reducing the calorie content of your sandwich slightly and having it with a big low cal salad? Protein also makes me feel fuller, so think about what fills you and make the right choices.

    A trip to the dr may help, and also ensure you are weighing everything. I net under 1400 and always feel satisfied - it is possible!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    OK I've gone back a week and you are consistently eating 3-400 calories over your target

    You aren't losing weight and you're feeling hungry because you're not actually dieting

    You don't need a doctor, you need to eat at a calorie defecit

    Unless I am missing something
  • One extra tip, get your doctor or local chemist to check your bmi, my scales lied to me for ages and it's not till I checked with someone else's that I realised ! Get a professional to make the weight height and bmi measurements then immediately check your own scales and note any difference.
  • amehh91
    amehh91 Posts: 1,282 Member
    Fellow veggie here :) I've only been at this about a month but I noticed in your diary you have a lot of bread - perhaps you could swap this for crispbreads, cracker breads or ryvita on occasions? I don't really understand the coffee thing but the butter intake is quite high. I also noticed treats and stuff in your snacks - what I try to do is log my whole day accurately without treats then if I have any left over after dinner I can decide what to do with it. It means sometimes I have a treat and sometimes I don't get one but that's okay.

    Also with reference to your work shifts - could you have a more filling breakfast like porridge and water/skim milk and perhaps a slightly larger lunch at 11:30 to carry you through to dinner with your husband? Perhaps topping up with a snack at 4:30 like an apple or a couple of crispbreads.

    Sometimes if I am really hungry I'll make a hot drink and the feeling usually passes. Also your drinks tend to be the full fat versions, can you swap/start swapping to the diet versions, if not change to water? I have drunk diet coke for years as my main drink and this week I am actively trying to cut down and have 1 can a day (this has been hit and miss!) and drink water the rest of the time - it is quite hard but will be worth it!

    I don't think you need to be fitting in more exercise but I can't really offer an opinion because I'm a former exercise-phobe (working on trying to improve this!) so I don't know much about that's best exercise wise.

    Hope this helps!
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Yep looks like you're not in a calorie deficit.

    You're looking too much at the exercise (numbers are never spot on for burns).

    You don't need to exercise to lose weight (exercise for health).

    You lose weight by STAYING in a caloric deficit.

    Choose more dense foods to fill you up longer.

    If you've just started a new exercise routine it's actually more likely for the scales to reflect a glycogen flux gain.

    You need to get back in a deficit.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    People should look at the diary and there is no calroie deficit. This is the thing that matters for weight loss no matter how mucch exercise you do.
    Lots of stuff that could be cut out.
    Eat more fruit, veg and proteins. Things that will make you feel fuller and also help by being more nutritious.

    Its no surprise you arent losing plys other things like eating back calories etc all measured in an inaccurateway looks like they all add up to no weight loss.
  • BenjaminS_Fitness
    BenjaminS_Fitness Posts: 70 Member
    You don't need a doctor or chemist to check your bmi, it's nothing medical you are eating too much.
    i've checked your diary it does not look like you are even trying to get in a caloric deficit. you are making poor food choices, and you constantly overeat.
    Also why are you changing your daily goal every day? you should set a goal and stick to it and adjust if it is really necessary.

    Also anditask i don't want to attack you personally, but telling someone who overeats this ****ing often that she does not eat enough and her body may be in starvation mode is ridiculous and irresponsible especially without knowledge of that subject. have you even checked her diary? it got poor choices and bad macros written all over it. She does not even try as it seems. and always eat what you want/when you feel hungry would make most of us obese.
  • PashCaline
    PashCaline Posts: 22 Member
    I'm sorry that you are doing so much effort and not getting results that you would like.
    Remember to add any exercises you are doing on MFP, and you might see the deficit. Because you exercise it is normal to be more hungry.
    Also, don't let yourself starve. You should eat when your hunger is medium. Make medium hunger your friend. Eat what you really fancy with your mouth not your head and savour every mouthful. Take your time and Stop when you are satisfied (not full with stomach), when you are not interested to eat any more. Again with your mouth not your head and stomach. You will have pleasure of eating the food that you love but in smaller amounts. Variety of foods is healthy.
    If you feel like eating because of emotions, have a little break and focus on your breathing. Then go back to your activities. If you really need food to calm down, have one or 2 square of chocolates and touch smell let them melt very slowly in your mouth and go back to your breathing.
    I found for me that life is now, I savour the food I like not because I've been told this and that. And I feel I would stick better to a small deficit on my diet.
    Also more we diet more our weight will be higher unfortunately.
    I wish you all the best
  • BenjaminS_Fitness
    BenjaminS_Fitness Posts: 70 Member
    I'm sorry that you are doing so much effort and not getting results that you would like.
    do y'all even check her diary?
  • TheProudDadLife
    TheProudDadLife Posts: 654 Member
    Yep looks like you're not in a calorie deficit.

    You're looking too much at the exercise (numbers are never spot on for burns).

    You don't need to exercise to lose weight (exercise for health).

    You lose weight by STAYING in a caloric deficit.

    Choose more dense foods to fill you up longer.

    If you've just started a new exercise routine it's actually more likely for the scales to reflect a glycogen flux gain.

    You need to get back in a deficit.
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    I agree, you are eating too many calories. :flowerforyou:

    It takes practice...and a lot of hit and miss but you will start to feel more in control of your weight and hunger once you master the art of eating high protein/nutrition with fewer calories. Eating this way will insure you stay full longer and not so likely to be starving by the time you get home and anxious.

    Reading and searching the forum posts for high protein ideas and experimenting will get you going.
  • SunnyDuckling
    SunnyDuckling Posts: 204 Member
    I've only gone back a week or so in your diary, but you do seem to eat a lot of your calories from bread and butter. Are you able to use less butter? I'm curious how thickly you spread it on so that you're using 40 grams for two slices of bread?

    For a vegetarian, you don't seem to eat very many vegetables or pulses. The Quorn foods are a good substitute for meats, but they shouldn't form the entirety of your diet. As a former vego, I fell into the trap of not eating properly because I didn't know what to make when I didn't have a meat substitute. Vegetables are your friend! Find some that you love and eat them for energy and filling foods.
  • BenjaminS_Fitness
    BenjaminS_Fitness Posts: 70 Member
    I agree, you are eating too many calories. :flowerforyou:

    It takes practice...and a lot of hit and miss but you will start to feel more in control of your weight and hunger once you master the art of eating high protein/nutrition with fewer calories. Eating this way will insure you stay full longer and not so likely to be starving by the time you get home and anxious.

    Reading and searching the forum posts for high protein ideas and experimenting will get you going.
    the problem is that a lot of people want to eat the same food on a cut then they eat on a bulk only in smaller quantities, which simply does not keep them full.
  • lynseya83
    lynseya83 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks for all the answers.
    I was never doubting that I'm eating too many calories- what I was more trying to get at was how I could eat 300/ 400 less without being hungry since I'm already quite peckish after a day of work then 2hours of volleyball for example!
    I do over estimate what I put in to mfp to err on the side of caution. For example when I scanned the loaf of bread the other day it said x calories per slice- but I'm case I hadn't managed to cut 'a tenth' of the loaf exactly I put in 2.5slices. Just to err on the side of caution - I would rather over estimate than under estimate.
    Also, when you see 2portions of soup and two slices of bread for lunch, I had put a wee note to myself on the page that that was actually lunch and dinner - not all for lunch.
    The reason the goals changed a few times was just that I was playing around with ' lose a lb a week vs lose 0.5lb vs maintain' to see what the difference between the figures really is.
    Calorie wise, I would have thought that soup plus a slice of bread and butter would be similar to portion of cous cous with protein ( eg quorn or cottage cheese etc)? Not a massive difference to kill off 400calories a day anyway.
    Cheers guys!