Shopping for new clothes



  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I started shopping for new clothes after 50 pounds... Course when you're as big as me, the difference between sizes is HUGE. I now shop for clothes when my current clothes are becoming a bit large. I refuse to keep anything around if it is even the slightest bit to large for me. I shop at thrift shops and buy clothes that are fitting perfectly OR even a size or two too small if it's something I really like and it's a good deal.
  • JennyJiggle
    JennyJiggle Posts: 46 Member
    Sales are your best friend when you're still on the road to your goal weight/size. I'm spending as little as possible at the moment because nothing fits for very long at all - some shopping still required though to avoid looking like a slob.

    You should go for it, even almost fitting into a new size in jeans can be a good motivator to keep on going!
  • DreamCatcherGirl
    DreamCatcherGirl Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks guys. I think I wait a little bit. I any have to dig through my closet and look for some clothes that I could not fit before. But I cannot wait to go and get new clothes. It's a good motivation.
  • apparations
    apparations Posts: 264 Member
    Well, I waited far, far too long. I waited until basically every single thing I owned didn't fit and I started getting comments about looking sloppy. The second mistake I made was not saving any money for the entire new wardrobe I apparently now need! I guess I was so focused on the loss that I didn't really think about it (I'm not a huge shopper to begin with). So I had to go out and buy just the essentials and now I have a very empty closet and an even emptier wallet!!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I went shopping after I lost 10 kg (22 lbs). Big shop. However, half a year later none of them fit anymore - none. So buy something, just to make yourself feel better but remember that you will lose much more. I wish I didn't spend so much money at my first size drop.


    I've learned to try and go for a smaller capsule wardrobe whenever I can. Mix and match items a lot more than you may have in the past. Stuff like that REALLY helps.
  • BookAngel_a
    BookAngel_a Posts: 143 Member
    I second (third? fourth?) the comment about thrift shops. I like to get rid of my clothes as soon as they get too big, the nicer ones I sell on eBay, and the rest I donate or throw away. That gives me a little money towards new clothes.

    Shopping at thrift stores I can sometimes score a really expensive pair of designer jeans or even a coat/jacket - the problem is you never know what you are going to find. So it takes persistence, usually a couple of visits to find what I need. But it's a HUGE money saver. Once I needed to find a couple of dresses. I visited 2 thrift stores and managed to find 3 plus sized dresses that fit me, for only $15 total - one of them was new with tags!

    I also scored an adorable Ralph Lauren black jacket/coat in a size 2X, for only $2...I'm still wearing it several years later. Can't wait until I shrink too much to wear that though...

    *Edited to add that I do laundry once per week so I find that I don't need too many clothes when I'm in between sizes - a nice pair of pants or jeans, maybe 2 pairs, and a few shirts I really like, and maybe a skirt, can go a long way, plus the clothes I have in my closet from when I was a bit thinner...I work from home so don't need a fancy work wardrobe however.
  • sarahjane135
    sarahjane135 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm excited to shop in my own closet. It was so exciting to button and zip jeans that I previously couldn't get over my thighs. I can't wait to get into my other ones!
  • Strikingly_Jackie
    Strikingly_Jackie Posts: 21 Member
    Definitely use thrift shops and clearance racks and resist the temptation to get too much until you hit your goal! Happy losing!
  • biancad_1992
    biancad_1992 Posts: 30 Member
    I started shopping for new clothes as soon as mine got baggy. I live by look good, feel good.
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I was just thinking of this today. I reached goal (or a bit below) in February. In the spring, I was hesitant to buy much--partly because I knew I wanted to gain a bit of weight back, and I just started a heavy lifting program. So when I saw winter clearance clothes, I didn't stock up as I otherwise would have. As summer started, I bought quite a few things. While I still wasn't sure what size I would end up ultimately, I decided that I didn't want to wear baggy clothes all summer. (Unfortunately, I bought a lot of really cute dresses that I barely wore--in some cases, never wore--because it was such a cold summer!) Anyway, now it's fall, and I realized today that I'm really comfortable buying clothes, and stocking up, in my current size because I feel confident that this is about where I'll stay. And I figure the more clothes I have--and the more fitted they are--the more likely I will stay this size because I won't want them to go to waste, I'll notice more if things are getting tight, and I'll feel good looking cute in clothes that actually fit!
  • Kontxesi
    Kontxesi Posts: 86 Member
    I haven't yet. When I was at my heaviest, I was actually cycling through my boyfriend's shorts and my pajama bottoms. I probably should have been in 22s or even 24s, but I wasn't able (or willing) to buy myself anything new.

    When his shorts got too big, I was able to fit back into my old 20s. In July, I tried on a pair of size 20 jeans, but I couldn't even get them up over my thighs. It might have just been the brand or style (my thighs/hips are my biggest area), or I might have just stretched my old ones so that they fit, but it put me off of shopping for a while.

    When I reach my next mini-goal (245/15% lost), I'll be heading back to look for some winter pants.