1600 calorie diet...too many calories?



  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    MFP set me at 1610. It has been working just fine for slow and steady loss, although I think I will need to lower it a little fairly soon. Its a nice sustainable level...plenty of room for creative meals or dinners out now and then. I would advise you to try the levels MFP set you for a couple of months and see how it goes....you can always adjust later.
  • Alissakae
    Alissakae Posts: 317 Member
    When I started on MFP in July, the app told me to eat 1480 calories per day and I lost about 2 pounds per week (I'm 10 years younger than you and started out weighing a little less than you). Then I started working with a trainer and he told me I had to increase calories to 2100. This was scary to me....I was afraid I would not lose. But guess what? Eating an average of 2000 calories per day I have continued to do well. I am able to exercise a bit more than you are (45-60 minute workouts recommended by my trainer 3x per week and 40-60 minutes of walking or Zumba 3x per week) but I do not eat my exercise calories. So far so good, it's working and I feel better than I have in a long time. Don't be afraid to give your body what it needs!
  • Alissakae
    Alissakae Posts: 317 Member
    Oh...and the main reason my trainer gave for upping my calories was to give me "somewhere to go" if I plateau and to be able to lower calories as I lose without ending up starving!
  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    Stick with the 1600 and eat healthy foods....it will come off...I was where you are in feb this year...and I'm down 59lbs to date. I started with those same calories and did just fine. You will too! Be sure to count every thing you put in your mouth, it all adds up....you'll be fine! Add me as a friend for support.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    At 300+ you can sustain a large deficit - you could use 3000 calories a day from 100lb of excess fat stores. So no need to panic about an excess deficit for a good while yet.

    People like you are often put on VLCD programs to lose weight - 6 to 8 weeks at a lower calorie intake than would give people on hear heart arrhythmia - so if you're losing and comfortable stick with what you're eating.

    While some BMR formulae will suggest heavy people need more calories, that is often because you're off the scale off people used to derive the formula. The ones based on lean mass reflect the reality that 300lb people aren't 300 lb athletes but are very overweight 140lb people. 300 lb and 55% BF gives a BMR of 1700, 300 and 60% gives 1550 (Katch McArdle formula).
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    if you weigh over 300lbs then ur caloric intake should be atleast 3k calories daily to start... if you start low you will plateau and have no where else to drop calories, you need to slowly drop weight in order to maintain steady weightloss and not destroy ur metabolism.

    1600 calories is way too little dont drop them any more. please raise them up if anything.

    ^ what he said!

  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    You can do the low calorie thing but if someone tells you, you can eat more than 1200 calories and still lose weight why wouldn't you want to?
    a) I may want to lose quicker
    b) they may be talking BS and not be taking account of my circumstances and condition
    c) I may not be able to afford or want to eat more food

    to name but 3.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    At 300+ you can sustain a large deficit - you could use 3000 calories a day from 100lb of excess fat stores. So no need to panic about an excess deficit for a good while yet.
    Anecdotal evidence suggests this to me.
    I've seen plenty of people eat at a much higher than 1000 deficit to start with and been fine.
    Me, one of them. As I got nearer my target 10% body fat I joined up here with the intention of not under-eating too much. But with maybe 65lb of fat to lose I was happily losing weight at a higher deficit without problems.
    Making sure you get some exercise including resistance work is definitely recommended too - though not sure how it counts just general 'living' as most skinny people would have big trouble wearing a 150lb suit for daily life!

    I never plateaued specifically, but I did start to eat more calories and ensured I ate enough protein as I got down.
  • sallysuze
    sallysuze Posts: 65 Member
    Maybe I should tell my age too. I am 61 years old and if I try to lose 2 pounds a week, it will take me 1 1/2 years to reach my goal.
    Why is this a problem? In only six months you will be 52 pounds down! Heavens even 30 pounds will make a difference. Can you imagine how much better you will feel? How much more energy you will have? The good impact it will have on your health, your diabetes, your ability to live well and longer? And you will have learnt how to eat healthily and eat sensible portions without being hungry all the time.

    Whereas if you go after the quick fix, eating lower calories than you need to then you will be depriving yourself for those six months and then have a set back and then think I can't do this, it is too hard. In going after the quick fix you might find that will power and motivation don't last the distance as you are giving up so much, and maybe after six months you haven't stuck at it and you haven't lost even 52 pounds.

    Have you heard the story about the tortoise and the hare?
  • sallysuze
    sallysuze Posts: 65 Member
    You can do the low calorie thing but if someone tells you, you can eat more than 1200 calories and still lose weight why wouldn't you want to?
    a) I may want to lose quicker
    b) they may be talking BS and not be taking account of my circumstances and condition
    c) I may not be able to afford or want to eat more food

    to name but 3.
    I love option c. Presumably you have been able to afford or want to eat more food up until now? You haven't go to the size you have by eating 1600 calories a day, my guess is that you have been eating a lot more than that for a very long time.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    It certainly isn't too much! I'm 5'5 and now weigh 123.8 (as of today, woo hoo!) with a goal of 120, down from my original weight of 180lbs.

    I eat more than 1600 calories!

    Eating less is never the long term answer, it works short term but has so many unwanted side effects like loss of lean muscle mass, gradual slow-down of metabolism, mental and physical hunger/cravings, difficulty getting adequate nutrition...
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Why don't you try eating the 1600 calories and if you don't lose, then adjust? Give it a try. The cool thing about this is that it will make transition to maintenance a breeze. It won't feel like a diet, you won't be hungry, and you will have transitioned into a real life style change instead of a short term solution. I'm hoping and assuming you will keep exercising, so life will be great at 1600 plus regular moderate exercise most days of the week when you are all done.:smile:
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    Im 209lbs at the minute and eat 1600 - 1700. I was on 1300 for 6 months and felt that I was probably eating too much (I even exercised and never ate those back either) in reality I was scared to eat because your brain naturally tells you the less you put in your body the more you are likely to lose after all why would you keep fuelling a car when you want an empty tank right? Well it took me all this time to realise I was doing it wrong, hadnt lost in months and not treating my body right. I upped my cals from 1300 to 1700 only a matter of weeks ago and within the first week lost 4lbs, and weight is coming off consistantly now. I tell you this because I know how you feel, I still feel the same way and have a real guilt about eating ANYTHING but I know this is what my body needs. Really I should be eating more because my BMR is only 1700 and I work out at least 3 times a week but for medical reasons I gain weight easily so dont want the opposite effect. Try it even for 4 - 6 weeks and if you dont see result keep slightly tweeking your cals until you find what works for you.
  • Goodness! According to MFP I should be eating 1200 calories!
    I think I did something wrong. No wonder I am feeling completely wasted. Have started burning about 200 per day cycling.
    I need to lose about 10kg (think that is around 25lb)
  • ljm643
    ljm643 Posts: 2 Member
    Dear MFP friends:

    I'm being my fitness pal for almost 2 years and and never used these blog. I am 44 years old woman I've been struggling with my way for many many years but since March 2014 I decide to change my life. since March 14 I being dieting exercising I only had lost 15 pounds since then and one size of dresses but since then I haven't lost anything ales only discouragement I is been more than two months that I do not exercise and I'm eating out again eating bad stuff I know everything about nutrition good day eating now I'm doing some juicing but its just like I'm not going anywhere and I'm very discouraged. I'm now in the process of starting something of 21 day fix I did it for a couple months the calorie intake is almost 2,000 calories home I found it it was too much food but I did it I didn't gain any way but I didn't love any right now I'm so tired of trying so many stuff and release nothing working I don't see this dramatic changes like I have seen on an extreme makeover on Biggest Loser I know people have it worse than me right now are losing weight and me and watching in and I'm doing everything that I have to do with anything cheat I cheat even twice a week and I'm not losing anything I really don't know what else to do.

    I was walking for an hour 3 times a week doing weights for two times a week and then also keep oxing and that's how I lost the 12 15 pounds in the one dress size like I said I haven't gained it back but I haven't lost anything else home I start doing exercise I'm eating better home I'm not sure is a 2000 calorie intake the 21 day fix is telling me to do it will work because when I was in to 1600 calories with My Fitness Pal that was you know pulling me into this eve the loss of 15 pounds I'm not diabetic I'm not have any Taylor says finger yet I don't suffer from a traders or anything like that and that's one of my biggest reasons that I'm doing this because I'm almost home I'm on my way I am a hundred pounds overweight in town I don't want to suffer of those in this is like diabetes in a hole hi blood pressure heart attack I tried is not all that I feel very alone I feel strong but I can't I don't know what else to do I feel like I'm going nowhere very very discouraged! :(
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Dear MFP friends:

    I'm being my fitness pal for almost 2 years and and never used these blog. I am 44 years old woman I've been struggling with my way for many many years but since March 2014 I decide to change my life. since March 14 I being dieting exercising I only had lost 15 pounds since then and one size of dresses but since then I haven't lost anything ales only discouragement I is been more than two months that I do not exercise and I'm eating out again eating bad stuff I know everything about nutrition good day eating now I'm doing some juicing but its just like I'm not going anywhere and I'm very discouraged. I'm now in the process of starting something of 21 day fix I did it for a couple months the calorie intake is almost 2,000 calories home I found it it was too much food but I did it I didn't gain any way but I didn't love any right now I'm so tired of trying so many stuff and release nothing working I don't see this dramatic changes like I have seen on an extreme makeover on Biggest Loser I know people have it worse than me right now are losing weight and me and watching in and I'm doing everything that I have to do with anything cheat I cheat even twice a week and I'm not losing anything I really don't know what else to do.

    I was walking for an hour 3 times a week doing weights for two times a week and then also keep oxing and that's how I lost the 12 15 pounds in the one dress size like I said I haven't gained it back but I haven't lost anything else home I start doing exercise I'm eating better home I'm not sure is a 2000 calorie intake the 21 day fix is telling me to do it will work because when I was in to 1600 calories with My Fitness Pal that was you know pulling me into this eve the loss of 15 pounds I'm not diabetic I'm not have any Taylor says finger yet I don't suffer from a traders or anything like that and that's one of my biggest reasons that I'm doing this because I'm almost home I'm on my way I am a hundred pounds overweight in town I don't want to suffer of those in this is like diabetes in a hole hi blood pressure heart attack I tried is not all that I feel very alone I feel strong but I can't I don't know what else to do I feel like I'm going nowhere very very discouraged! :(

    First, this thread is 2 years old; if you start a NEW thread you will get responses geared to your personal situation.

    I had a bit of trouble understanding your post but want to encourage you so I responded. It sounds like you lost focus a couple months ago and stopped eating at a deficit which is why you stopped losing weight. You don't have to "juice" or do the "21 day fix" to lose weight, and really doing those things will likely end in frustration which might cause you to binge anyway.

    Have you tried following MFP guidelines by using a food scale to weigh your food, logging it and eating at the calorie goal set for you? I would do that for a month and see how it goes. Just start over now! You can do it if you really want to.
    RUNNING_AMOK_1958 Posts: 268 Member
    Yes this thread is 2 years old, but I finally got to your question. What I noticed was how you compared your efforts to those of The Biggest Loser and Extreme Weight Loss. Understand that those people work out at least 8 hours a day--hard. You can't expect, nor would you want to lose weight that fast.