Do You Have A Tip of the Day to share?

Weight loss, recipe, fitness... all tips welcome!

My tip of the day:

I could drink my calories in sugar/creamed coffee! I have really had to watch it since I started MFP. I recently realized something quite handy for this and I thought I would share it with anyone else who is looking to cut back without having to cut out on their morning Joe with extra sugar and cream:
I lose all desire to drink coffee after consuming fruit. Any fruit will do, but especially citrus. So, my plan has become to have only one cup and then munch on fruit and be done with it. It's working so far!


  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    My tip of the day: Don't focus on the scale. It is the very last thing to change in the entire weight-loss process. By inspired instead by your logging and your exercise. If you are doing well and within your targets, the scale has no choice but to eventually comply.
  • Jayma375
    Jayma375 Posts: 60 Member
    One day, one hour, one minute at at time......
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Weight loss is a lifestyle, not a diet. Eat what you enjoy eating and eat in a way conducive to your goals (e.g. higher protein for weight lifters, higher carbs for endurance athletes) and just eat less (10-20% below maintenance).
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    The best tip is education. Educate yourself as much as possible on the scientific facts about weight loss in order to avoid the never-ending river of BS that is floating around. It is a lifestyle change so if you have a bad day or week, so what? Big deal! Don't give up! Log it, forget about it, and just start over the next day.
  • SlimMe37
    SlimMe37 Posts: 133 Member
    Don't ever see falling off the wagon as failure. Just get up and keep going. Don't ever feel bad.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    I agree totally with Branstin. education is key and we all have unimaginable information at our fingertips with the internet.

    A tip that works for me, I get up and take the dog out for a quick walk around the yard when I feel like nibbling. Another thing that works for me is to walk up and down the stairs a few times (great for my fitbit count too). Another one that works for me is reading the success stories on MFP.
  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    My tip of the day is:
    One can never fail as long as they learn one thing from it, no matter how small.
    Also, work smarter not harder, doing 80 hours of something useless will never be as good as doing 1 hour of something worth while.