Worked hard to do well, but suddenly and slowly down hill

I have really lost my way....I had been doing very well (except for the weights). I've been very choosey on what goes in my mouth, barely any processed foods, was counting every thing and logging it in. I measured, weighed my proportions.
Help! the last 20 days and today, I have gone way over my calories and protien has been lower than it should be, with fat and sugars over once in awhile. I know that's not good, but what's bothering me is that it is turning into a reg habit, and I surely don't need that! I'm talking about coming pretty close to my goals but going over of course when I have the routine ice cream every night


  • IvyLuci
    IvyLuci Posts: 117 Member
    Sometimes you just need a break to realize something needs to change. Maybe you were being a bit too strict with yourself. Why not try pre-logging your day in a way that incorporates that ice cream at the end of your day? Maybe also try to include whatever it was that you ate most in these last few days. If you incorporate things you miss into your daily plan you will be less likely to go overboard.
  • RaspberryTickleChicken
    hmmm ...

    It maybe helpful to take a step back and reflect on what may have triggered the start of the series of unhealthy eating choices.

    In order to prevent future occurrence it would be good to understand WHY you started making unhealthy eating choices so that you can recognize the trigger(s) and avoid the same missteps.

    In the mean time, I agree with IvyLuci ... No one can be on track 100% of the time! I know that I went through a period of binging on crap for exactly the reason IvyLuci suggested above. I was far too strict and I get SO exhausted that I just go nuts! LOL

    What has been working for me now is adopting a new approach ... eating 80/20 (90/10 for me). Eat healthy 80% of the time & indulge 20%. This silly little approach has taken the pressure off to be on track ALL the time. It also has removed the guilt when I do indulge.

    EXAMPLES of 80/20:
    3 square meals per day: 21 meals per week. 80/20 = 17 Neat & 3 Treat meals over the week.
    5 small meals per day: 35 small meals per week. 80/20 = 28 Neat & 7 Treat over the week.
    2000 calories average per day (daily view): 2000 calories. 80/20 = 1600 Neat & 400 Treat calories per day.
    2000 calories average per day (week view): 14,000 calories per week. 80/20 = 11,200 Neat & 2,800 Treat calories per week.

    I have been using the 90/10 approach for a little over 2 months now and I've found maintaining now so effortless, stress free, and making this lifestyle change permanent. :drinker: (Just ALWAYS portion out the treat). :bigsmile:

    Best of luck to you!
  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    Thank you for your support and suggestions. I decided tonight I will go back to ore logging. Your right that does help a lot. Again thank you for your time.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    Thank you for your support and suggestions. I decided tonight I will go back to ore logging. Your right that does help a lot. Again thank you for your time.

    You can do this. You already have before:-)
  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    Thanks sushi,
    You were making good since with good suggestions. I know I will try them...however I did not understand the percents and the tidy eating (think I got that right). When or if you have time it would be wonderful if you would explain that. Thanks again!
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    I do something similar to what sushi said but with less math. I try to stay within my limit (almost) every day except Sunday. I "save" calories for Sunday and then pretty much eat what I want on Sunday, trying not to go over what I saved. It's been working :)
  • RaspberryTickleChicken
    Thanks sushi,
    You were making good since with good suggestions. I know I will try them...however I did not understand the percents and the tidy eating (think I got that right). When or if you have time it would be wonderful if you would explain that. Thanks again!

    Feel free to PM me. :bigsmile:
  • InGodWeTrust22
    InGodWeTrust22 Posts: 8 Member
    Try Luna Bars which are protein bars made for woman I had one the other day that tasted like a snickers. Had the peppermint one today that tasted like a thin mint girl scout cookie. They fight off my hunger for sweets and help prevent cancer.
  • pattigorman
    pattigorman Posts: 33 Member
    Thinking Sushi549 has a very good idea and has incorporated it well. Have had troubles lately too and sincerely want to try Sushi's idea.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I think we all go through that. A couple of months ago it was a little Dutch chocolate Blue Bell ice cream for me. I too had a little every night, but when it was empty, I didn't buy any more. So for my sweet tooth, I have found a great place close that sells the best frozen yogurt. Its so good, I like it better than ice cream.

    For other nights, I just eat fresh fruits for a snack. It's O.K to satisfy the tooth every now and then, just try and fit into your daily calorie goal, and if you go over a little don't stress over it. Just make certain that the majority of your days are good days, and you'll do just fine.