Alternative training ideas

Hi! I usually go through the gym three times per week with a rest day in between. I ride the vike for 20 minutes as a warm up, work on the machines (40 minutes) and 20 minutes if cardio at the end (fat burn and cool down). Iam going to start to work with the trainer ine if those three days, so i will do 20 minutes if cardio and work with the trainer for 3o minutes. Next week, I have to go to the gym the next day. That workout has to,be short My question is: what type of workout would be best to do for a short session: regular exercises but fewer sets?, upper body only? Cardio and lower body? Thanks!


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Since you'll be working with a trainer, it's best to let them design your program for you (hopefully it's a competent trainer). But generally speaking, for a short workout, i'd do a full-body workout 3x a week, focusing mostly on compound movements (multiple joints move, not 1 joint) and mostly freeweights and/or cable machines.
  • Weightlossdude53
    Weightlossdude53 Posts: 70 Member
    I only use the machines. I have used a few of the cable machines, but not recently. Only used the small dumbells (up to 12.5 lbs). Never used the free weights. The trainer didn't feel I was ready yet.
  • ysienkiewicz
    ysienkiewicz Posts: 86 Member
    I bought myself a set of exercise bands. I am going to get the trainer to teach me how to use them. I travel sometimes and they come in a travel bag. I thought it would be a nice quick work out for when I can't get to the gym.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    I've had to "push" the trainer to show me exercises with free weights, and when I told him I wanted to do bench press with the barbell he asked why LOL. Respect the trainer, but get him/her to challenge you. That's my suggestion.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    What's your goal?
  • Weightlossdude53
    Weightlossdude53 Posts: 70 Member
    Right niw, my main goal is to lose weight. I also want to increase my strength/tone my muscles and develop endurance. I was kind if "thriw i to the gym" because I won a won year membership in a cintest"it has changed my life. I have been going for three months, three times a week and already feel stronger and have lost 12.2 lbs.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Losing weight is about how much you eat. So that is taken care of outside the gym.

    As for what to do in a short lifting session:

    10 min warmup

    If you like machines and are more comfortable with them:

    Hit all the body parts with 3 sets of 8 reps each exercise. Circuit training. Pull and push with every part of your body. If you want, you could do an upper body day and a lower body day. Add 10 lbs each workout and stay there until you can hit 3x8.

    If you want to get really strong:

    Learn how to do the big 3 big barbell lifts (squat, bench, deadlift). Do Stronglifts or Starting Strength. Start light. Go slow. You can easily get a full body 5x5 done in 30 minutes if you are just starting out. Rest between sets can be 1 minute as a newbie.

    That's what I would do. But most important is finding what you enjoy doing and do that. You want to be doing this 10 years from now, so it better be fun. If it isn't, then it's just a diet and exercise which is profoundly boring.

  • Weightlossdude53
    Weightlossdude53 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks Tom! Yes, I intemd to,be doing this 10 years+! Imdomwatch what I eat and have lost 12.2 lbs so,far. I do 20 minites if fat burn cardio before and aftser my strength training. I tend to not restmuspch in between sets/machines, so,the strength trainkng os also cardio. I measure my bur. with an activity tracker.thanks for your input!