On nights tonight and need some motivation. Despite being under my calorie intake every day since monday,I still feel bloated working nights.
Due first weigh in on monday and feel like Im not going to have lost any. Been drinking lots of water and eating right foods but ALWAYS look about 6 months pregnant by the time I finish my shift at 0730!!!
Anyone got any tips on how to solve being bloated wud be greatly received!!!!!


  • bmbellamy
    bmbellamy Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks for posting. I feel this way too most days, despite eating healthy and trying to maintain my calorie levels and workout routine. Curious to see your responses. Good luck!
  • JennaK
    JennaK Posts: 43 Member
    Apple cider Vinegar is my best friend when it comes to water retention and uncomfortable bloating. I will take a couple tbsp right from the spoon and then brush my teeth afterwards because it tastes like crap!
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Would also like to see replies. The only thing I know of is diuretics, which are not the 'healthy' way to avoid this. Or less salt, if your salt intake is super high.
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    you could be having too much sodium, that will def cause intense bloating & water retention. See how much your sodium intake is, that always is a sneaky thing!
  • lounphill
    How do i check my sodium intake??
    Thanks for advice, might give the vinegar a try!!
  • willhare
    willhare Posts: 44 Member
    Take a look at your food diary nutrition details. Make sure that your sodium isn't high. Unfortunately, a lot of "light" foods are high in sodium. Salt will make you retain water and make you feel bloated. Hopefully, that's it, and you just have to find the right food to eat.

    I also think night shift is just typically tough on the body, having worked nights when I was in college. My cafeteria at work only had processed foods, etc., and I didn't sleep as well during the day, so my body constantly felt out of whack.

    Good luck!
  • willhare
    willhare Posts: 44 Member
    To see your sodium intake, go to the food tab, scroll to the bottom and click on the "view full report" button. You can also go to "My Home", click on settings in the sub nav, click on "food and exercise diary settings", and under the "nutrients tracked" section, select sodium in one of the drop downs. Then you'll see it at the bottom of your food entry page.
  • lounphill
    Great tip,added sodium intake in, although i always have had over half sodium intake remaining. Maybe it is just nights.Thanks for tips everyone,much appreciated!!!