Can't lose weight breastfeeding - hormones??



  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I never lost while bf'ing for over a year.
  • lizzieluv89
    I can't seem to lose the weight either. I have toned up a bit since I started doing Zumba at least three times a week. It was like this with my son too. I never lost weight until my cycle came back online (which was over a year post-partum). Even stopping didn't make a difference until my hormones were completely normal. Well, you know, normal as in not pregnancy hormones, still volatile as always.
  • Operationweddings
    Operationweddings Posts: 22 Member
    I lost tons of weight - easily during breastfeeding. Sadly, when I stopped I gained it all back.

    I wish someone would hand me their twins to feed - would be easier than dieting!

    I'm feeding twins- one all the time, the other about 50% of feeds- I've only managed to lose 7lbs in nearly 3 weeks. I've not lost anything in nearly a week!
  • unisheep
    unisheep Posts: 16 Member
    I am in the same boat: I am breastfeeding my 9 week old ... and weight loss is really slow. For me it is DEFINITELY the hormones. I am NOT adding 500 allowed calories for breastfeeding on myfitnesspal! That would be a recipe for disaster!

  • n1colesawchuk
    I nursed my 2nd daughter for 2 years. Could not lose weight despite my hard training and hiring a nutritionist. Than I stopped nursing and 10 lbs appeared around my stomach! Despite my training and everything - I can not lose these extra pounds and its been over 2 months since I quit breastfeeding! I've even seen doctors and they are stumped! Most frustrating thing ever. I just keep working out and eating well in the hopes maybe my hormones will settle out and the weight will 'magically' come off. Its really frustrating.
  • lbride
    lbride Posts: 248 Member
    I bf for 2 years, but did not try to lose any weight until about 7 months and then did WW and it came off 1-2 lbs per week. 1200 cals is so low - I don't know how you are doing it without eating a hand! I'd probably just increase cals to about 1800 and then try again in a few months or so. And just keep wearing the stretchy pants in the meantime.
  • 123Allyxox
    123Allyxox Posts: 112 Member
    It seems like some people can't lose weight while nursing, and some can't keep weight on while nursing. I am still struggling to lose weight but I've noticed it very slowly coming off as my son nurses less (he is 10 months now) Just eat healthy and exercise, you have all the time in the world to lose weight, only a few months-years to nurse your baby:) It seems like you could also afford to eat more, When my son was a newborn I ate more like 2000-2200 calories/day and lost a little/maintained.
  • QuillensMom
    QuillensMom Posts: 100 Member
    I gained while nursing both times. I am due next month and was still nursing when I got pregnant so never lost from last baby. With my first however she stopped nursing at 15 months and within 8 months I lost over 80 lbs. I'm obese so don't know if that changes anything with hormones, but I am going to try my best to not gain this time and just know once I'm done nursing it will come off. ....or maybe it will be different and I can lose this time while still nursing *fingers crossed*
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    have been trying to lose weight for over a month now on 1200 calories a day plus extra 400 for breastfeeding and have been sticking to this pretty much with some exceptions. I have gone up and down a few pounds but am the same today as I was one month ago.
    Sounds like you've found your maintenance level: 1600 cal.
    If you're 5'7" or less, 120 lb (1200 cal) is a healthy goal weight based on BMI.
    But if you're already at a healthy weight, losing more will be slow.
    And your body getting straightened out from the pregnancy hormones won't help.
    Maybe you should up you calories a bit you body might be holding on to the weight as it might be thinking it needs it due to the breastfeeding
    If she's not losing weight with what she's eating now, adding calories will not make her lose weight.
    Losing weight requires eating fewer calories than the body burns.
    All the "crap" you are ridding your body off (sic) while losing weight also goes out through the milk
    No. Burning fat produces heat, CO2, and water, plus things which stay in the body & contribute to its functioning.
  • mtnstar
    mtnstar Posts: 125 Member
    I could never drop the last 10 lbs while nursing. I breastfed 3 kids for about 20 months each. I figured out that doing an hour of cardio daily and circuit training with weights helped with body recomposition- ie: losing the belly and muffin top, gaining some muscle mass- was what worked for me. But I never really got my body back until about 2 years after delivery. I was very hard on myself because everyone always said "9 months on, 9 months off" but it took me a lot longer.
  • 415sarahb
    I did Weightwatchers when my first baby was 6 months old (and still breastfeeding) and went from 141lb to 130lb in about ten weeks, and that was including the extra calories/points they give you for being a breastfeeding mom. But I do remember being hungrier than I have ever been in my entire life, the whole time, even though my milk supply was not affected by dieting.

    I was 29 when I had my first baby, and 33 when I had number 2. This time it was a different story. I gained over 50 lb while pregnant, largely due to the family-sized bag of Tostitos I would consume each day. (I had hyperemesis and the only way I could make it through the day without throwing up constantly was to have my stomach 100% full at all times. And the only thing I could keep down was the food I really really craved... Tostitos). After my baby was born, I breastfed exclusively and slowly lost about 10-15lb over 6 months, while being careful about what I ate, walking everywhere for exercise. I did Weightwatchers again and my milk supply immediately took a massive hit, so I stopped. When the baby was weaned at 1 yr, I dieted and exercised and got down to 142lb, but have not been able to budge since until I started MFP. And that was 4 years ago.

    I think everyone's body is different. It is not as easy to lose weight as you get older, that's a fact, and I think even a few years can make a difference. Also every pregnancy is different and it all depends on how fit and skinny you were going into it... I was definitely not in such good shape for my second one (show me a working mom of a toddler who is) and it made it harder to bounce back afterwards. You also have to remember that pregnancy and breastfeeding are a duet - both bodies are affected, and affect one another. Your body will respond to your baby's needs and meet those first and foremost.

    All that said, I think if you are breastfeeding, it is good to track what you eat and drink, focus on lots of fruit and veg and protein and fiber, and keep processed and refined foods out of your diet. It's better for you and the baby, and sets you up to lose weight more easily when you are ready. Then all you need to do is cut your portion sizes. I also think you can and should exercise vigorously while nursing - again, it gets your muscles in shape and gets you into good habits that will pay off when you start dieting again.