Feel really crappy today!!

sairanasir Posts: 54 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I have been really bad today have eaten half cheese bage which is terrible and now one of my collegues brought me a croissant with nuts!!! yumm! i feel really guilty - but i want to eat it., does any one else have those days:sad:


  • Don't feel bad just do the work needed to work it off, work extra hard today, take the frustration of eating off program to work harder in your work out!!
    MOMvsFOOD Posts: 654 Member
    YES!!!! Put down the high carb low health foods and step away. You can do this.

    I was dying for fast food gluttony just a few minutes ago, logged on and just surrounded myself in MFP posts and info. Reminded myself how supportive everyone is, how people have taken the time to learn my name, and are there for me during the ups and downs.

    I ate my home brought healthy lunch, and now I feel way better. I read a story about a woman who at 43 almost died this week leaving her small children. Suddenly, my world got a little brighter :)
  • Nysie5
    Nysie5 Posts: 215 Member
    we are all gonna have those days, but you can say no, you can either feel guilty and eat it, or feel strong and not..
  • jenniffer86
    jenniffer86 Posts: 65 Member
    Heck ya! i gained a pound from last weeks weigh in... been eating fast food.. which I was sooo good and quitting! But this week has been extra stressful at work / school.. and I havent heard from my boyfriend in days..

    I'm eating chocolate as I write this... and it's 9:50am!! :noway:

    on the bright side.. Tomorrow's a new day, and that's means another chance to start again and do it the right way! :bigsmile:
  • Smays1208
    Smays1208 Posts: 15 Member
    Just drink lots of water and have a little taste. Make sure you work out extra hard to burn the extra fat. Everyone has these kinds of days every once in a while. :wink:
  • jr1285
    jr1285 Posts: 2 Member
    I had one of those months over this last winter vacation from school... Was kinda traveling in the wrong direction with my goals... It's a bit generic sounding, but you need to just dig deep!
  • I'm eating a big juicy cheeseburger with fries!! But I'm freaking starving. I'm used to eating like a horse....always have and I have stayed the same size for the last 3 years (I'm only 135, still skinny everywhere but my gut and that's from having 3 kids). Now I am trying to cut back on calories and my body is going into shock I think, lol.

    I'm gonna eat when I'm hungry and just start really working out and see after a month if I'm making any progress, if not, then I will start cutting back on calories again.
  • yes!!!! if you feel like you NEED it if not then don't. Drink a couple of glases of water, walk around a little, clear your thoughts and remember why youre trying to lose weight. Do you know how many empty calories are in that croissant ?? :-)
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    This can go several ways:

    1. You can resist, and choose a healthier option.
    2. You can have SOME and give the rest away, this way you have a taste but don't over-indulge.
    3. You can eat it all and feel guilty, and not really enjoy it.

    4. You can eat it, enjoy it, commit to extra workout time, and then move on.

    I would only say options 1,2 and 4 are the only viable ones. Don't beat yourself up over it- days like this are normal and human. Its what you do with them that matters- and if you think about where you are mentally, emotionally, maybe you can spot a trigger, and head it off at the pass.

    Hang in there.
  • Cruzita
    Cruzita Posts: 12
    You are good Siara! We have a plan and will support each other! :wink:
  • sairanasir
    sairanasir Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you all for your wonderful tips and thoughts!! - i am not going to EAT that croissant:devil:
    MOMvsFOOD Posts: 654 Member
    Thank you all for your wonderful tips and thoughts!! - i am not going to EAT that croissant:devil:

    YAYAYAYA I am so proud!

    Now tell Cruzita that too LOL
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    Thank you all for your wonderful tips and thoughts!! - i am not going to EAT that croissant:devil:

    Woo Hoo!! Good job!
  • cjeani
    cjeani Posts: 8
    Of course. You will have some days that will be more of a challenge than others, the key is to never be too hard on yourself, and when you fall of the wagon ~ don't allow that to be a reason to stay off the wagon, just get back on as quickly as you can, and possibly do a little extra exercise, or eat less the next day. It will balance itself out by the weeks end. And keep sharing and logging into the site for support. Tomorrow is another day. I had a bad day yesterday, I was over in my fat intake and proteins, so I'm making up for it today by doing more exercise and eating less by replacing one of my meals today with a salad.
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