Do I need to eat back the calories I've burned exercising?

mnishi Posts: 419 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Do I need to eat back the calories I've burned exercising if my daily calorie intake is 1200? I've read that if I don't have at least 1200 calories per day my body will go into starvation mode, but how does exercise factor in? Please help.

Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • 4Matt
    4Matt Posts: 26
    I've been wondering the same thing...hope someone knows the answer!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    I've heard that you are supposed to eat the calories you burn, in order to lose weight. I can see doing that if you want to maintain your weight. I thought in order to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you eat, so I don't get it. But I would really love to know!!
  • arbragg
    arbragg Posts: 73 Member
    Yes, eat them so that your net calories ( calories consumed minus exercise) does not go below 1200! I exercise so I can eat more :laugh:
  • Hi there,

    Here is some information from one of our 'experts' on this site, his blog is great if you read down a little he tackles this question and others; hope this helps you somewhat.
  • arbragg
    arbragg Posts: 73 Member
    You are most likely running at a deficit already, from what your body burns from normal daily activities. So make sure that you are getting at least the minimum "net" 1200 calories.
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    i really dont understand, if i burn off 1500 calories in a session, your saying i need to eat 1500 extra, so i might aswell not exercise then.............
  • @arbrag--
    I agree, I burn so that I can eat. Someone that is not doing this program said, "well that doesn't make sense, you are just breaking even." but that is not true. I know that if I didn't work this program, I would be consuming more and I would be less likely to workout on days that I feel tired.
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    You need to eat back at least half of the calories you have burned. It works like this

    calories eaten - 1240
    calories burned - 350
    net calories - 890

    890 calories per day is not enough for your body to function properly. 1200 cals is the bare minimum if you are laying in bed not moving too much.

    So in order for your body to be getting enough you would have to eat back 310 calories to make your net 1200.
    Make sense?
  • All_Mimsy
    All_Mimsy Posts: 49 Member
    Yes, eat them back. The great thing about MFP is that they already calculate a deficit into your daily goal WITHOUT factoring in any exercise. So if you DO exercise, you have to add those calories to your daily goal in order to get the minimum net calories recommended for your weight/goal/desired rate of weight loss/etc.

    I know it is confusing because other weight loss programs assume that you will be exercising a certain amount before they calculate your daily calorie totals. What I love about this website is that if I am sick one day or can't exercise for any other reason, I'll still have a calorie deficit built in. If I do exercise, I get to eat more as a reward! :)
  • mnishi
    mnishi Posts: 419 Member
    Thanks for the help everyone. I was just hoping to speed things up, but a pound a week isnt too bad. At least I'll get to indulge a little. Anybody that's looking for more friends, please add me.
    FAKECED Posts: 61
    The key is eating the right foods to replenish your body.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Thanks for the help everyone. I was just hoping to speed things up, but a pound a week isnt too bad. At least I'll get to indulge a little. Anybody that's looking for more friends, please add me.

    Treating yourself once in a while is recommended, but don't take that to mean that because your eliptical machine said that you burned 500 calories, you should eat 500 calories of chocolate cake. First make sure that the amount of calories you're said to have burned is accurate with a heart monitor. Secondly, replace the calories burned with calorie dense foods that help your body like fruit, nuts & nut butters, whole grains and lean meats & cheeses. This isn't an excuse to fill up on chocolate or white pasta!!
  • Yes, eat them back. The great thing about MFP is that they already calculate a deficit into your daily goal WITHOUT factoring in any exercise. So if you DO exercise, you have to add those calories to your daily goal in order to get the minimum net calories recommended for your weight/goal/desired rate of weight loss/etc.

    I know it is confusing because other weight loss programs assume that you will be exercising a certain amount before they calculate your daily calorie totals. What I love about this website is that if I am sick one day or can't exercise for any other reason, I'll still have a calorie deficit built in. If I do exercise, I get to eat more as a reward! :)
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    if you had an allowance of 2000 and had a great day at the gym and burnt off 2000 where would you stand on intake?

    does that mean I should eat 4000? if so I would rather just eat my 2000 and not go to the gym, its hard :(

    I always take my allowance before exercise and find this so confusing, I read the above links

    a very confused Stu
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Thank you, that makes more sense to me. I've always assumed you need to eat less than the daily goal to loose the weight but if they have already given me a deficit even before the fitness side of things that makes a lot of sense.
  • BMoynihan
    BMoynihan Posts: 5 Member
    if you had an allowance of 2000 and had a great day at the gym and burnt off 2000 where would you stand on intake?

    does that mean I should eat 4000? if so I would rather just eat my 2000 and not go to the gym, its hard :(

    I always take my allowance before exercise and find this so confusing, I read the above links

    a very confused Stu

    But the benefits of exercise go far beyond just losing weight. Not only will you burn the calories during the exercise, but your body will go on burning calories for hours after. Also your metabolism will speed up and your heart will get fitter. Your body also creates endorphins when you exercise so you will feel better for it.

    So yes you could just eat 2000 less calories and not go to the gym, but you would lose all the other benefits.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    sometimes I eat them,sometimes I dont.More often than not I dont.So far im ok
  • Bmorrow
    Bmorrow Posts: 169
    Do I need to eat back the calories I've burned exercising if my daily calorie intake is 1200? I've read that if I don't have at least 1200 calories per day my body will go into starvation mode, but how does exercise factor in? Please help.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Glad you posted this question. It almost seems weird that one could actually lose weight eating so much but I'll know Monday if it's working for me. New at this site but I want it to work and looks like a lot of folks are losing a lot of weight, so something must be working. Good luck on your journey. Feel free to add me as a newbie friend if you like.
  • Haha I'm just wondering this
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