Gas, Gas, Gas!

karljp Posts: 30 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Since starting MFP over a week ago I have drastically changed what I eat, when I eat and how much water I drink. This has had mostly positive effects on me, but I have noticed that in the afternoon, usually after a workout and a salad (see My Diary for details), my stomach rolls and gas pains are getting me most days. Now, I no longer deal with indigestion, but don't know if this is any better? Anybody else dealt with this, and if so, what do you recommend? Oh, I already bought Gas-X, but don't want this to be a long term thing, I assume my body and stomach will adjust after a month or so? Sorry to gross anybody out:-) :smile:


  • perfectly understandable question... Try limiting your carb intake. That seems to help my husband who is also doing MFP.. If that doesn't help try limiting your dairy intake.. Those are the two big ones that seem to upset your stomach..
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Drastic diet changes can do that :blushing: ... your body should adjust soon. :flowerforyou:
  • aling01
    aling01 Posts: 163
    can't view you're diary as its set to private i assume.

    but if you drastically changed your diet and are consuming mroe heatlhy foods that are high in fiber and or eating beans you will deff get gas. After a while your body should get use to it.

    I notice when i first tried quinoa ( my substitution fo rrice), more fiber and beans i get gas.
  • Your body will eventually adjust to your new diet. It is not uncommon for this to happen when you increase your fiber intake which you are probably doing to loose weight. If it gets too bad back off on the fiber a little and give yourself a chance to adjust.
  • I am only on day 2 of MFP, but I would say just keep eating what you are eating. The more used to it your body gets the better off you will be. If it doesn't get any better I would say check things out with your doctor. You might have an intolerance of something you are eating.
  • I take Bean-O when I eat broccoli on my salad. Some vegetables just cause more gas, especially when they are raw.
  • karljp
    karljp Posts: 30 Member
    Okay, sorry, made My Diary public now! Great advice and comments!
  • Yeah, I had a similar situation. While changing my diet I was substituting a lot of my snacks with things that were high in Fiber, because Fiber is good for you right? Anyway, a lot of the lower quality better tasting high fiber snacks contain chicory root. Extreme gas and bloating is a very common side effect of chicory root, and you would be surprised how many companies use this to boost their fiber value. I would check labels for this, it is also frequently called blue sailors, succory, or coffeeweed.
  • I noticed you are a fan of the Kashi products. They often use Chicory root, so do Fiber One, and Kellogs. It's really hard to find processed healthy-er snacks that don't have it. I've had to switch to pretty much just eating clean foods (fruits and veggies etc). There is a chance that your body will adjust to the fiber, but there are no guarantees.
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