Coffee does it slow down loosing weight?

I am an avid coffee drinker (only about 4 cups a day max) and love it . Will Coffee slow down the loosing weight process?


  • TheNewDanielle
    I quit coffee for one particular reason: I don't like black coffee... I add sugar and creamer (both terrible)... So I haven't had coffee in almost 3 weeks. I think it's definitely helped push me to lose weight more consistently, but I'm unsure if coffee keeps you from losing weight.
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    Hasn't slowed me down, I drink 2 cups a day, but try to avoid taking in calories through sweeteners, like sugar and creams. I'd maybe set a goal to cut what your drinking in half replace those extra 2 cups of coffee with 2 cups of water! Just a suggestion...water is always better. :drinker:
  • JayAlexander
    JayAlexander Posts: 268 Member
    I drink coffee almost everyday, I have to get up at 4am for work so it's more out of necessity! I have recently given up creamers and sugar from my brew though. The fat, sugar, and empty calories can really add up. Coffee seems to suppress my appetite though, so just make sure you are eating when you should be.
  • lweagle
    I just recently read that drinking 1/2 cup of caffinated coffee is good for brain function among other things. Sorry I can't remember all I read but it was all positive. But I think it should be black coffee only. If you have acid reflux then too much caffiene can have a negative affect. As far as slowing down weight loss I don't think so because I used to drinks way too much coffee but never had a problem losing weight.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Drink it every single day....hasn't effected me in the least.....its is my one treat I allow myself always!
  • mcphtm
    mcphtm Posts: 26
    I also am an avid coffee drinker. I have read in some places that you should not drink coffee while dieting, while other readings have said how good coffee is for you. One reason they say not to drink coffee is that it supposedly increases stress & stress leads to weight gain. It also states that coffee increases cravings making you eat more causing weight gain. So I can only assume it depends on the person and how you drink your coffee. Like me for example; I don't feel that coffee causes me any stress (I actually feel way better after having drank coffee, lol) and I don't tend to feel hungry during or after drinking it. I also drink my coffee black so that may have an affect on the lack of stress and cravings. Hope I have been at least somewhat helpful!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Jillian Michaels has black coffee on her list of fat burning foods (as opposed to the list of foods to avoid). I've seen online it's okay to drink a cup not long before a work out for that extra energy boost.

    I have my coffee (black) every morning. Sometimes in the evening. I don't think it will hinder weight loss.

    It is full of anti-oxidants. It has like 2 calories for 8oz.
  • seniorfaye
    seniorfaye Posts: 295 Member
    I have drank coffee for yrs. and yrs. Up until last fall I had always drank it black.When I started drinking it with creamer and splenda, I loved it!!! Now looks like I'm going to have to go back to black.....I wondered about drinking it with nonfat dry milk at least it has some nutrition in it....
  • chrysnel
    Like several other people mentioned, black coffee is okay in moderation, and if you choose to add something to it, that is what can slow you down! I used to use a lot of flavoured coffee creamers, and that added up to a huge amount of unnecessary fat and sugar. I cut back to Splenda and skim milk, then chose to stop using artificial sugars altogether, so finally took the plunge and went to drinking black coffee. It gives me that warm bit of caffeine that I need for a little boost in the morning, without all the added crap. On occasion I will add some Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Breeze - it's only 40 cals/cup so even if I use 1/4 cup, it's only 10 cals with minimal fat and no sugar, but it does add a little creamy sweetness :)
  • Skinnybab
    instead of creamers i use light whipped cream in moderation so it kinda helps is that bad. its not too many sugars and cals so I thought it would be ok. but i will definatlly try just 2 cups a day. Thank you
  • kbellnurse
    I am no expert, but I would have to say drinking coffee would have the opposite effect! While I'm not a big fan of fat burner pills etc, the main ingredient is usually caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant so there is no reason why it should make you gain weight. That being said I have also heard (as stated above) that coffee can be an appetite stimulant which could in turn lead to overeating I suppose. Something else to consider is the recommendation that you should have a cup (or two!) of water for every cup of coffee you consume to maintain proper hydration. If you're drinking a lot of coffee that could be a lot of extra water!. Anyway.. that being said..
    I love coffee! I always have a mug at breakfast (black) and usually a cup from somewhere else during the day. I always drink it black unless it's Starbucks where I throw in some cream. I don't do sugar (yuck sweet coffee)
    My vote is pro coffee for weight loss. :) You can't cut out everything you love..
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    I am no expert, but I would have to say drinking coffee would have the opposite effect! While I'm not a big fan of fat burner pills etc, the main ingredient is usually caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant so there is no reason why it should make you gain weight. That being said I have also heard (as stated above) that coffee can be an appetite stimulant which could in turn lead to overeating I suppose. Something else to consider is the recommendation that you should have a cup (or two!) of water for every cup of coffee you consume to maintain proper hydration. If you're drinking a lot of coffee that could be a lot of extra water!. Anyway.. that being said..
    I love coffee! I always have a mug at breakfast (black) and usually a cup from somewhere else during the day. I always drink it black unless it's Starbucks where I throw in some cream. I don't do sugar (yuck sweet coffee)
    My vote is pro coffee for weight loss. :) You can't cut out everything you love..

  • therese1982
    I love coffee. I also need to have it with milk and sugar. But I just add it into my daily calories. With that being said I use skim milk and raw sugar. It's not super sweet but just right. It's that ONE thing I will never go without. Yes I can avoid those full fat options at Starbucks, give me a skinny late' and I'm happy - but don't you dare take that away from me ;p
  • TheNewStacie
    TheNewStacie Posts: 187 Member
    Since being on here should be a lifestyle change not just a "diet" then I say tweak your coffee drinking to what you could see doing long term. A lot of people have stated blacks best which is completely true. The creamers (liquids worst) and sweeteners are what makes it bad. But putting a packet, possibly 2 of sweeteners like stevia and truvia shouldn't hurt and indulging with a creamer every now and then is ok. Honestly everyones body is different, so figure out the best balance for your body and make your lifestyle change based on that.
  • 305muscle
    305muscle Posts: 97 Member
    NO unless you load it up with alotta sugar and or creamer otherwise drink before working out caffeine will actually help make a great workout happen:drinker: